Author Topic: BREAKING NEWS: Shocking new ISIS video shows four-year-old British boy dubbed 'Jihadi Junior' blowing up four alleged spies in a car bomb  (Read 256 times)

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BREAKING NEWS: Shocking new ISIS video shows four-year-old British boy dubbed 'Jihadi Junior' blowing up four alleged spies in a car bomb

    British boy Isa Dare, four, pushes button that blows up four unarmed men
    He declared 'we will kill kuffar [non believers]' in last video he appeared in
    Seven minute long video shows unarmed men confessing to being spies
    Young Dare yells 'Allahu Akbar' next to charred remains of car in footage
    Senior jihadi in video threatens David Cameron for arming ISIS' enemies

By Jay Akbar For Mailonline

Published: 14:33 EST, 10 February 2016 | Updated: 15:23 EST, 10 February 2016

The four year old British boy dubbed 'Jihadi Junior' has been filmed detonating the bomb which kills four ISIS prisoners in the group's latest execution video.

Isa Dare, the son of Muslim convert Grace 'Khadija' Dare from south east London, pushes the button that blows up four alleged spies sitting in a white car behind him.

Standing triumphantly next to the charred remains car, his hand raised in the air in celebration, the boy yells: 'Allahu Akbar.'

This is the second time the young boy, who was brainwashed after his mother took him to Syria three years ago, has appeared in one of the extremists' propaganda videos.

Isa Dare (pictured), the four year old British boy dubbed 'Jihadi Junior', has been filmed detonating the bomb which kills four ISIS prisoners in the group's latest execution video

His grandfather told of how the child begged him to save him just days before he was forced to appear in the first video last month.

In what was seen as a 'promotion' of this latest murderous release, Dare was made to declare: 'We are going to kill the kuffar [non-believers] over there' - before pointing to the men killed in today's video.

Today's video, which is believed to be shot in ISIS's de facto capital of Raqqa, was entitled: 'They are the enemy so be aware of them.'

One by one, each man confessed to either spying on, or conspiring against, ISIS. They were later seen handcuffed to the inside of a car - with a look of utter fear in their eyes.

Before they were killed, the senior ISIS commander standing next to the boy threatened British Prime Minister David Cameron for arming the terror group's enemies in Syria.

He said: 'You will never fight us except behind fortified fortresses or behind walls.

'So no David Cameron, you’ve given the whole world more certainty in this [inaudible]. You’ve only done two things.

'Firstly, when you sent your spies to Syria and when you authorised for your men, thousands of miles away, to push a button to kill our brothers who lived in the West.

'So today, we’re going to kill your spies the same way they helped you kill our brothers.'

As he placed a hand on the young boy's head, he added: 'So prepare your army and gather your nations as we too are preparing our army.

Young Dare was brainwashed by ISIS fanatics after his mother, 24, who had links to Lee Rigby's killer, brought him to the warzone.

His grandfather, Henry Dare, 59, said Isa made a desperate plea for help during a heartbreaking phone call just days before he featured in the barbaric stunt, saying: 'Please save me.'

It later emerged that Isa's father had made a desperate attempt to rescue his son after his estranged wife fled to Syria and married an ISIS militant.

Asked if he thought his grandson had any idea what he was saying in the video, Mr Dare – of Deptford, south east London – said: 'No – he's a kid.

The four alleged spies were handcuffed to the inside of the battered, white car before it was blown to pieces

'He's a minor, he's under five. He's acting under the influence of ISIS guerrillas. He's too young. He's propaganda. They are just using a small boy. They are using him as a shield.'

Mr Dare said he had reported Grace to the police on three occasions before she left for Syria and told them 'she's behaving in a very funny way'.

Grace Dare is believed to have been radicalised online, then began attending the Lewisham Islamic Centre, where Fusilier Rigby's murderers Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale are reported to have worshipped.

The mosque has denied they were part of the congregation. Her mother Victoria said she changed her first name to Khadija after she began attending the mosque.

'I still call her our Grace,' said the mother. 'I want her back in my life. She is the only child that I have and the devil took her away.'

Dare, born in London in 1991 of Nigerian descent, went to Syria in around 2012 and married a Swede known as Abu Bakr. He is now dead.

The latest video (pictured), which is believed to be shot in ISIS's de facto capital of Raqqa, was entitled: 'They are the enemy so be aware of them.'

Her mother, also from Lewisham, said of her daughter in a BBC TV documentary last April: 'She loved church. She had a Bible, she read the Bible.

'She would sit and pray and pray and pray.'

Downing Street said the release of the video on Sunday showed the terrorist group was 'under pressure'.

The footage shows five men in orange jumpsuits 'confessing' to taking money in return for filming and photographing sites within Raqqa, the capital of ISIS's self-declared caliphate.

A member of a Raqqa-based group which opposes ISIS told the Radio 4 Today programme that the victims included shopkeepers and businessmen from the town.

The Prime Minister's official spokesman said of the video that 'it reflects the barbarity of this organisation but it is also a propaganda tool.

In 2014, his mother posted a shocking photograph to her Twitter account of her then four-year-old son Isa, meaning 'Jesus', holding an AK-47 rifle

More than 30 UK children have already been made the subject of family court orders over radicalisation fears, Scotland Yard has revealed.

Judges have considered cases involving 12 different families.

Last year, Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley, the country's most senior terrorism officer, said some children were 'almost babes in arms', with ages ranging from two or three up to 16 or 17.

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