Author Topic: Soros to Spend $15 Million to Spur Latino, Immigrant Vote  (Read 262 times)

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Soros to Spend $15 Million to Spur Latino, Immigrant Vote
« on: March 11, 2016, 12:21:54 am »

Billionaire financier George Soros and other big-money liberal donors are planning a $15 million campaign to get out the Latino and immigrant vote this fall in hopes of steering ballots for Democratic candidates in November.

Most of the money is to be spent in Colorado, Florida, and Nevada, reports The New York Times, aiming at states with large Latino or Asian populations in hopes of using outrage at the rhetoric used by Donald Trump and other Republicans to attract voters.

According to strategists, the outreach, being coordinated through a new super PAC, "Immigrant Voters Win," is the largest Democrat initiative dedicated to Latinos and immigrants, and is expected to be more political than other similar efforts. Organizers are hoping to attract at least 400,000 new Democratic voters to the November elections.

"This is really taking the gloves off," Cristóbal Alex, the president of the Latino Victory Project, a group working with the super PAC, told The Times. "From the first day he attacked us, he called us rapists and thieves," Alex said of Trump.

A rival push is being made by Conservatives, though, with a a Koch brothers-funded group, the Libre Initiative, expected to spend more than $10 million up until the general election takes place.

Soros plans to contribute $5 million himself to the Democratic effort, reports The Times, marking more than $13 million he's given to super PACs and other organizations in this election cycle. In an email, he said he's been struck by the tone of the 2016 race, particularly with Trump and others calling to block Muslims from coming into the United States.

"The intense anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim rhetoric that has been fueled by the Republican primary is deeply offensive," Soros said. "It is harmful to our democracy and to our national interests. There should be consequences for the outrageous statements and proposals that we've regularly heard."