Author Topic: Arriving in New Hampshire, Ted Cruz attacks Rubio on 'amnesty'  (Read 293 times)

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Arriving in New Hampshire, Ted Cruz attacks Rubio on 'amnesty'
« on: February 03, 2016, 03:51:28 am »
Ted Cruz spared no time going after Marco Rubio on immigration, telling a crowd in New Hampshire on Tuesday that Rubio promised Florida voters “over and over and over again” to oppose amnesty only to join the Gang of 8 once elected

Cruz charged that Rubio wanted the spotlight by siding with “Barack Obama and Chuck Schumer” and implied it was a bid for campaign money from lobbyists and corporate interests that want “cheap labor.

Cruz reminded the audience that he has been endorsed by Jeff Sessions and Steve King, his national co-chair, has been “leading the fight against amnesty and saying, ‘You know what, in every one of those fights, Ted was in the fox hole right next to me and it was Marco in the fox hole with Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer shooting at us.’

His comments came in context of a question from a woman who said Rubio had “slanted” Cruz’s work on an amendment to the 2013 Senate legislation. Cruz had supported more work permits, a stance he’s reversed. PolitiFact sorts out the Rubio-Cruz immigration war.

Rubio stressed repeatedly in Iowa last week that he never supported amnesty.