Author Topic: Schumer: ‘It Doesn’t Matter What Anybody Said In The Past’ On SCOTUS Nominees [VIDEO]  (Read 289 times)

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Schumer: ‘It Doesn’t Matter What Anybody Said In The Past’ On SCOTUS Nominees [VIDEO]

Posted By Kerry Picket On 6:53 PM 02/22/2016 In | No Comments

WASHINGTON — New York Sen. Chuck Schumer blew off past statements he and Vice President Joe Biden made about blocking Supreme Court nominees on Monday.

“It would be our pragmatic conclusion that once the political season is underway — and it is — action on a Supreme Court nomination must be put off until after the election campaign is over,” Biden, then a Delaware senator and Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, said in June of 1992. “That is what is fair to the nominee and essential to the process.”

Schumer did not believe that Biden’s statement was damaging to the Democrats’ argument that Republican leadership should move any Supreme Court nominee of President Obama’s to a hearing and then a vote.

“Look, the simple answer to this, which everyone is saying everywhere is, ‘Do your job.’ It doesn’t matter what anybody said in the past. Do your job. It’s working,” Schumer said. He claims he had not seen Biden’s exact statement but when pressed about it, he repeated, “We should do our job.”

The Daily Caller asked Schumer about his past statement in regards to blocking George W. Bush nominees in Bush’s final year and Schumer only repeated, “We should do our job.” TheDC asked Schumer if his stance was hypocritical, and he fell silent and left on a Senate train.

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What a low-life, hypocritical, scumbag!  And those are his good points! :chairbang: