Author Topic: ‘Mental.’ ‘Utterly Stupid.’ ‘Trump Only Cares About Trump.’  (Read 3570 times)

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‘Mental.’ ‘Utterly Stupid.’ ‘Trump Only Cares About Trump.’


March 30, 2016 8:10 AM

From the midweek edition of the Morning Jolt:

A Few Trump Fans Suddenly See the Man They’ve Been Defending

Something odd is going on among Trump’s most ardent defenders. Start with Ann Coulter in this podcast interview with’s Milo Yiannopoulos.

COULTER: Moreover, I’m a little testy with our man right now.

YIANNOPOULOS: You are? Daddy’s annoyed you?

 (Yes, Yiannopoulos calls Trump “Daddy.” Because that’s perfectly normal.)

 COULTER: Our candidate is mental! Do you realize our candidate is mental? It’s like constantly having to bail out your sixteen-year-old son from prison. Let’s move past last night’s tweet — you know perfectly well what tweet I’m talking about. This is the worst thing he’s done. I mean the McCain thing– I would say there are only really two, liberals would say “oh, every day”, no, everything else I could probably defend. I could. I think. Most of that is them overreacting… But the McCain thing, that was a dumb joke, it didn’t work. Oh, well. Didn’t kill him. But that tweet last night…

YIANNOPOULOS: And he’s retweeting these images that are, like, ‘I don’t need to make implications, you know, the pictures speak for themselves.’ And a picture of Cruz’s wife and a picture of Melania!

COULTER: That’s exactly the tweet I’m talking about! No, you can’t defend it! This is when we’re bailing out sixteen-year-old out of jail!

YIANNOPOULOS: It’s so outrageously funny!

Then Newt Gingrich and Sean Hannity:

GINGRICH: Tweeting about, or repeating a tweet about Mrs. Cruz is just utterly stupid. It has frankly, weakened everything that Trump ought to be strengthening. It sent a signal to women that is negative, at a time when his numbers with women are already bad. It sent a signal to instability to people who may be beginning to say, ‘maybe I’ve got to get used to it, maybe I’ve got to rely on him, maybe he could be presidential.’ And frankly, it energized Cruz. The interview you just did is as good as I have ever seen Ted Cruz. He was clear, he was vigorous, he was prepared to be combative but at the same time he was getting into big issues and big ideas. My guess is he’s going to do well in Wisconsin. This ought to be a wake-up call for Trump that he had better rethink what seem to be the underlying patterns of his campaign.

HANNITY: For the life of me, I can’t understand when families and wives are brought into it. I’m sure he’s mad about the ad about Melania, I’m sure he assumed it was the Cruz campaign.

 Gingrich added, “I’m not sure anybody in the Trump campaign understands yet what a big mistake this is. They can’t keep doing this stuff and think they’re going to get the nomination.”

Now look at Stephanie Cegielski, formerly the communications director of the Make America Great Again Super PAC:

He doesn’t want the White House. He just wants to be able to say that he could have run the White House. He’s achieved that already and then some. If there is any question, take it from someone who was recruited to help the candidate succeed, and initially very much wanted him to do so.

The hard truth is: Trump only cares about Trump.

And if you are one of the disaffected voters — one of the silent majority like me — who wanted a candidate who could be your voice, I want to speak directly to you as one of his biggest advocates and supporters.

He is not that voice. He is not your voice. He is only Trump’s voice.

Trump is about Trump. Not one of his many wives. Not one of his many “pieces of ass.” He is, at heart, a self-preservationist.

 Trump supporters, no one should let you off of that bandwagon now.  You should be handcuffed to that Titanic you volunteered to crew.

Donald Trump didn’t suddenly change in the past few days, weeks or months. He’s the same guy he always was, the same guy that most of us in the conservative movement and GOP have been staunchly opposing for the past year. He didn’t abruptly become reckless, obnoxious, ill-informed, erratic, hot-tempered, pathologically dishonest, narcissistic, crude and catastrophically unqualified for the presidency overnight. He’s always been that guy, and you denied it and ignored it and hand-waved it away and made excuses every step of the way because you were convinced that you were so much smarter than the rest of us.

You were so certain that you had received some superior wavelength giving you special insight into the Donald; only you could tell that it was all an act. Only you could grasp that his constant courting of controversy was just to get attention from the media. Only you could instinctively sense that his style would play brilliantly in the general election and win over working-class Democrats. (SPOILER ALERT: It isn’t.) You insisted that you could “coach him.”

You came to those conclusions not because you’re smarter than the rest of us, but because you’re actually more foolish than the rest of us. You insisted Occam’s Razor couldn’t possibly be true– that Trump acts the way he does because this is who he is, this is the way he is all the time, and he will always be like this. You fooled yourself into believing that Trump was playing this nine-level chess that only you and a few others could perceive and understand. Only you could see the long game.

There is no long game. He’s winging it.  There is no grand strategy. There is no master plan. Trump doesn’t look ahead to the next sentence, much less the next step in getting elected.

 “Our candidate is mental?” No Shinola, Sherlock, some conservatives said this from day one and all we got for it was the alt-Right vomiting forth endless vitriol and profanity and threats.

Oh, what’s that? Trump’s Twitter behavior is “utterly stupid”, Newt? Thanks for noticing; six days ago you were telling the media there was absolutely nothing about Trump that worries you. Maybe your previous comparison of Trump to Reagan was frankly, fundamentally, profoundly wrong from A to Z.

“Trump only cares about Trump”? Gee, thank you, turncoat former insider, for this shocking bit of secret intelligence. News flash, some of us didn’t need to work for Trump for several months to figure that out. We saw it, we said it, and you called us liars for saying it.

Technically we’re supposed to welcome previous Trump fans-turned-foes with open arms. But barring some miraculous comeback by Ted Cruz, the Trump campaign will have cost the Republican Party the presidency after eight years of Obama, and perhaps the Senate and even the House – and Scalia’s replacement on the Court as well. Years of effort spent attempting to dispel the accusations of inherent Republican misogyny, xenophobia, hypocrisy, ignorance and blind rage have been undone by Trump’s campaign. And every Trump advocate in front of a camera had a hand in this.

We’re not just gonna hug it out.

Read more at:
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

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COULTER: That’s exactly the tweet I’m talking about! No, you can’t defend it! This is when we’re bailing out sixteen-year-old out of jail!

More like an 11 year old pre-adolescent boy.  It's pure Howard Stern stuff, and if it is turning Ann Coulter off, you can imagine what it is doing to mainstream women all over the country.

Bill Cipher

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Furthermore, Trump has now welched on his promise to support the eventual GOP nominee whomever that was. So not only is he all of the above, he's a promise-breaker too. 

Question Trumpsters: if your guy won't back the eventual nominee if it isn't he, then why in Gods name should I support your guy if he's the nominee?  Or are we going to play the childish game that's what sauce for the goose isn't sauce for the gander. Or that, like in Animal Farm, some candidates are more equal than other candidates?

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Light dawns on Marblehead.
"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. -Alexander Solzhenitsyn

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Philip Klein ‏@philipaklein  18m18 minutes ago

People who drive Trump & supporters into a tizzy: @megynkelly @LizMair @amandacarpenter @DLoesch  @MichelleFields Hmm...sensing a pattern

Jacob Weisberg ‏@jacobwe  43m43 minutes ago

Trump has done more damage to the GOP in a few months than Democrats have been able to do in 30 years.

Philip Klein ‏@philipaklein  8m8 minutes ago

Whoa -- @jimgeraghty justifiably brutal to Trump fans just now experiencing buyers remorse

Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.


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Looks like Zuzu's Petals are slowly reappearing in their pockets as they return from Trumpersville.

Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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When Coulter calls you mental, you really need to think rethink your life IMO.

Offline sneakypete

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"Now look at Stephanie Cegielski, formerly the communications director of the Make America Great Again Super PAC:

He doesn’t want the White House. He just wants to be able to say that he could have run the White House. He’s achieved that already and then some. If there is any question, take it from someone who was recruited to help the candidate succeed, and initially very much wanted him to do so.

The hard truth is: Trump only cares about Trump. "

That is exactly what I have been saying about him ever since he started running.
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Philip Klein ‏@philipaklein  18m18 minutes ago

Trump has done more damage to the GOP in a few months than Democrats have been able to do in 30 years.

Philip Klein ‏@philipaklein  8m8 minutes ago

Yup. That's the secondary reason he is doing this. He has been promised special treatment by the Clinton 2 Administration if he helps the most unpopular and least trusted Dim candidate in living memory win the WH. Treatment worth hundreds of millions,and maybe even billions in future contracts.

The question to consider now is "Will his monster ego,rape,kill,and eat his greed monster,or will he drop out as planned late in the race?
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When Coulter calls you mental, you really need to think rethink your life IMO.

Yeah,no kidding.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline Frank Cannon

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Re: ‘Mental.’ ‘Utterly Stupid.’ ‘Trump Only Cares About Trump.’
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2016, 11:18:12 pm »
Light dawns on Marblehead.

That's an old school phrase. Kudos.

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Re: ‘Mental.’ ‘Utterly Stupid.’ ‘Trump Only Cares About Trump.’
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2016, 11:56:51 pm »
Here's the thing.

Coulter shares the common cause of most Trump supporters... the destruction of the "GOP establishment".

Maybe (I doubt it, but I'm willing to give her the benefit of doubt) the inkling of an idea that the revolutionary destruction of the GOP by "the people" is a lot more masturbatory rethorical flights of fancy than a practical solution to the problems that face the nation, is beginning to cut through her protein-starved brain, and she's starting to realize that those seeking to overthrow the GOP elites have absolutely NOTHING set in place to fill in the void should they actually accomplish their task, and the frightening reality that the void will be filled in by a grateful DNC is making her nervous since she's one of those steering the GOP Titsnic into the iceberg.

Maybe she's about to start looking for plausible deniability scenarios for later, when distancing herself from the destruction wrought on the nation by the Trump candidacy becomes a matter of survival for her.

Then again, Ann also knows that the fall of the GOP and the ensuing unopposed reign of the DNC will give her lots of ideas for more of her mediocre books.
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Re: ‘Mental.’ ‘Utterly Stupid.’ ‘Trump Only Cares About Trump.’
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2016, 01:37:46 am »
Technically we’re supposed to welcome previous Trump fans-turned-foes with open arms. But barring some miraculous comeback by Ted Cruz, the Trump campaign will have cost the Republican Party the presidency after eight years of Obama, and perhaps the Senate and even the House – and Scalia’s replacement on the Court as well.  Years of effort spent attempting to dispel the accusations of inherent Republican misogyny, xenophobia, hypocrisy, ignorance and blind rage have been undone by Trump’s campaign.And every Trump advocate in front of a camera had a hand in this.

We’re not just gonna hug it out.

Elections have consequences as the current occupant of the White House has noted.

Bill Cipher

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Re: ‘Mental.’ ‘Utterly Stupid.’ ‘Trump Only Cares About Trump.’
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2016, 12:40:58 pm »
Elections have consequences as the current occupant of the White House has noted.

Yes they do.

Offline sneakypete

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Re: ‘Mental.’ ‘Utterly Stupid.’ ‘Trump Only Cares About Trump.’
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2016, 07:58:10 pm »
Elections have consequences as the current occupant of the White House has noted.


Technically we’re supposed to welcome previous Trump fans-turned-foes with open arms. But barring some miraculous comeback by Ted Cruz, the Trump campaign will have cost the Republican Party the presidency after eight years of Obama, and perhaps the Senate and even the House – and Scalia’s replacement on the Court as well.  Years of effort spent attempting to dispel the accusations of inherent Republican misogyny, xenophobia, hypocrisy, ignorance and blind rage have been undone by Trump’s campaign.And every Trump advocate in front of a camera had a hand in this.

We’re not just gonna hug it out.

Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!


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Re: ‘Mental.’ ‘Utterly Stupid.’ ‘Trump Only Cares About Trump.’
« Reply #16 on: March 31, 2016, 08:09:55 pm »
The Trump side, with their fervent desire to destroy the GOP are those you see hoping for a civil war II.  They have no desire to save America, only a hope to cause it's destruction - as they see it as a hopeless corrupt nation.

Their end goal is to build a 'purified' nation over the corpse of America.

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"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx

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Re: ‘Mental.’ ‘Utterly Stupid.’ ‘Trump Only Cares About Trump.’
« Reply #18 on: March 31, 2016, 08:54:05 pm »
The Trump side, with their fervent desire to destroy the GOP are those you see hoping for a civil war II.  They have no desire to save America, only a hope to cause it's destruction - as they see it as a hopeless corrupt nation.

Their end goal is to build a 'purified' nation over the corpse of America.

I'm not so sure they aren't right,but disagree about the "purified" thing. I think the nation is so far gone now down into the bottomless pit of fascism/socialism that a revolution is the only thing that can save America. Voting damn sure isn't going to do it,now that anybody can vote regardless of who they are,where they came from,or even if they are citizens.  They are going to continue to vote for "more free stuff",and with each passing election there are going to be more of them then there are Americans who want a Constitutional Republic.

The ONLY way to save America as a free and independent nation is to immediately shut down 3rd world immigration and refugee entrants,and to go back to restricting voting to ONLY citizens that are property owners. We also need to immediately kill this "dual-citizenship nonsense". Nobody can be loyal to TWO countries at once,and we need to make people make up their minds by either killing their US citizenship or killing their foreign citizenship,their choice which gets eliminated. If Israel,France,England,or any other damn place is more important to you than the US,you need to move your ass to Israel,France,England,or any other damn place you value more.

Do YOU see ANY politicians with the stones to even promote ONE of the above programs? Me,either. That means revolution is the only possible solution,and it had better happen before 2020 or it will be too late.
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Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: ‘Mental.’ ‘Utterly Stupid.’ ‘Trump Only Cares About Trump.’
« Reply #19 on: March 31, 2016, 08:55:49 pm »

I'm not so sure they aren't right,but disagree about the "purified" thing. I think the nation is so far gone now down into the bottomless pit of fascism/socialism that a revolution is the only thing that can save America. Voting damn sure isn't going to do it,now that anybody can vote regardless of who they are,where they came from,or even if they are citizens.  They are going to continue to vote for "more free stuff",and with each passing election there are going to be more of them then there are Americans who want a Constitutional Republic.

The ONLY way to save America as a free and independent nation is to immediately shut down 3rd world immigration and refugee entrants,and to go back to restricting voting to ONLY citizens that are property owners. We also need to immediately kill this "dual-citizenship nonsense". Nobody can be loyal to TWO countries at once,and we need to make people make up their minds by either killing their US citizenship or killing their foreign citizenship,their choice which gets eliminated. If Israel,France,England,or any other damn place is more important to you than the US,you need to move your ass to Israel,France,England,or any other damn place you value more.

Do YOU see ANY politicians with the stones to even promote ONE of the above programs? Me,either. That means revolution is the only possible solution,and it had better happen before 2020 or it will be too late.

Revolution by whom? Property owners are drastically outnumbered in this country. Why would they participate to be disenfranchised?

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Re: ‘Mental.’ ‘Utterly Stupid.’ ‘Trump Only Cares About Trump.’
« Reply #20 on: March 31, 2016, 09:07:27 pm »
Revolution by whom? Property owners are drastically outnumbered in this country. Why would they participate to be disenfranchised?

You seem to be confused,or I am not understanding your point.

Who cares if property owners are outnumbered? The Welfare Brigades are no danger to them. They won't even work to provide for themselves,so they damn sure won't be fighting. Not even to protect their gubbermint housing. After all,it ain't theirs,is it?

Especially if it means they have to stay sober and get out of bed before noon.

IF it ever happens,which I regrettably confess to having doubts about,my GUESS is most of the people that will be primed to revolt are the younger people who have worked hard with dreams of owning their own homes,sending their children to good schools,and having nice things will be in the majority of the revolutionaries. After all they have the most to be pissed off about because they are the ones being taxed into poverty in order to feed,clothe,and house foreigners and Americans too lazy to work.

As is usual with revolutions,it won't be the landed gentry with homes,cars,creature comforts,and some slim chance of security that will be involved,it will be the young,hungry,and disaffected charging the barricades,and it will be the cops and in some cases,the military protecting the slugs that comprise the status quo. People with homes and comforts already paid for are not about to fight until you try to evict them,although I  have very little doubt they will come charging out of the gates with blood in their eyes if the government is stupid enough to declare Martial Law and start confiscating their guns. And I have very little doubt the government really IS that stupid.
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Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: ‘Mental.’ ‘Utterly Stupid.’ ‘Trump Only Cares About Trump.’
« Reply #21 on: March 31, 2016, 09:16:37 pm »
You seem to be confused,or I am not understanding your point.

Who cares if property owners are outnumbered? The Welfare Brigades are no danger to them. They won't even work to provide for themselves,so they damn sure won't be fighting. Not even to protect their gubbermint housing. After all,it ain't theirs,is it?

Especially if it means they have to stay sober and get out of bed before noon.

IF it ever happens,which I regrettably confess to having doubts about,my GUESS is most of the people that will be primed to revolt are the younger people who have worked hard with dreams of owning their own homes,sending their children to good schools,and having nice things will be in the majority of the revolutionaries. After all they have the most to be pissed off about because they are the ones being taxed into poverty in order to feed,clothe,and house foreigners and Americans too lazy to work.

As is usual with revolutions,it won't be the landed gentry with homes,cars,creature comforts,and some slim chance of security that will be involved,it will be the young,hungry,and disaffected charging the barricades,and it will be the cops and in some cases,the military protecting the slugs that comprise the status quo. People with homes and comforts already paid for are not about to fight until you try to evict them,although I  have very little doubt they will come charging out of the gates with blood in their eyes if the government is stupid enough to declare Martial Law and start confiscating their guns. And I have very little doubt the government really IS that stupid.

Let's say voting returns to property owners, wouldn't the same process just repeat itself again? Eventually the vote would be extended to more and more people, and we'd have the same situation all over again? I just read an interesting article on how in the 1800 election, they had a law like that in New York, so one party (anti-federalists maybe?) somehow encouraged a situation which allowed thousands of people to co-own the same piece of property (like a corporation) and enabling them to vote. It was interesting. I'll have to look for the article.

I don't think setting up alternative government is the answer. We don't need better laws, we need better voters. Which means more education. And better education. Not necessarily through schools.

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Re: ‘Mental.’ ‘Utterly Stupid.’ ‘Trump Only Cares About Trump.’
« Reply #22 on: March 31, 2016, 09:38:18 pm »
Let's say voting returns to property owners, wouldn't the same process just repeat itself again? Eventually the vote would be extended to more and more people, and we'd have the same situation all over again?

Not if the people are wise,and if it does happen again 200 years later,"Wash and repeat."

I just read an interesting article on how in the 1800 election, they had a law like that in New York, so one party (anti-federalists maybe?) somehow encouraged a situation which allowed thousands of people to co-own the same piece of property (like a corporation) and enabling them to vote. It was interesting. I'll have to look for the article.

Please do. Sounds like the parasitic empire building class was already at work even back then.

I don't think setting up alternative government is the answer. We don't need better laws, we need better voters. Which means more education. And better education. Not necessarily through schools.
What we need is to go back to being a Constitutional Representative Republic,and stomp out that "democratic" nonsense any time it raises it's stupid and greedy head. We don't need new laws. What we need to do is go back to being governed by our old laws,where individuals had rights,not whole classes of people having the right to take rights away from individuals due to having the power of numbers.
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Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: ‘Mental.’ ‘Utterly Stupid.’ ‘Trump Only Cares About Trump.’
« Reply #23 on: March 31, 2016, 09:46:52 pm »


Although we have arrived at that point only once, in 1876, vote manipulation in presidential elections goes back to the very beginning. In 1800, Aaron Burr circumvented New York's requirement that voters own a minimum amount of property by persuading landless Republicans to pool their funds and purchase enough as "joint tenants" to meet the requirement. The special magic of the joint tenancy was that each tenant, no matter how large the group or how small his contribution, "owned" the entire estate. The Federalists responded by locating a loophole in New Jersey law, which did not specifically exclude women from voting. They marched their wives, daughters, and any other females they could find to the polls and buried the male Republican vote.

Article is from 1980, interestingly enough. Apparently they were afraid that John Anderson would pull enough votes away from Reagan where it would end up in the HoR.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2016, 09:47:15 pm by Weird Tolkienish Figure »

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Re: ‘Mental.’ ‘Utterly Stupid.’ ‘Trump Only Cares About Trump.’
« Reply #24 on: March 31, 2016, 09:48:03 pm »
.... I just read an interesting article on how in the 1800 election, they had a law like that in New York, so one party (anti-federalists maybe?) somehow encouraged a situation which allowed thousands of people to co-own the same piece of property (like a corporation) and enabling them to vote. ...

I just thought of the answer to that riddle. Let's say for the purpose of this argument that there are 1,000 "co-owners/stock holders". Since from a legal POV they all speak as one through the board,the obvious answer is all thousand of them vote in a co-op election,and the co-op cast ONE vote that speaks for all of them. After all,they each own 1 1 thousandth of a vote.

BTW,since they have already voted in a closed co-op vote and the co-op cast their vote for them,they can't vote again as individuals even if they are the single owners of another property.

Hey! Ain't collectivism great? (G)
« Last Edit: March 31, 2016, 09:48:34 pm by sneakypete »
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!