Author Topic: Democrats Gloat, List Conservative Policies They Stripped From Ryan’s Omnibus  (Read 480 times)

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by Michelle Fields17 Dec 2015

The $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill negotiated by House Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) has provided a significant victory to Democrats in Congress and the White House

The White House and Democrats in Congress are celebrating, after successfully eliminating conservative and policy directives from the final spending bill.

Adam Jentleson, Minority Leader Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)’s deputy chief of staff, took to twitter to gloat:

    In addition to nixing more than 150 GOP riders, the final agreement will secure major progressive policy successes.

    — Adam Jentleson (@AJentleson) December 16, 2015

The Obama administration also released a statement Wednesday noting the lack of ideological policy directives, writing:

    The Administration appreciates the bipartisan effort to provide full-year appropriations legislation for FY 2016 largely free of new unrelated ideological riders

The “unrelated ideological riders” that the administration is referring to are the policies favored by conservatives and voters.

On Wednesday, Democrats released a report detailing 150 conservative policies that were left out of the bill. Here are just a few:

    - A provision prohibiting funding for sanctuary cities that shelter illegal immigrants

    – A provision prohibiting tax dollars from going to to defend the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrives (DACA) policy in a pending court case.

    – A provision prohibiting funding for climate-focused studies and reports

    – A provision prohibiting funds to subsidize abortion services in connection with a plan offered under the Obamacare exchanges.

    – A provision restricting the federal government from requiring licenses for Canada gun exports worth less than $500.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2015, 03:41:33 pm by HAPPY2BME »

Offline GAJohnnie

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This is what LEADERSHIP looks like Sink.

Here is what Trump is saying

- December 17, 2015 -

(New York, NY) December 17, 2015 “If anyone needed more evidence of why the American people are suffering at the hands of their own government, look no further than the budget deal announced by Speaker Ryan. In order to avoid a government shutdown, a cowardly threat from an incompetent President, the elected Republicans in Congress threw in the towel and showed absolutely no budget discipline.

The American people will have to absorb higher deficits, greater debt, less economic liberty and more corporate welfare. Congress cannot seem to help itself in bending to every whim of special interests. How can they face their constituents when they continue to burden our children and grandchildren with debts they will never be able to repay? Our government is failing us, so we must do something about it. Who knows how bad things will be when the next administration comes in and has to pick up the pieces?

The only special interest not being served by our government is the American people. It is time we imposed budget discipline by holding the line on spending, getting rid of waste, fraud and abuse, and by taking on our debt. To do these things, we need a President who can lead the fight to hold Congress and the rest of government accountable. Together, we can Make America Great Again.” – Donald J. Trump