Author Topic: Cruz, Rubio and Kasich criticize Trump for creating ‘environment’ for Chicago protest  (Read 7248 times)

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Cruz, Rubio and Kasich criticize Trump for creating ‘environment’ for Chicago protest

By David Weigel March 11 at 11:02 PM 

One night after declining to criticize Donald Trump's rhetoric toward the protesters at his rallies, both Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) criticized the Republican front-runner.

Rubio, who is camped out in his home state in advance of the March 15 primary, told Megyn Kelly of Fox News that Trump was finding out that his "words have real consequences." But roughly half of Rubio's analysis was a criticism of the political left. After stating his appreciation for Chicago's police, Rubio said that the protests needed to be put in contest.

"This is Chicago, protesters are an industry," he said. "It is clear, just from watching some of these images, that this was an organized effort, an orchestrated effort, from groups that wanted to disrupt this event, and Chicago is a hub for that sort of activity. I would also say that people have a right, whether you disagree with someone or what he’s about to say – and I certainly disagree with Donald Trump on many things, it’s why I’m running against him for president – you don’t have a right to take away the First Amendment right of people to speak freely. I think you’ve seen some of this on college campuses recently. There was an article, not long ago I think, that [conservative commentator] Ben Shapiro tried to speak on a campus, and they basically shut him down. So I think this is crossing over into the broader society, and it’s problematic."

With that said, Rubio criticized Trump for his well-documented mockery of the people who interrupted his rallies.

"I wouldn’t say Mr. Trump is responsible for the events of tonight," said Rubio, "but he is most certainly, in other events, has in the past used some pretty rough language, saying in the good old days we used to beat these people up, or I’ll pay your legal bills if you rough them up. So I think he bears some responsibility for the general tone."

As Rubio was wrapping up, Cruz was standing outside a dinner event in Rolling Meadows, Ill., for an impromptu press conference. He took a harsher tone, significantly stepping up what he'd said to radio host Hugh Hewitt earlier that night.

"The responsibility for that lies with protesters, who took violence into their own hands. But in any campaign, responsibility starts at the top. Any candidate is responsible for the culture of a campaign. And when you have a campaign that disrespects the voters, when you have a campaign that affirmatively encourages violence, when you have a campaign that is facing allegations of physical violence against members of the press, you create an environment that only encourages this sort of nasty discord," Cruz said, citing an event in Florida that had already led to a criminal complaint, but not heretofore been mentioned by a rival candidate.

"It is my hope that going forward we will have a substantive, issue-based discussion, where we can have differences about how we turn this country around, that we do so in a way that appeals to our better angels instead of our worst instincts," Cruz continued. "That seeks to pull us together, and unite us, instead of tear us apart. You know, we've seen for seven years a president who often at times of crisis, has sought to divide us, sought to divide us on ethnic lines, on religious lines, on class lines. America’s better than this. We don’t have to tear each other apart."

Asked if Trump should have gone ahead with the rally, Cruz paused for a moment, then said the decision should have been based on public safety.

"But I think a campaign bears responsibility for creating an environment when the candidate urges supporters to engage in physical violence, to punch people in the face," said Cruz. "The predictable consequence of that is that it escalates, and today is unlikely to be the last such instance. We saw, earlier today, in St. Louis, over 30 arrested. That’s not how our politics should occur. You know, the city of Chicago in 1968 saw some ugly days, when politics descended into hatred and incivility and even violence. It is my hope that in 2016 we can appeal to our better angels, to avoid going down that road once again."

Cruz found some levity only when he was asked if Trump's policies might have inspired the protests. Some of the activists captured by news cameras carried signs referencing Trump's proposed ban on Muslim entries to the United States, or his comment that Mexico was letting "rapists" cross the border.

"At the end of the day, finding Donald Trump's policies is a difficult endeavor," said Cruz.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich, whose scheduled MSNBC town hall was pre-empted by the Chicago chaos, issued a statement late Friday night that pinned the blame on Trump himself.

"Tonight the seeds of division that Donald Trump has been sowing this whole campaign finally bore fruit, and it was ugly," said Kasich. "Some let their opposition to his views slip beyond protest into violence, but we can never let that happen. I urge people to resist that temptation and rise to a higher level. Now is the time for Americans to come together and stand firm for what we know is true: we are great because we are a peaceful people who live by the rule of law. We are stronger together, we will reject those who try to divide us for personal gain and we will do it the right way—at the ballot box."
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.


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" we are great because we are a peaceful people who live by the rule of law. "

How did the cop get the bloody head? How many arrests were made total. Last count I saw was 32.

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"Tonight the seeds of division that Donald Trump has been sowing this whole campaign finally bore fruit, and it was ugly," said Kasich. "Some let their opposition to his views slip beyond protest into violence, but we can never let that happen. I urge people to resist that temptation and rise to a higher level. Now is the time for Americans to come together and stand firm for what we know is true: we are great because we are a peaceful people who live by the rule of law. We are stronger together, we will reject those who try to divide us for personal gain and we will do it the right way—at the ballot box."

Kasich spot on!
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.


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"Tonight the seeds of division that Donald Trump has been sowing this whole campaign finally bore fruit, and it was ugly," said Kasich. "Some let their opposition to his views slip beyond protest into violence, but we can never let that happen. I urge people to resist that temptation and rise to a higher level. Now is the time for Americans to come together and stand firm for what we know is true: we are great because we are a peaceful people who live by the rule of law. We are stronger together, we will reject those who try to divide us for personal gain and we will do it the right way—at the ballot box."

Kasich spot on!

The leftist thugs ignored their leader.

Offline R4 TrumPence

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This is what happens when candidates jump the gun on blame.
They look like fools when the truth is known.

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Screw the three of them. My respect for them goes down.

This is like the argument blaming the National Guard for the students that got themselves killed at Kent State, by throwing rocks and urine at the guardsmen.

Blaming the cop, who puts himself in danger, to protect and preserve rights for disruptors, malcontents, instigators, etc.

Those three candidates SHOULD HAVE stood in unity, and said nobody should try to interfere with our political process, our right for peaceful assembly, our right to hold opinions and talk about them publicly, peacefully.

Instead they take the easy low road. Hurray for Megyn Kelly and getting the right and getting it right.

And to hell with those on this site, that side with the disruptors and rioters and communists and Bernie socialists.
"God must love the common man, he made so many of them.�  Abe Lincoln


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Screw the three of them. My respect for them goes down.

This is like the argument blaming the National Guard for the students that got themselves killed at Kent State, by throwing rocks and urine at the guardsmen.

Blaming the cop, who puts himself in danger, to protect and preserve rights for disruptors, malcontents, instigators, etc.

Those three candidates SHOULD HAVE stood in unity, and said nobody should try to interfere with our political process, our right for peaceful assembly, our right to hold opinions and talk about them publicly, peacefully.

Instead they take the easy low road. Hurray for Megyn Kelly and getting the right and getting it right.

And to hell with those on this site, that side with the disruptors and rioters and communists and Bernie socialists.


Offline Free Vulcan

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I'm going to disagree with these guys on this one.

Trump hasn't created an environment. The environment was created by the Leftists, mainly Obama, but with total support and help of their entire network. Trump has given voice to the opposition, but he has not created the problem.

At every rally the left has come in to harass a private event. While I don't agree with some of Trump's responses, like his people grabbing that reporter, that doesn't blind me to what the Left is up to.

Trump may be guilty of some incitement, but the Left will do what they do irrespective of who it is that opposes them and how it's done.
They are going to do it regardless and they need their heads cracked, thrown to the ground, and put in jail.
The Republic is lost.

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Well said, FV.  :beer:

Is Trump to blame for the protest and the potential for violence?

No. He is not. That is on the Leftists, where it belongs. The party of division and violent protest.

Is Trump a coward for cancelling the rally?

No. He is not. The public safety of your rally goers comes first. There is some dispute about whether or not the Chicago PD told him to cancel - I'd point out that they are cops dependent on a highly left wing city for their pay, so while they may not have come out and specifically stated "Cancel it," there are ways to say without saying, if you get my drift.

What I would like to see is an agreement by all the candidates - no rallys or campaign events in Chicago until such time as the city and mayor can ensure the safety of the attendees. Put the machine on notice by withholding income from it.
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Trump is not responsible for anyone's behavior but he IS responsible for the content of his speeches.  He IS responsible for what he says, for what he implies and how he acts on the debate stage and at his rallies. It is one thing to discuss 'issues' such as illegal immigration, building a wall, ISIS, the economy, second amendment rights, social security, defense, etc., and clearly people have difference of political opinion on issues, but it is quite another to verbally attack one's looks, or to state he could shoot someone and his supporters would still follow him for example.

Quite frankly the exchange between Rubio and Trump at the debate where Rubio went after Trump for the size of his 'hands' and 'spray tan' had absolutely no place on a public debate stage for an American president.  It was shameful, disgraceful and made an absolute mockery out of our electoral process.  For those tuning in (especially low information and poorly educated) and perhaps watching the debates or the first time in their lives and seeing that kind of exchange, makes a very negative impression as to what debates are about and how one seeking the presidency should conduct themselves and it sets a very negative tone for this country.  For Rubio to now come after Trump for rough language is hypocritical.  Rubio may have not used rough language, but his implications, gestures and the content of what he said were just as offensive. 

Acting like a sixth-grade bully on school grounds, or a thug in the inner city incites those 'adults' who act like sixth-grade bullies and thugs. Trump is reaping what he has sowed!
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.


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Did you see this? How do you like this for inciting and divisiveness?

 Donald Trump's divisive hate tour
exploded in violence Friday with a bloody stop in St. Louis and chaos in Chicago — while the tone-deaf hate-monger denied his role in the madness.

The fury filled day began with clashes outside St. Louis’ Peabody Opera House, leaving one man bloodied and another charged with assault.

And the havoc later rolled through a packed arena in Chicago after a Trump event was scuttled, and tensions boiled over.

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Donald Trump's hate tour?  Again, Trump is NOT responsible for the actions of others, but he is responsible for the content of his speeches and what he says.  Maybe I'm missing something? I haven't listened to any of his speeches at his 'rallies' but has he said or implied anything against the black community?? Trump has acted very childish during the debates, but I have not heard him state anything specifically racist. This clearly is coming from the accusations of his association with David Duke and the KKK?  If so, isn't it interesting that Hussein (their Messiah) who was distinctly associated for years with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright has been given a free pass? I don't recall mass protests and assaults taking place. 

At this point I have to blame the liberal media (Jack Tapper @ CNN for one) for dwelling on this issue.
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

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Tonight the seeds of division that Donald Trump has been sowing this whole campaign finally bore fruit, and it was ugly," said Kasich. "Some let their opposition to his views slip beyond protest into violence, but we can never let that happen. I urge people to resist that temptation and rise to a higher level. Now is the time for Americans to come together and stand firm for what we know is true: we are great because we are a peaceful people who live by the rule of law. We are stronger together, we will reject those who try to divide us for personal gain and we will do it the right way—at the ballot box. [

Kasich is right -  Trump's rhetoric is the germ that is now affecting the body politic as a full-blown disease.   His whole shtick, while perhaps not explicitly racist,  is based on pitting groups of Americans against one another,  and blaming the problems of the volk on "others".   

If Trump wants to be President, now is the time to act like a leader of ALL the people. 
« Last Edit: March 12, 2016, 12:53:20 pm by Jazzhead »
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Kasich is right -  Trump's rhetoric is the germ that is now affecting the body politic as a full-blown disease.   His whole shtick, while perhaps not explicitly racist,  is based on pitting groups of Americans against one another,  and blaming the problems of the volk on "others".   

If Trump wants to be President, now is the time to act like a leader of ALL the people.

I am by no means a Trump supporter, but I haven't seen that he has pitted any group of Americans against one another; he has only tapped into the anger felt by voters against their elected officials; namely the establishment.  I don't believe that has much if anything to do with the protests.  The protests I believe were brought on by the recent liberal media reporting of support by the KKK -- Tapper even brought that up during the last debate.  The fact that Trump has displayed less than admirable presidential characteristics in both actions and words is now coming into play. The liberal media and the left is focusing on Trump being a rich racist; something that they have long painted the GOP as -- white, rich and racist.
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

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Justin Amash ‏@justinamash  9h9 hours ago
Justin Amash Retweeted The Hill

Someone please tell @realDonaldTrump the #1stAmendment prohibits GOVERNMENT from abridging the freedom of speech.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

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stuart stevens ‏@stuartpstevens  9h9 hours ago

The idea @realDonaldTrump  who lives on television is having his free speech limited is absurd. While  Trump is attacking 1st Amendment.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

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Like a true LIBERAL Trump spent an hour on Hannity last night blaming the Chicago protest on the economy, and how unfair things were for the average American, and how their jobs are going away. This why they are angry he said.    It was the same answer we have been hearing from Obama explaining the Occupy Movement of a few summers ago.   

What a bunch of BullS**t. This was an organized protest by every left wing group imaginable. And we have not seen the end of it, and it won't be limited to Trump or even Republican events. It will be a long hot summer.
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It will be a long hot summer.

It's starting to feel like 1968 again.   The American fabric is fraying before our eyes.  It's the responsibility of those who seek to lead ALL of us to not talk us to the edge and over.   

It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide

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Screw the three of them. My respect for them goes down.

This is like the argument blaming the National Guard for the students that got themselves killed at Kent State, by throwing rocks and urine at the guardsmen.

Blaming the cop, who puts himself in danger, to protect and preserve rights for disruptors, malcontents, instigators, etc.

Those three candidates SHOULD HAVE stood in unity, and said nobody should try to interfere with our political process, our right for peaceful assembly, our right to hold opinions and talk about them publicly, peacefully.

Instead they take the easy low road. Hurray for Megyn Kelly and getting the right and getting it right.

And to hell with those on this site, that side with the disruptors and rioters and communists and Bernie socialists.

Rubio, Kasich, Cruz. Can you say shameless vote pandering? (vote mining also works)
« Last Edit: March 12, 2016, 02:30:50 pm by aligncare »

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Sure, I can say Trump.  :tongue2:
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Rubio, Kasich, Cruz. Can you say shameless vote pandering? (vote mining also works)

Says a supporter of the man who stokes anger to pander for votes.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

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The leftist thugs ignored their leader.

The only leftist in the race is Trump.
Character still matters.  It always matters.

I wear a mask as an exercise in liberty and love for others.  To see it as an infringement of liberty is to entirely miss the point.  Be kind.

"Sometimes I think the Church would be better off if we would call a moratorium on activity for about six weeks and just wait on God to see what He is waiting to do for us. That's what they did before Pentecost."   - A. W. Tozer

Use the time God is giving us to seek His will and feel His presence.

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I'm going to disagree with these guys on this one.

Trump hasn't created an environment. The environment was created by the Leftists, mainly Obama, but with total support and help of their entire network. Trump has given voice to the opposition, but he has not created the problem.

At every rally the left has come in to harass a private event. While I don't agree with some of Trump's responses, like his people grabbing that reporter, that doesn't blind me to what the Left is up to.

Trump may be guilty of some incitement, but the Left will do what they do irrespective of who it is that opposes them and how it's done.
They are going to do it regardless and they need their heads cracked, thrown to the ground, and put in jail.

Good post.

While Trump has clearly incited some violence and bears some of the blame, he is not responsible for it in general.

The left lives on violence.  They use thugs to disrupt everything.  They are evil.

Character still matters.  It always matters.

I wear a mask as an exercise in liberty and love for others.  To see it as an infringement of liberty is to entirely miss the point.  Be kind.

"Sometimes I think the Church would be better off if we would call a moratorium on activity for about six weeks and just wait on God to see what He is waiting to do for us. That's what they did before Pentecost."   - A. W. Tozer

Use the time God is giving us to seek His will and feel His presence.

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Rubio's words:

  Rubio, who is camped out in his home state in advance of the March 15 primary, told Megyn Kelly of Fox News that Trump was finding out that his "words have real consequences." But roughly half of Rubio's analysis was a criticism of the political left. After stating his appreciation for Chicago's police, Rubio said that the protests needed to be put in contest.

"This is Chicago, protesters are an industry," he said. "It is clear, just from watching some of these images, that this was an organized effort, an orchestrated effort, from groups that wanted to disrupt this event, and Chicago is a hub for that sort of activity. I would also say that people have a right, whether you disagree with someone or what he’s about to say – and I certainly disagree with Donald Trump on many things, it’s why I’m running against him for president – you don’t have a right to take away the First Amendment right of people to speak freely. I think you’ve seen some of this on college campuses recently. There was an article, not long ago I think, that [conservative commentator] Ben Shapiro tried to speak on a campus, and they basically shut him down. So I think this is crossing over into the broader society, and it’s problematic."

With that said, Rubio criticized Trump for his well-documented mockery of the people who interrupted his rallies.

"I wouldn’t say Mr. Trump is responsible for the events of tonight," said Rubio, "but he is most certainly, in other events, has in the past used some pretty rough language, saying in the good old days we used to beat these people up, or I’ll pay your legal bills if you rough them up. So I think he bears some responsibility for the general tone.

Rubio does place the blame squarely on the shoulders of the Chicago protest industry and the left, but he also mentioned Trump's rhetoric in previous rallies that seem to encourage violence and that Trump bears some responsibility for the general tone.

Glad he said that.
The Republic is lost.