Author Topic: Obama: ‘I Certainly Have Not Contributed To’ Dividing The Country [VIDEO]  (Read 292 times)

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Obama: ‘I Certainly Have Not Contributed To’ Dividing The Country [VIDEO]
Steve Guest
Media Reporter
12:20 PM 03/10/2016
Barack Obama, Screen Shot MSNBC, 3-10-2016   

Barack Obama said Thursday that he has “not contributed to” dividing the country.

Blame for that, he said, lies at the feet of Republicans and Obama-critical media outlets.

During a White House press conference with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Thursday, Obama said, “I’ve said at the State of the Union that one of my regrets is the degree to which polarization and the nasty tone of our politics has accelerated rather than waned over the course of the last 7 1/2 years.”

“I do all kinds of soul searching in terms of, are there things that I can do better to make sure that we are unifying the country. But I also have to say… that objectively it’s fair to say that the Republican political elites and many of the information outlets, social media and news stations, talk radio, television stations have been feeding the Republican base for the last seven years a notion that everything I do is to be opposed, that cooperation or compromise somehow is a betrayal, that maximalist, absolutist positions on issues are politically advantageous, that there is a ‘them’ out there and an ‘us’ and ‘them’ are the folks who are causing whatever the problems you’re experiencing and the tone of that politics, which I certainly have not contributed to,” Obama claimed.

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