Author Topic: MILITARY CHAPELS?!? HAS IT REALLY COME TO THIS?  (Read 380 times)

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« on: February 07, 2016, 10:44:28 pm »
JSquared 02/06/2016
Now, be prepared for this story because although I am a Christian, I am an “opinion columnist writer.” So, with that being said, The U.S. Military removed a large cross that had been displayed outside a chapel at Camp Marmal in northern Afghanistan. The Pentagon has confirmed this to be true.

Here is where the “opinion” part comes in. When I first saw the picture that I used as my “featured image,” I was  thinking to myself that this is typical of Obama and the things that are going on in the world today. However, after researching the story and reading all that was involved, I understand, to a point, why the military made the decision that it did. Although in my generation, when I would watch war movies and see articles about war and foreign territory images and shows, such as M.A.S.H. and other television programs, it was typical to see a cross on tents, chapels and other religious facilities. The Red Cross is a medical symbol, and has a “cross” as well!

When the Pentagon was asked why the cross was removed, spokesman Commander William Speaks, told Fox News that, “Military chapels have to be open to all denominations and as such can’t have permanent symbols of one particular religion or another,” Some of the soldiers were outraged and told the news organization that the cross made the chapel feel like “home” and others found comfort in the religious symbol.

Many of the soldiers feel like Christianity is always the religion that is “attacked” and they argue that if it was a crescent moon on top of a mosque, it would never be taken down. I totally understand why the U.S. Military is trying to stay neutral in this matter because some soldiers may have the faith of Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Taoism or another religion. However, in this day and age with the war that we are fighting on terrorism, it really makes the men and women of the armed forces touchy about a cross being taken down. Which to me, is TOTALLY UNDERSTANDABLE!
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I am sure that it is like slapping them in the face.  After all they have sacrificed in this war, they automatically think that it is because of Islamist and their faith, that the cross is being removed. With all the political worry about offending an Islamist, It is very hard for a Christian soldier to stay strong and focused on what they are fighting for. People should also remember about the other faiths and religious beliefs in this world that are NOT related to terrorism.