Author Topic: French teacher stabbed by ISIS–tied attacker. Hooded man: 'This is Daesh. It's a warning'  (Read 295 times)

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French teacher stabbed by ISIS–tied attacker
Hooded man: 'This is Daesh. It's a warning'
Published: 29 mins ago

A man decked in a hood and carrying a knife stormed classes at a school just north of Paris Monday and stabbed a teacher, all in the name – he said – of “Daesh,” another reference to ISIS.

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“This is Daesh,” the attacker told his victim, authorities said, as reported by Reuters. “It’s a warning.”

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The teacher, also male, was transported to the hospital with a slash wound to the nexk. He’s expected to survive but little else is known about his condition.

The school was in Aubervilliers in the Saint-Denis region just outside of France’s capital city, Paris, where terrorists affiliated with ISIS in November went on a shooting and suicide bombing rampage, killing and wounding hundreds.