Author Topic: Environmentalists Already Furious With COP21 Paris Agreement  (Read 246 times)

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Environmentalists Already Furious With COP21 Paris Agreement
« on: December 06, 2015, 12:58:14 pm »
Environmentalists Already Furious With COP21 Paris Agreement

Posted By Andrew Follett On 3:52 PM 12/04/2015 In | No Comments

A coalition of “environmental justice” groups named the Grassroots Global Justice Alliance called the United Nations global warming summit, or COP 21, a “crime against vulnerable communities” Thursday.

“Inadequate action and false solutions will result in extreme consequences for the planet that will have notably disproportionate impact on the peoples of the Global South, as well as working class communities, communities of color, and indigenous and marginalized peoples living on the front-lines of the escalating climate crisis,” claims its website.

The Alliance created a list of demands including a “gender-responsive approach” to global warming and banning nuclear power (which creates no carbon dioxide emissions). Environmental websites are already claiming COP21 is “ethically compromised” due to intense pressure exerted by “corporate environmentalism.” The same website claims the conference ignores “climate debt,” the idea that rich countries owe reparations to poor countries for the climate crisis.

Some of the countries attending COP21 seem to agree with the Grassroots Global Justice Alliance’s opinion.

“The structural cause that has triggered the climate crisis is the failed capitalist system,” is the government of Bolivia’s official stance at COP 21. “The capitalist system promotes consumerism, warmongering and commercialism, causing the destruction of Mother Earth and humanity. The capitalist system is a system of death.”

Naturally, the government of Bolivia and other left-wing governments want the United States to take the lead in reducing carbon dioxide emissions and paying the financial costs of doing so.

The 21st United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 21) began Nov. 30 and will conclude Dec. 11.

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