Author Topic: 9-Year-Old Boy Badly Beaten by Migrants: Whose Side Are the German Police On?  (Read 498 times)

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9-Year-Old Boy Badly Beaten by Migrants: Whose Side Are the German Police On?

Posted on March 20, 2016 by Baron Bodissey   

Sadly enough, he incident described in the following video is probably typical of what is happening in Germany these days, what with the ever-increasing numbers of “refugees” showing up to enrich German culture with their rape, rapine, and miscellaneous mayhem.

What makes this story different is the behavior of the police after the family filed a report about the severe beating inflicted on their nine-year-old son by much older asylum-seekers. Rather than hunt down and arrest the perpetrators, the cops chose to harass the boy’s father for doing what he could to deter further violence by the “youths”.

Not knowing what else to do, the boy’s mother used her phone to record this video, and then uploaded it in the faint hope that it might somehow, somewhere do some good.

Many thanks to Nash Montana for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


0:00         Hello, dear people. I want to tell you the following.
0:04         My son Tyron played soccer on March 12 for the MSV Ludwigshafen.
0:08         After his game he and a few of his friends from the team
0:14         walked over to (…) to play more soccer.
0:18         Unauthorized.
0:21         Asylum seekers showed up.
0:24         After a short time, fights broke out because of a ‘foul’.
0:28         A 14-year-old punched my son in the face with his fist.
0:32         Tyron defended himself.
0:35         Four more asylum seekers attacked Tyron.
0:38         His friends managed to pull three of them away.
0:44         The 14-year-old and a 17-year-old were still on top of Tyron.
0:49         The 17-year-old was the brother of the 14-year-old.
0:53         The 17-year-old pushed Tyron to the ground,
0:57         and with his hands he started to choke him,
1:00         and the 14-year-old kept punching Tyron in the face.
1:10         His face is all swollen up, completely blue, everything swelled, hematoma,
1:23         When his friends then managed to pull those two away from Tyron,
1:28         they called me and said that five asylum seekers attacked Tyron,
1:32         that he has a black eye and his face is all swollen,
1:36         that we had to come.
1:39         My husband called the police and said I need a squad car to (…) street;
1:44         my son, who is 9 years old, was jumped by 14- and 17-year-old asylum seekers,
1:48         five of them ranging in age from 14 to 17; he was beaten.
1:56         The cop said to my husband, get your son, come to the police station,
2:00         file a report.
2:03         My husband said, ooookay…?,
2:06         my husband went to his wardrobe, got out his alarm gun,
2:10         from Silvester [New Year’s Eve], put it in his pocket.
2:14         If we’re honest, we all know what it looks like presently in that street,
2:19         and not a soul would walk in there without self protection.
2:25         We did try to call the police; they didn’t wanna come,
2:29         and therefore my husband didn’t see any other choice.
2:34         We got in the car, my husband and a friend, got in and drove out
2:40         to (…) street, picked up Tyron, got him in the car.
2:45         Then we tried to find the kids who did that.
2:50         Tyron’s friends were still there, we walked (…),
2:56         wanted to set this straight, then the mother came down,
3:00         and those kids were there too.
3:03         the mother was yelling the whole time.
3:06         Nobody understood; she didn’t speak German,
3:09         and the kids too only spoke broken German.
3:12         Within thirty seconds there were suddenly 20 asylum seekers standing around,
3:19         and suddenly pieces of wood and broom sticks flew out of the windows,
3:26         and my husband, as the 17-year-old walked up to my husband,
3:29         he pulled his alarm gun, but he didn’t point it at the guy, he only showed it,
3:34         for deterrence.
3:37         What did the 17-year-old say? Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot!
3:41         My husband was perplexed, put his gun back
3:44         in his back pocket and said ‘two minutes’. He went to the car.
3:48         In the meantime the mother of one of my son’s friends arrived,
3:52         she as well had already called the police.
3:56         The police asked her, ‘Well, is there an actual fight going on now?’
4:00         She said, ‘Oh yes, there’s a fight right now, please come quick.’
4:05         Yeah. Only then did the police show up.
4:08         With two ambulances, because that woman’s daughter also was injured,
4:12         when the 17-year-old grabbed her and threw her against an iron bar.
4:16         She got hurt on her back and shoulder.
4:19         She was in one ambulance, Tyron was in the other one,
4:23         with suspected cheek bone fracture and a punctured eardrum.
4:27         We were at the hospital for two hours, (…)
4:31         Thank God only intensive bruising, hematoma, but no fractures,
4:35         and his eardrum was also intact.
4:39         The police officer on location said we shouldn’t set our hopes so high,
4:45         because of the report, because of battery, he didn’t think
4:49         it was gonna go anywhere.
4:53         We arrive back home,
4:57         we go to bed, all is normal.
5:00         Then in the morning at 8, my doorbell rang like crazy, and it rang and it rang.
5:06         I went to the kitchen window, to see who’s at my door.
5:10         There’s a white delivery van, with tinted windows, Mainz license plate, two men.
5:15         “Uh, is that your car, sorry we hit it, would you please come outside.”
5:20         I said, one moment I’ll send you my husband.
5:24         My husband looks, then opens the window, checks around, and says,
5:28         “You hit my car?” “Yeah, we accidentally drove into your car,
5:31         there’s a small scratch, just please come on out.”
5:34         That was very suspicious, he called the police,
5:38         on his cell, and said “listen we live at (…) street, there’s a white delivery van,
5:42         with Mainz license plates, at my front door two men, they’re wearing black gloves.
5:46         Do you know anything?” “No we don’t’ know anything, stay in your apartment,
5:52         we will send a squad car out to you.”
5:56         My husband in the meantime is standing on the stairway;
6:00         Said, “You can talk to the police on my phone, they said we shouldn’t open the door.”
6:04         So they got fed up, they opened their coats, and on their shirts it said POLICE.
6:09         And eight, nine, ten men stormed out of the van, Federal Border Police!
6:15         There they stood suited up in camouflage, with their
6:19         orange protective goggles, totally armed to the teeth,
6:23         at our front door.
6:27         My husband said, “The police told me not to open the door.”
6:32         So when my husband still wasn’t going to open the door,
6:36         these gentlemen went to the van, got out a battering ram,
6:39         and they were going to ram open our door!
6:42         Then my husband opened the door, three officers walked in,
6:46         threw my husband to the ground, and tied his hands with cable ties.
6:50         Then they stood him up, and they asked him, “Do you have a gun?”
6:57         He said, “Yeah, no problem, I have an alarm gun, I can give it to you.
7:01         Why this drama? You could just have asked me, I’d have given it to you.”
7:06         This is what happened, but the order states it differently,
7:12         facts are being twisted, that he was on the playground,
7:16         that he searched out this family, that he pulled the gun and pointed it
7:20         at the 14-year-old and threatened him, which isn’t true either,
7:25         and the report from us against these refugees for bodily harm
7:31         of our son was considered questionable.
7:36         So at our house they create this big fuss, came here
7:39         at 8 in the morning with Federal Border Police,
7:42         because of an alarm gun?
7:45         Uh, in our federal basic law it says we have protection of integrity.
7:51         I doubt that my son looks as if his integrity is intact.
7:58         I don’t know what I should do,
8:01         Should I go public?… since the incident, my son doesn’t wanna
8:05         go out alone anymore, he doesn’t wanna ride his bike alone anymore,
8:09         he only wants to be with us, at night he has nightmares about it.
8:13         He sleeps restlessly, he screams, he fights, he kicks and flails around,
8:19         I am very concerned for my child, and there’s a police report
8:23         filed against my husband for threatening someone,
8:27         I don’t even know if that is a threat, I mean, he didn’t aim the gun at anyone,
8:32         he had it there as a deterrent, but which of course didn’t help,
8:37         because they weren’t even afraid.
8:42         I am completely overwhelmed.
8:46         My husband is not a blank page, he is on probation.
8:50         If he would have acted like he used to years ago,
8:54         then this would have not ended that way.
8:57         We tried to go the normal way, with the police,
9:00         we called them first, but we were just left high and dry by them.
9:05         And we don’t want that my son has to look like this,
9:12         as an isolated incident, then filed away back in the drawer,
9:16         with 20,000 other isolated incidents.
9:19         Because that’s exactly what they do. Keep it secret,
9:22         don’t let anything leak to the public,
9:25         all just isolated incidents. Please, please, share this video,
9:29         send it maybe to some station where there’s still a possibility
9:33         that this could go public. I want this to get around,
9:37         and I want everyone to be able to see it.
9:40         I thank you very much, and wish you a good day, thank you.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2016, 01:16:10 pm by rangerrebew »

Offline sneakypete

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Hmmmm,"husband on probation so we tried to handle it the proper way,instead of the way he used to handle things".

9 year old Tyron having nightmares and doesn't want to leave the house now because he doesn't feel safe.

Gee,I wonder if a 16 year old Tyron will show up on the streets wearing steel toed boots,heavy rings in each finger,and maybe a piece of pipe stuff into his waistband,to match the attitude he will have by then after having visited his father in prison for doing what any normal man would do in such a case,and "handle matters in the old way"?

Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline Fishrrman

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"9-Year-Old Boy Badly Beaten by Migrants: Whose Side Are the German Police On?"

If one must ask this question, either the answer is already too obvious, or it's simply too late for the question, period.