Author Topic: Carson Hit for Endorsing Trump: 'More Embarrassing Than Christie'  (Read 531 times)

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Reaction continued to pour in Friday morning to the announcement that Ben Carson  was endorsing GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Friday, with opinions showing as strong a reaction as Trump himself draws between his supporters and detractors.

Criticism came from across the political spectrum, from liberal journalists to Christian conservatives. Trump had decried the former neurosurgeon as a "pathological liar," said he had made up key parts of his personal biography, and compared him to a "child molester" who could not be cured.
Two political writers, Dave Weigel, for The Washington Post, and Jamelle Bouie, for Slate, both decried the endorsement and its repercussions in the African-American community:

    Donald Trump: Surely the only man to be endorsed by both David Duke and Ben Carson.
    — daveweigel (@daveweigel) March 11, 2016

Slate political writer Jamelle Bouie:

    It actually makes me sad how much Ben Carson has just thrown away whatever legacy he had among black folks.
    — Jamelle Bouie (@jbouie) March 11, 2016

But veteran journalist Geraldo Rivera said on Fox News' "Fox & Friends" on Friday that he does not think the endorsement is being made to appeal to African-American voters.

"That may have to be addressed by Trump, the eventual nominee of which I have no doubt," said Rivera. "But Ben Carson is such an innovator, a role model. He's come so far in this journey and for Trump to be selected by him, first of all, it strengthens the whole evangelical appeal.

"Ben Carson is a deeply religious person, a man of faith. So by him endorsing Donald Trump I think that's very, very significant. It's a real nod to that community and said, 'look, this man is embraced by me.'"

On Thursday, MSNBC host Stephen Hayes said it he wasn't necessarily surprised Carson, who dropped out of the race last Friday, was now going to "kiss the ring," but added, "there's something just dispiriting and depressing about this spectacle."
Esquire contributor Charlie Pierce agreed, saying, "I think we are attaining the event horizon on campaign grift right here. … Ben Carson is taking what's left of his reputation that he built up with a truly inspiring life story and just tearing it up into small pieces and throwing it out in front of an electric fan."
The endorsement of the mild-mannered Seventh-day Adventist of the brash Manhattan real-estate developer "is more embarrassing than Chris Christie," Pierce said of the New Jersey governor who endorsed Trump last week.
"I thought that was the bottom of the barrel," Pierce said. "I'm beginning to think that maybe there is no bottom to this barrel."
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus  told CNN he didn't know much about the details, but said, "If it's true, then that's a big get."
Moments later, Trump himself confirmed the the endorsement during CNN's Republican debate.
Some of Carson's fans and conservative media figures expressed disappointment on social media:

    Really, really glad I did not invite Ben Carson to the RedState Gathering along with uninviting Trump.
    — Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) March 11, 2016

    Ben Carson to endorse Hillary donor who called him a child molester. Enjoy Arby's.
    — Sean Davis (@seanmdav) March 11, 2016

    Ben Carson, what price your dignity?
    — Michael Berry (@MichaelBerrySho) March 11, 2016

    Ben Carson reportedly endorsing the man who wrote this Tweet.
    — Steven Dennis (@StevenTDennis) March 11, 2016

    I'm old enough to remember when Ben Carson was so concerned by a lack of civility that he called for a meeting of the campaigns...9 days ago
    — Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) March 10, 2016

    I would say "look what politics does to good people," but "politics" isn't doing anything. Ben Carson is.
    — David French (@DavidAFrench) March 10, 2016

But Trump supporters were elated at the news.
"TWO DC Outsiders UNITE against the Career Politicians and Failed DC Establishment!" USA Patriots for Trump wrote on Facebook. "Welcome Ben Carson to the TRUMP TRAIN!! "
Facebook user Carl Pontiak indicated he doesn't agree with Carson's pick, but urged detractors to give him the freedom to do what he wants.
"Better to respect his backbone to stand for what he believes in than to degrade him," Pontiak wrote. "How many out there standing for nothing and supporting no one? Freedom is just that . . . freedom to choose."

    @RealBenCarson is endorsing @realDonaldTrump - Carson is a great Christian leader & this endorsement is huge!
    — Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) March 11, 2016

    Good News: Sources say that @RealBenCarson is Due to Endorse @realDonaldTrump Welcome to the #TrumpTrain #GOPDebate
    — Diamond and Silk (@DiamondandSilk) March 11, 2016


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Re: Carson Hit for Endorsing Trump: 'More Embarrassing Than Christie'
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2016, 07:54:24 pm »
I didn't want to wade through the hip deep garbage, but was curious if any of the detractors of Dr. Carson called him an Uncle Tom?


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Re: Carson Hit for Endorsing Trump: 'More Embarrassing Than Christie'
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2016, 08:10:58 pm »
I didn't want to wade through the hip deep garbage, but was curious if any of the detractors of Dr. Carson called him an Uncle Tom?


So far, this is an onslaught of the Republican Establishment, comprised of almost zero Blacks.

Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton might just as well be GOPe.

The difference is that both Jackson and Sharpton are staying quiet - they know what this endorsement actually means.