Author Topic: Honor killing in Germany: Migrant refused to marry cousin. 'She died in a pool of her own blood'  (Read 288 times)

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Honor killing in Germany: Migrant refused to marry cousin
'She died in a pool of her own blood'
Published: 12 hours ago


Women weep over the body of a German migrant who was slain in public for refusing to marry her cousin

A Kurdish woman living in Germany was the victim of an “honor” killing last weekend for refusing to marry her cousin.

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German authorities confirmed Tuesday that a second-generation migrant identified as Shilan H., 21, was shot three times and killed March 13 in Hanover. The German newspaper Bild said cops are looking for a 22-year-old man named Sefin.

A grief-stricken father published images of his daughter’s death on Facebook after the crime.

“It is with the deepest sense of loss and pain that I announce the loss of my daughter. She died in a pool of her own blood, as a victim of a treacherous tradition,” said a man identified as 50-year-old Ghazi H. The man said his two sons, Numan and Hassan, organized the wedding while he was working in Iraq.

Honor killings happen in some Muslims communities when the victim, usually a female, is accused of bringing shame upon the family.

Culture is no excuse for abuse. Watch “Honor Diaries,” the movie.

“She begged me to do something and so I canceled the engagement,” Ghazi H said. “Numan and his son Sefin, this murderer, would not accept that! They decided to take revenge, to continue the tradition.”

Shilan, who had lived in Germany for 18 years, was studying property management at the time of her death, Breitbart London reported Thursday.

Sunday’s honor killing is likely to exacerbate fear and anger that has spread across Germany as migrant-related crime has skyrocketed. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to accept 1.1 million migrants from the Middle East and North Africa last year backfired with a slew of sexual assaults in Cologne, Bielefeld, Duesseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Stuttgart on New Year’s Eve. Over 100 sex attacks were reported in Cologne alone.

“People no longer feel safe,” a pistol seller in North-Rhine Westphalia told Deutsche Welle on Jan. 27, WND reported. The businessman said German specialty weapons shops are allegedly selling three times as many alarm, gas and signal guns than usual.

Felix Beilharz, a social-media expert from Cologne, backed those claims.

“There has been an increase of at least 1,000 percent or more in Google search queries for gun permits since January,” Beilharz said.

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Germans also have another reason to be frightened: Their own legal system approved of “Shariah police” who “patrol” city streets in search of Islamic-law violators.

A judge ruled Dec. 10, 2015, that Salafist men who were arrested in Wuppertal, Germany, in September 2014 did nothing wrong when they harangued passers-by attempting to enter clubs, casinos and bars. Members of the Islamic group wore vests with “Shariah police” printed across the back and carried “Shariah-Controlled Zone” signs, WND reported.