Author Topic: (Opinion) Why Many “Conservatives” are Horrified by Donald Trump’s Candidacy  (Read 10963 times)

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Offline katzenjammer

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(Opinion) Why Many “Conservatives” are Horrified by Donald Trump’s Candidacy

I think that there are two main reasons that conservatives, and some percentage of the Republican party, are horrified by the Trump candidacy.  (I am focused on the voters, not the owners, operators, and operatives of political businesses, that is another discussion entirely!)   These are the root cause reasons, the reasons below the surface of mere policy disputes or disagreements.  In fact, I believe that these root causes explain a great deal of the hyperbole, and purely emotional reactions that drive many of the anti-Trump brigade.  (I don’t think that I need to explain any of that, it has been in ample evidence everywhere one looks honestly; particularly in the manner that the attacks go far beyond the candidacy of Mr. Trump, but are readily washed over his supporters as well, with gusto.)

Lost Opportunity

I think that many “conservatives” (in quotes merely as a nod to how elusive a universally accepted definition of this term has become) see the 2016 presidential election as a grand opportunity to finally get a Republican nominee that represents the desires and principles of the “base.”  After serial disappointment with the likes of Dole, McCain, and Romney, and even a fair amount of hindsight disappointment in the collective results of the Bush regimes, I believe that many (myself included) believed that somehow 2016 would be different.

I believe the overarching cause of this optimism had a great deal to do with the two terms of Obama.  The main thought being along the lines of: “OK, if people didn’t appreciate and understand all of the problems with the progressives and their policy enactment before these two terms, then certainly now it will all be clear!”  Sure, the prior Democrat (Clinton) administration certainly evidenced much of the same, but too much of it was obscured by the economic “boom” (or at least the appearance of such) of the time, and the large swirl of Presidential personality issues that pervaded the political atmosphere both during, and post-, Clinton.  But time has marched on, Clinton left office on January 20, 2001; almost 15 years ago is virtually ancient history for the short attention spans of post-modern America.  So, now is the time!  We’ve had almost two terms of the worst regime in American history, the nation has been degraded by all reasonable measures, both domestically and internationally, like never before.

Surely 2016 will be opportunity to get a “real conservative” nominated, and beyond that, propelled into the Oval Office.  The damage done by the current regime (with a great deal of it still to come) has harmed enough Americans, in both tangible and intangible ways, that the tide will finally be moving in our direction!  The “true conservative” message will finally be able to be heard, and Americans will respond to it in great numbers (like we’ve always expected all along!).

Maybe you came into the start of this primary season with high hopes for Senator Ted Cruz, Governor Scott Walker, or name your preference.  You looked forward to the campaign stops, the debates, and media appearances.  Your candidate would finally have a welcome platform to get his/her message out!  America would actually be hungry for their words, their commitments, their promises!

But…  All of a sudden this unexpected character (a real “wild card”) emerges onto the scene!  Sure we all knew that the establishment candidates would always be present, and likely to be bankrolled to the hilt (e.g., John Ellis Bush), but no one can honestly say that back in the early months of 2015, when this season had its genesis, that they expected Donald Trump to enter the race.  Not only “talk” about running (again), but actually go through all of the required steps of launching a candidacy.  Well, he did.  And to this point it seems hard to argue that he has jumped into the race with two feet, and is running hard.  (Let’s be honest, even when he went through the process of the filings, and started to appear in the early states, did you really think that he would be out on the campaign trail consistently making 4 or 5 appearances per week?  I didn’t.  And now, it can’t be argued that he has essentially sucked all of the air out of the room, week after week, month after month.)

So, even beyond any disagreements that you may have with his personality, his stated policies, and his various (and numerous) takes on many issues over the past years, just the fact that this “wild card” has been thrust into our neat deck, at this particular time of opportunity, leads many to profound disappointment and even anger.  “Damn it, this wasn’t supposed to happen!!”  But it did…

(I’m) We’re Better Than That!

I think that this reason is the most difficult for anyone to actually acknowledge, even privately.  None of us are usually very willing to admit, at least in a public forum, that we view another fellow human being as “beneath” us.  (After all, most of us (regardless of religious preference) will acknowledge that we are all God’s creatures, and using the old colloquial popular in the 1960s, firmly state,  “God doesn’t make junk!”).  Hence, most of us are loathe to admit to ourselves, no less in a public forum, that a man like Donald Trump is “beneath” us.  That his appearance, personality, and personal history, offends our sensibilities!  After all, we’re serious political beings, many of us have worked on campaigns since our teenage years, have donated (at times) more time & money than we could rightly afford over the years, we’ve read and studied the issues and political history for decades.  But we are not snobs!

This man is flawed.  He has offensive personality traits.  He has never held an elective office of any type, yet he desires to cut his teeth on the Presidency of the United States of America!  (How dare he!!)  He’s been divorced more than once.  Some (four) of his corporate entities have made use of existing law and reorganized under bankruptcy provisions.  He’s a lifelong New Yorker for crimminy sakes!!  He has been in the business of making money on things like gambling casinos and beauty contests.  He has lent his name and brand to ventures that have had less than glowing results (e.g., Trump University).  He has made millions of dollars selling household goods and clothing made overseas.  He is a freakin' Reality TV star, for goodness sake!  He makes “crude” comments about others!  Many will say (rightfully from their perspective), that he is of low character.

Yes, Donald Trump is all of the above (and a lot more, both good and bad).  And for many, if we are completely honest with ourselves, in those quiet moments of solitary reflection, the above is just too far beneath our level of “comfort.”  We’re (I’m) better than that, and we (I) expect better of our national leaders!!

So, even if we will never fully admit this, even quietly to ourselves, we should acknowledge that this man's unorthodox and somewhat checkered past, does impact the way that we view both him, and his candidacy, in ways that we do not apply to almost all other political candidates.

Maybe you can relate to some of the above?  Even a few threads of it, here and there?  If so, I ask that you keep that self awareness in mind as this campaign season progresses.

I think that we are all better served by seriously embracing each of the contenders for what they represent now, at this point in our Nation’s history. 

- What are their campaigns bringing to the table?
- How have they shaped the dialogue?
- Who have become their “friends,” and more importantly, their “enemies?”
- What is the likelihood that they have the wherewithal and broad appeal to prevail over the Democrat candidate?
- How deep are their ties to the Uniparty establishment?
- How much do they truly LOVE AMERICA?

Setting aside all of the bluster, cheap-shot-taking, disappointment, and hurt feelings, we all owe it to our progeny (for most of us will be on the other side of the grass when the real trouble begins!) to rally around the candidate that is most likely to at least attempt to put a halt to this decline.  No matter who we may have expected (and wanted!) to be that person prior to this recently past Summer.

Many would find benefit in following the lead of some others that you may know.  Rather than just skim the surface and rely on the hyper-ventilated media reports about Donald Trump, some have done the deeper dive.  They've made an effort to really learn about the man, from reading the words of his associates, employees, and family members.  You may not like everything that you learn about him, but you will be surprised at what you do learn!

I am not trying to convince anyone to support Donald Trump (I never consider it my business to proselytize for political candidates).  But I am asking everyone to reflect a bit on the above, and decide for yourself if your ‘feelings’ and ultimately the words that you choose when you speak to others, might be a bit more tempered once you can get beyond some of the profound disappointment as to how this primary season has progressed to this point.  At some point in the Fall of 2016, you may find yourself rallying support for the only person that will stop the 3rd & likely 4th terms of the current regime.  It would be a pity if emotional disappointment and personal judgements from over a year ago, hamper your effort at the good fight!  That person may be named Donald J. Trump.

And that man, Donald J. Trump, is completely unlike any Republican candidate ever, not the kind of man that you ever envisioned supporting.  But.... 2015 America is unlike any version of America that ever crossed your imagination: culturally, politically, economically, socially, and militarily.

If you can say that absolutely none of the above colors or impacts your judgements, then so be it…  at least you can be assured that you are even more galvanized in your point of view!!

Oh, you can't always get what you want...
But if you try sometimes, you just might find,
You get what you need.....
« Last Edit: February 04, 2016, 06:28:59 am by katzenjammer »

Offline sinkspur

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Wonderfully, beautifully, insightfully written, Katz.  You've provided food for some thought.

However, if Trump were elected, he would certainly be the worst man to ever occupy the office. Crude, bigoted, insulting, misogynistic, racist and a bully.

And, as Ross Perot once said about why he would never hire an executive who had committed adultery:  "If he'll lie to his wife, he'll lie to me.

No thanks.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline alicewonders

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A lot of truth there Katz, it's good to see you posting!


Don't tread on me.   8888madkitty

We told you Trump would win - bigly!

Offline Scottftlc

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I agree with Sinkspur (first line anyway)  :laugh:

You should post more often.

I have likened this to a hostile takeover in business.  It happens in political parties from time to time, sometimes it is wildly successful and sometimes it fails miserably.  Like hostile takeovers in business, it affects livelihoods, paychecks, power and it is very, very emotional.  We may be seeing one...we may not be.  That will be decided by the voters next year.  All we know for certain now is that there is a strong move afoot to effect such a hostile takeover and each individual voter's position on it is going to be largely dependent on what they think of the current power-holders in the Party.  We can see there is a definite gulf between the rank-and-file and the current power holders being shown, how great it is in truth we will only know when the voting is done.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2015, 10:13:46 pm by Scottftlc »
Well, George Lewis told the Englishman, the Italian and the Jew
You can't open your mind, boys, to every conceivable point of view

...Bob Dylan

Offline aligncare

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Right on, katz.  Your call for temperance is wise, indeed.

I will vote for the GOP nominee--with a 100% guarantee on that pledge.

I say this knowing that nothing I do or say can change the trajectory of who that nominee will be.

If it's Lindsey be it. I'm pulling the lever for him.

Offline Scottftlc

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If it's Lindsey be it. I'm pulling the lever for him.

Thank God he is at 0% (less?).  As sinkspur thinks of Trump...well, let's just say he is warm and fuzzy on Trump compared to what I think of Lindsey Graham.

I'm not sure I could get the vomiting under control if I pulled the lever for Graham.
Well, George Lewis told the Englishman, the Italian and the Jew
You can't open your mind, boys, to every conceivable point of view

...Bob Dylan

Offline GAJohnnie

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Excellent post Katzenjammer. Would you care to share your thoughts in another set of posts? One on Cruz and one on Rubio? I would love to get your thoughts on both candidates.

Offline katzenjammer

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Wonderfully, beautifully, insightfully written, Katz.  You've provided food for some thought.

However, if Trump were elected, he would certainly be the worst man to ever occupy the office. Crude, bigoted, insulting, misogynistic, racist and a bully.

And, as Ross Perot once said about why he would never hire an executive who had committed adultery:  "If he'll lie to his wife, he'll lie to me.

No thanks.

Thank your for your thoughts and consideration, sink.

Regarding the outcome of the primary and the general, we shall see!!  One way, or another!   :patriot:

Offline katzenjammer

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A lot of truth there Katz, it's good to see you posting!


Let's see how long I can last in this go-around!!  lol


Offline katzenjammer

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I agree with Sinkspur (first line anyway)  :laugh:

You should post more often.

I have likened this to a hostile takeover in business.  It happens in political parties from time to time, sometimes it is wildly successful and sometimes it fails miserably.  Like hostile takeovers in business, it affects livelihoods, paychecks, power and it is very, very emotional.  We may be seeing one...we may not be.  That will be decided by the voters next year.  All we know for certain now is that there is a strong move afoot to effect such a hostile takeover and each individual voter's position on it is going to be largely dependent on what they think of the current power-holders in the Party.  We can see there is a definite gulf between the rank-and-file and the current power holders being shown, how great it is in truth we will only know when the voting is done.

Thanks, Scott!  I will remain posting as long as I am not detrimental to the environment!  lol

Your analogy of a hostile takeover is excellent!!

Regarding:  "We may be seeing one...we may not be."  Yes, I agree.  For many reasons; the primary one of course is that I am taking Trump at face value.  I've attended a rally in person and have watched almost all of the others on TV or video.  I too have done a bit of a deeper dive on the man.  At this point in time, I am believing what I am seeing, warts and all.  Time will tell... in many respects.


Offline katzenjammer

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Right on, katz.  Your call for temperance is wise, indeed.

I will vote for the GOP nominee--with a 100% guarantee on that pledge.

I say this knowing that nothing I do or say can change the trajectory of who that nominee will be.

If it's Lindsey be it. I'm pulling the lever for him.

Sal, you've been a voice of reason in many ways, and (almost!) always keep your commentary on the up and up!!

Soldier onward!!   :patriot:

Offline alicewonders

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Let's see how long I can last in this go-around!!  lol


:xedfingers:   :laugh:

Don't tread on me.   8888madkitty

We told you Trump would win - bigly!

Offline katzenjammer

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Excellent post Katzenjammer. Would you care to share your thoughts in another set of posts? One on Cruz and one on Rubio? I would love to get your thoughts on both candidates.

Thank you, Johnnie!  Let's not put the cart before the horse, so to speak!  I suspect that my commentary on either Cruz or Rubio may be even less popular than this Trump commentary!!  (At least to some percentage of our membership!!  lol)   :patriot:

Offline famousdayandyear

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Excellent exposition of the current environment in which we find ourselves.
I really appreciate the ease you possess to express with clarity, logic and reason the current state of affairs--qualities we cherish as members and guardians of Western civilization.  Thank you.

More, please.

Offline flowers

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for later. Good to see you post Katz

Online Lando Lincoln

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Katz... a breath of fresh air!   :patriot:
There are some among us who live in rooms of experience we can never enter.
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Online DCPatriot

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Good work, there, Katz!    You are a gift to us!   :beer:

Hope you keep posting now, because I expect multiple ground-shifting events.

It would be fun to see your honest, thoughtful insight as Trump's power grows each day.    :laugh:

Rush reported today that even among the media themselves, they're finding their own colleagues at the coffee machine whispering, when asked what they thought of Donald Trump's remarks on the Muslim immigration moratorium...."I actually hate to admit it and I'll castrate you with a spoon if you quote me, but I agree with Donald Trump."

They couldn't find one single solitary Trump supporter who thought Trump crossed the 'red line'.   Immediately afterwards, his numbers in South Carolina went up.  Lindsey-effing-Graham's State.

One more thing...picture Candidate Donald Trump speaking to the American People on National and social media on the eve of the election...asking and pleading for the very life of America herself....that they get off their butts and vote.  And drag a friend.  Who has to bring a friend.....

Fill up the cars!  Vote!

My God....he'd had people bawling.   And if that's drinking the koolade....count me in.

Donald Trump is no' Ross Perot'.   

« Last Edit: December 11, 2015, 01:33:45 am by DCPatriot »
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

Offline sinkspur

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Donald Trump doesn't have the personal integrity of Ross Perot.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline Sanguine

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Thank you, Johnnie!  Let's not put the cart before the horse, so to speak!  I suspect that my commentary on either Cruz or Rubio may be even less popular than this Trump commentary!!  (At least to some percentage of our membership!!  lol)   :patriot:

Very well-thought out piece.  I would like to see what you have to say about Cruz.  I am a Cruz supporter.  Volunteered and worked on his senate race.  But, I don't want to select a candidate because I "like" him/her.  I want to hear both sides.  I don't want to hear thoughtless stuff: "I can't stand the way he talks", "I don't like his hair", that kind of stuff.  But, it is so valuable to read reasonable, logical opinions, especially if they don't back up what I believe.

Online DCPatriot

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  • "...and the winning number is...not yours!
Donald Trump doesn't have the personal integrity of Ross Perot.

Just on the issue of National Security alone, Sink.  Trump vs Clinton?   

We'll all sleep better with a President Trump.  He'll clean up and modernize our military, and defense capabilities.  He'll get rid of Obama's people in the FBI and CIA and Secret Service.  And IRS. And EPA....well, you get the idea.

He'll loosen and void all Obama's EO's...just like any other candidate would, but Trump is what this country needs today.

I believe it will all my heart and soul.

I don't care that he insults people.   Some people NEED to be insulted.

Him?  Or Hillary?
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

Offline EdinVA

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Great piece Katz and thank you for the effort.

My take on all of this is we have had several GOPe congresses and presidents in my lifetime and not once have they done what they promised to do during their campaign.  At the end of each "tour of duty' our debt is larger as is our government, our position in the world is lessened and we continue to have government initiated economic turmoil.  Our borders have still not been secured and we continue importing people that want to kill us, even with a republican controlled congress.

Our candidates fill our hearts and minds with promises of economic stability and national security yet once they get elected, they no longer need our support and focus on fundraisers for their next election or attending cocktail parties.  The truly troubling part to me is that once we "beat them" and "our guy" is in office, we seem to go back to sleep and stop pushing those we elect to do what they said they would do.

My observation of the conversations on TBR is more than simply getting "our guy" elected.
I think there is genuine fear/concern/?? that this may be our last shot to get it right.
Will the next president even try to undo the damage and if that person does try, are they going to be tough/resourceful and determined enough to be able to get it done?
Do we genuinely believe a "mainstream" gop president capable/willing to put their political career or second term or post presidency status at risk to eliminate/reduce the debt and reduce the size of government?
I don't know and the only yardstick I have is past performance and that is not good.

My hope is that as rouge as Trump is, that he will actually attempt to do the things he says he will, that is the only reason I am hanging my hat on him.

Offline katzenjammer

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Excellent exposition of the current environment in which we find ourselves.
I really appreciate the ease you possess to express with clarity, logic and reason the current state of affairs--qualities we cherish as members and guardians of Western civilization.  Thank you.

More, please.

Thank you for your kind remarks!   :patriot:

Offline katzenjammer

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Katz... a breath of fresh air!   :patriot:

Well Lando, it got to the point where I thought that we really needed some fresh air!!

I am hoping that this little "breeze" does the trick for at least a little while!  lol


Offline aligncare

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Great piece Katz and thank you for the effort.

My take on all of this is we have had several GOPe congresses and presidents in my lifetime and not once have they done what they promised to do during their campaign.  At the end of each "tour of duty' our debt is larger as is our government, our position in the world is lessened and we continue to have government initiated economic turmoil.  Our borders have still not been secured and we continue importing people that want to kill us, even with a republican controlled congress.

Our candidates fill our hearts and minds with promises of economic stability and national security yet once they get elected, they no longer need our support and focus on fundraisers for their next election or attending cocktail parties.  The truly troubling part to me is that once we "beat them" and "our guy" is in office, we seem to go back to sleep and stop pushing those we elect to do what they said they would do.

My observation of the conversations on TBR is more than simply getting "our guy" elected.
I think there is genuine fear/concern/?? that this may be our last shot to get it right.
Will the next president even try to undo the damage and if that person does try, are they going to be tough/resourceful and determined enough to be able to get it done?
Do we genuinely believe a "mainstream" gop president capable/willing to put their political career or second term or post presidency status at risk to eliminate/reduce the debt and reduce the size of government?
I don't know and the only yardstick I have is past performance and that is not good.

My hope is that as rouge as Trump is, that he will actually attempt to do the things he says he will, that is the only reason I am hanging my hat on him.

I look at his history. When Donald Trump says he would put in a 100 story building by a certain date, it's usually completed early or on time. When he says he's putting in a golf course, he puts in a golf course usually on budget. He always accomplishes what he sets out to do. When he says he's building a wall on the southern border, I expect he will fight like heck to get that accomplished.

Offline katzenjammer

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Good work, there, Katz!    You are a gift to us!   :beer:

Hope you keep posting now, because I expect multiple ground-shifting events.

It would be fun to see your honest, thoughtful insight as Trump's power grows each day.    :laugh:

Rush reported today that even among the media themselves, they're finding their own colleagues at the coffee machine whispering, when asked what they thought of Donald Trump's remarks on the Muslim immigration moratorium...."I actually hate to admit it and I'll castrate you with a spoon if you quote me, but I agree with Donald Trump."

They couldn't find one single solitary Trump supporter who thought Trump crossed the 'red line'.   Immediately afterwards, his numbers in South Carolina went up.  Lindsey-effing-Graham's State.

One more thing...picture Candidate Donald Trump speaking to the American People on National and social media on the eve of the election...asking and pleading for the very life of America herself....that they get off their butts and vote.  And drag a friend.  Who has to bring a friend.....

Fill up the cars!  Vote!

My God....he'd had people bawling.   And if that's drinking the koolade....count me in.

Donald Trump is no' Ross Perot'.   

Thanks much, David, you are too kind!

I agree that there are likely to be several "ground-shifting events" on the horizon.

I think that many of us aren't all that comfortable speaking of them outside the confines of our own minds.

If all of the talk of the potential for a brokered convention comes to pass, I am not sure that any of us can predict the degree of the calamity and fallout.

Yes, there is a groundswell of support building for this candidacy across so many demographics that have yet to be described in any detail.  Current polling (take them for what they are worth) of Republicans and Republican Leaners does not begin to capture the support that is out there.

Let's hang on to our hats and enjoy the ride!!   :patriot: