Author Topic: Atheist lawmaker: 'I'd ... mow everybody down.' Wild gun diatribe marks new low for politician who previously sued God  (Read 299 times)

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Atheist lawmaker: 'I'd ... mow everybody down'
Wild gun diatribe marks new low for politician who previously sued God
Published: 9 hours ago

He’s sued God, blasted the Bible and tried to tax churches, and now he’s taken his political rhetoric to a whole new level, promising, “If I was a white guy, I’d go get my semiautomatic weapon and come down here and mow everybody down.”

The comments come from independent state Sen. Ernie Chambers of Omaha, Nebraska.

The Lincoln Journal-Star reported Chambers’ newest comments came during a debate in the legislature on a plan to prohibit job discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Described by the report as “visibly frustrated,” Chambers explained he was watching the discussion from his office for a reason.

“If I was up here I’d probably pick these books up and start throwing them around. If I was a white guy, I’d go get my semiautomatic weapon and come down here and mow everybody down,” the report quoted him saying.

Lest anyone think something could be done to the politician, the report notes that lawmakers are immune from criminal or civil liability for “things they say during legislative debate or public hearings.’

Nevertheless, state Sen. Lydia Brash of Bancroft said, “That’s not what we need to be talking about today.”

The biblical mandate for armed self-defense – especially in church! Get “Shooting Back” today!

One year ago, Chambers compared police officers in America to Islamic terrorists. And he suggested at the time he would shoot a cop if only he had a weapon.

“My ISIS is the police,” Chambers said then, explaining officers can shoot people if they “think” they’re going to do something, such as pull a weapon.

“The police are licensed to kill us – children, old people,” he said.

Months ago, Chambers attacked the Keystone XL Pipeline project. In January 2014, he introduced a bill to collect more revenue by taking away churches’ property-tax exemptions.

He also publicly blasted the Catholic Church, the Bible and Christians.


State Sen. Ernie Chambers, I-Omaha, Neb.

In 2008, he demanded from a court a “permanent injunction ordering [God] to cease certain harmful activities and the making of terroristic threats.”

Chambers was appearing before Douglas County District Judge Marlon Polk. An atheist, Chambers requested that the court acknowledge the presence of God in the courtroom so he wouldn’t be required to “serve notice” of the trial, according to the Omaha World-Herald.

The court had previously told Chambers the lawsuit would be thrown out if he was unable to serve notice to his Creator.

Chambers responded by arguing he attempted to contact God on multiple occasions and he should not be required to verify his existence when the U.S. government acknowledges him by printing “In God We Trust” on its currency.

Chambers sued God for creating “fearsome floods, egregious earthquakes, horrendous hurricanes, terrifying tornadoes, pestilential plagues, ferocious famines, devastating droughts, genocidal wars, birth defects and the like.”

Chambers also blames God for causing “calamitous catastrophes resulting in the wide-spread death, destruction and terrorization of millions upon millions of the Earth’s inhabitants including innocent babes, infants, children, the aged and infirm without mercy or distinction.”

WND columnist Les Kinsolving reported as far back as 2002 on Chambers’ antics.

He wrote that a suburban Omaha, Nebraska, Rotary club was in hot water for hosting as its guest speaker Chambers, who was a Democrat at the time and later listed himself as independent.

The president the Catholic League for Civil and Religious Rights, William Donahue, said Chambers is “an anti-Catholic, anti-Semitic, racist state senator who hates America.”

“Here’s the proof: He has engaged in the most virulent anti-Catholic remarks while opposing school vouchers; he has disfigured Catholic devotional objects and distributed them to his colleagues; he has been denounced by several leading Jews for his anti-Semitic remarks; his comments regarding white people have earned him the label ‘One of the biggest racists in Omaha’; he has been crassly dismissive over 9-11 saying: ‘It didn’t affect me at all’; and he has accused President Bush of being a drunken moral coward who is bent on starting World War III.”