Author Topic: After Planning Meeting of GOPe Strategists Team Cruz Pulls Out of Florida – Focus: North Carolina, Missouri and Illinois…  (Read 436 times)

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Following a meeting of Wall Street donors and DC political strategists, the Cruz campaign has shifted strategy and announces a “Stop Trump” focus on North Carolina, Missouri and Illinois.

CNN shares some of in insider details as provided by Kellyanne Conway a CNN contributor, pundit and current head of the pro-Cruz Super-PAC Keep the Promise.

kellyanne Conwayted cruz large

(Via CNN) […]  Keep the Promise, the main cluster of independent groups backing Cruz, is preparing to spend $4.1 million in a quartet of states that vote on March 15: Missouri, Illinois, Ohio and North Carolina. It is passing entirely on Florida, Rubio’s home state, where he trails national frontrunner Donald Trump badly in polls.

“We’re no longer doing anti-Rubio ads in Florida, because it appears he can lose Florida all by himself,” said Kellyanne Conway, the group’s president. “He doesn’t need our help.”

The groups are spending $3.2 million on television in North Carolina, Missouri and Illinois, more than $535,000 on digital in those states plus Washington D.C. and Ohio and

Offline sinkspur

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Cruz mending fences with Rubio.  He'd love to have Rubio's endorsement.

Rumor is Ben Carson is going to endorse Trump.  Carson's bored, wants a job in a Trump administration.

Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.