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« Reply #725 on: December 04, 2015, 12:22:57 am »
Obama says it’s possible shooting was ‘workplace related’ . . . Giuliani: ‘you’re a moron’
December 3, 2015 | Tom Tillison | 10 comments | Print Article

President Obama said it’s too early to tell whether Wednesday’s shooting in San Bernardino, Calif., was “terrorist-related,” insisting that it’s “possible” that it was workplace related violence.

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani thinks it’s possible only a “moron” would come up with such a conclusion.

“If you can’t come to a conclusion at this point that this was an act of terror … you’re a moron,” he said early Thursday in an appearance on Fox News.

Keep in mind, the Muslim couple responsible for the attack that killed up to 14 people, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, were wearing body armor and carrying assault rifles when they opened fire at a county health department office party at the Inland Regional Center.

And were wearing GoPro cameras when they were killed.

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I'm surprised Obama didn't make the connection (maybe I shouldn't give him any ideas) that the terrorist 'planned' the shooting and he was a 'parent' therefore Planned Parenthood.

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« Reply #726 on: December 04, 2015, 12:35:11 am »
Two things, have to  go. I'm still at work.

This blows up the whole nice Muslims meme. As in,  I know a Muslim and he's really nice. All accounts are that this guy was a nice guy, until the day he decided to kill everyone.

And, if this is workplace violence, then why was his home a bomb making factory?  Gatta go
You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.

Offline Charlespg

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« Reply #727 on: December 04, 2015, 01:07:35 am »
Just a couple simple questions.  Does Obama also think gun control would deter the mafia? :whistle:  How about black panthers? :whistle: How about drug cabals from Mexico? :thud:
  as I commented on the Daily Mail

Mortars .full auto AK's semtex ,ect  its  here squirreled  away in the local mosque someplace  ...we have had wide open borders for decades
Rather Trump Then Cackles Clinton

Offline Carling

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« Reply #728 on: December 04, 2015, 01:32:25 am »
How about drug cabals from Mexico? :thud:

He and Holder literally gave guns to the Mexican drug cartels.  I've emailed conservative media voices to use this line, but I haven't heard it yet.

"Obama's ATF gave guns to Mexican drug cartels, one of which ended up murdering border agent Brian Terry, yet he's trying to take them away from American citizens.  It's time we ask whose side Obama is on, because this goes far beyond incompetency."
Trump has created a cult and looks more and more like Hitler every day.


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« Reply #729 on: December 04, 2015, 12:11:17 pm »
Radicalized US Muslim was teased by colleagues about his Islamic beard and had clashed with Jewish co-worker over religion before he and Pakistani wife killed 14 at San Bernardino holiday party

    Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27, were killed in a gun battle with police after a mass shooting
    Police said 14 died and 21 were injured after suspects opened fire at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino 
    Suspects left explosive devices rigged to a remote-controlled toy car at the center before fleeing in an SUV
    While the motive for the massacre remains unclear, Farook reportedly clashed with a Jewish co-worker over religion
    Farook got into a heated argument with Nicholas Thalasinos, a Messianic Jew, who was named as one of the victims
    But lawyers for the Farook family said he was subjected to a series of disparaging comments about his traditional Muslim appearance
    David Chesley, attorney acting for Farook's family, questioned accounts of massacre and whether information released by police and FBI was accurate
    He made bizarre reference to Sandy Hook massacre, suggesting it didn't take place as described
    Chesley said of Malik: 'It doesn't seem plausible that this petite woman would be involved in this sort of hyper-caricatured, Bonnie and Clyde crazy scenario'
    It emerged that Farook brought his wife to the US on a 90-day K-1 fiancee visa and that she passed counterterrorism screening as part of her vetting
    Farook's older brother, Syed Raheel Farook, is a decorated Navy veteran honored for his role in the war on terror
    Their mother Rafia, 62, was held for questioning in the wake of the mass shooting after cops pulled her over in one of her other son's SUVs and she was released without charge the next day
    Police and federal agents searched a Redlands home, seizing 5,000 bullets, 12 pipe bombs and tools to make IEDs
    Investigators said Farook was in touch by phone and via social media with international terrorism subjects   

By Ben Ashford and Ruth Styles In San Bernardino For and Khaleda Rahman and Snejana Farberov and Mia De Graaf For

Published: 07:57 EST, 3 December 2015 | Updated: 06:41 EST, 4 December 2015


The family of San Bernardino gunman Syed Farook told FBI investigators that he had been teased by colleagues about his long Islamic beard hours after it emerged that he had also clashed with a Jewish co-worker over religion weeks before he and his wife killed 14 at a holiday party.

While the exact motive for the massacre remains unclear, lawyers for the Farook family said the gunman had been subject to a series of disparaging comments about his traditional Muslim appearance.

However, they added that the slain health inspector had ‘brushed off’ the remarks and they remained at a loss to explain why he mercilessly gunned down 14 people, the majority his former co-workers, on Wednesday.

Their comments came hours after it emerged that Farook had recently gotten into a heated argument with colleague Nicholas Thalasinos, a Messianic Jew, who was named as one of his victims.

Mr Thalasinos – worked alongside Farook as a county restaurant inspector and the pair are said to have regularly discussed politics and religion.

Colleague Kuuleme Stephen said she had called Thalasinos while he was at work when he was having a heated discussion with Farook.

Mr Thalasinos had identified Farook by name and told her the 28-year-old believed Islam was a peaceful religion. She added that Farook said that Americans do not understand Islam.

Mr Thalasinos was known to be passionate about pro-Israel causes and regularly ranted about Islam on Facebook.

On September 11th, 2013, alongside a photo of a shirtless victim plummeting to his death from the burning World Trade Center, Mr Thalasinos posted: 'On behalf of this guy… You can stick your Million Muslim March up your asses'.
In one of his final status updates on Tuesday, Mr Thalasinos responded to an anti-Semitic tirade allegedly penned by an apparent Muslim living in Ukraine, who railed against Jews and Israel.

‘Anyway my new hobby appears to be BLOCKING PAGAN ANTISEMITIC TROGLODYTES so I'm just passing this along to warn others,’ was Thalasinos' reply.

He was back online early on Wednesday morning sharing articles about Russian President Vladimir Putin and posting a negative comment about President Obama.

Again, it is unclear if the dispute played a part in the massacre.

David Chesley, an attorney acting for Farook's family, today questioned accounts of the shootings and whether information released by the police and FBI was accurate.

To illustrate his point, he made a bizarre reference to the Sandy Hook massacre, suggesting it didn't take place as described in the official narrative.

'There have been suggestions that it may be something that was related to their work, that somehow he was a disgruntled employee,' he said.

'But it doesn't seem plausible to us that this petite woman would be involved in this sort of hyper-caricatured, Bonnie and Clyde crazy scenario.

'There was a lot of questions drawn with Sandy Hook and whether or not that was a real incident or not.

'But I mean obviously these things were found there, how they got there we don't know.'

Asked if he doubted if the Dec 2012 Sandy Hook massacre, which claimed 26 lives, took place, Mr Chesley added: 'There has been a lot speculation about it is all I would say.

'There's a lot of people that said it happened but hasn't happened in the way that it was purported to have taken place.
'There's no question that incidents have taken place and evidence was found but we just question some of that.'

The family’s lawyers also revealed for the first time that Farook's mother Rafia, 62, was held for questioning in the wake of the mass shooting after cops pulled her over in one of her other son's SUVs.

She was released without charge the next day but the vehicle is still in the hands of law enforcement officials, they said. The Farook family, including his father Syed, 66, older brother Syed Raheel, and sisters Eba, 24, Saira, 32, and her husband Farhan Khan, 41, spent several hours talking to FBI agents on Thursday.

Speaking outside Mr Khan's house late last night, attorney Chesley insisted that Farook's relatives had no idea he was plotting a massacre or stockpiling weapons with his wife Tashfeen Malik, 27.

FBI agents discovered a huge arsenal – including nearly 5,000 rounds of ammunition, a dozen pipe bombs and hundreds of tools for making IEDs at the couple’s home.

It also emerged that Farook was in touch by phone and through social media with more than one international terrorism subject. Meanwhile, Farook's older brother, Syed Raheel Farook, was revealed a decorated Navy veteran honored for his role in the war on terror

But Mr Chesley said there was 'no smoking gun' to suggest a motive but added: 'Both the sisters and the brothers as they went through the information today, there was one silly thing that came up - that some of his co-workers at some point made remarks about his beard.

'But it so slight and no-one has ever stated that he has ever acted in a hostile or a violent way towards anyone. They were a very polite, conservative married couple.' His colleague and fellow attorney, Mohammad Abuershaid, added: 'There is no indication that he was involved with anybody physically.


'There's no indication he had a short temper. It was people just teasing him about his facial hair and how he looked. He had a long beard and a very short trimmed haircut.

'It was just basic comments but he used to brush them off pretty easily. The family is in shock just as we are. They had no idea something like this would happen.'

Both lawyers refused to comment on the dead couple's child other to say she was safe and being cared for. They said the family last saw Farook on Sunday for a family meal.

The coupled lived in a rented apartment in Redlands, a 15-minute drive from San Bernardino, with their mother Rafia, who was held by police after a 3pm traffic stop on the day of the shootings. She was released in the early hours and the family lawyers refuted suggestions that Rafia was facing pending charges.

‘She was picked up in a traffic stop, I believe, and taken into custody,’ said Mr Chesley. ‘She was driving at the time Raheel’s truck. That truck is still in custody .

‘They brought her in for questioning and basically held her into the night and said we are not going to let her go unless the rest of the family comes in for questioning.’


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Offline EdinVA

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« Reply #730 on: December 04, 2015, 12:47:28 pm »
While the exact motive for the massacre remains unclear

Unclear?  They were terrorists, that is what terrorists do.

Offline DCPatriot

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« Reply #731 on: December 04, 2015, 12:57:32 pm »
Unclear?  They were terrorists, that is what terrorists do.

"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

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« Reply #732 on: December 04, 2015, 01:17:29 pm »
Liberals keep trying to apply rational thinking to irrational people so we can someone justify these events.
People made fun of his beard, a Jewish guy yelled at him, he was against Christmas, as tho somehow NORMAL Americans are at fault and caused this to happen... we must change our ways... be more sensitive..


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« Reply #733 on: December 04, 2015, 02:55:34 pm »
Radicalized US Muslim was teased by colleagues about his Islamic beard and had clashed with Jewish co-worker over religion before he and Pakistani wife killed 14 at San Bernardino holiday party

    Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27, were killed in a gun battle with police after a mass shooting
    Police said 14 died and 21 were injured after suspects opened fire at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino 
    Suspects left explosive devices rigged to a remote-controlled toy car at the center before fleeing in an SUV
    While the motive for the massacre remains unclear, Farook reportedly clashed with a Jewish co-worker over religion
    Farook got into a heated argument with Nicholas Thalasinos, a Messianic Jew, who was named as one of the victims
    But lawyers for the Farook family said he was subjected to a series of disparaging comments about his traditional Muslim appearance
    David Chesley, attorney acting for Farook's family, questioned accounts of massacre and whether information released by police and FBI was accurate
    He made bizarre reference to Sandy Hook massacre, suggesting it didn't take place as described
    Chesley said of Malik: 'It doesn't seem plausible that this petite woman would be involved in this sort of hyper-caricatured, Bonnie and Clyde crazy scenario'
    It emerged that Farook brought his wife to the US on a 90-day K-1 fiancee visa and that she passed counterterrorism screening as part of her vetting
    Farook's older brother, Syed Raheel Farook, is a decorated Navy veteran honored for his role in the war on terror
    Their mother Rafia, 62, was held for questioning in the wake of the mass shooting after cops pulled her over in one of her other son's SUVs and she was released without charge the next day
    Police and federal agents searched a Redlands home, seizing 5,000 bullets, 12 pipe bombs and tools to make IEDs
    Investigators said Farook was in touch by phone and via social media with international terrorism subjects   

By Ben Ashford and Ruth Styles In San Bernardino For and Khaleda Rahman and Snejana Farberov and Mia De Graaf For

Published: 07:57 EST, 3 December 2015 | Updated: 06:41 EST, 4 December 2015


The family of San Bernardino gunman Syed Farook told FBI investigators that he had been teased by colleagues about his long Islamic beard hours after it emerged that he had also clashed with a Jewish co-worker over religion weeks before he and his wife killed 14 at a holiday party.

While the exact motive for the massacre remains unclear, lawyers for the Farook family said the gunman had been subject to a series of disparaging comments about his traditional Muslim appearance.

However, they added that the slain health inspector had ‘brushed off’ the remarks and they remained at a loss to explain why he mercilessly gunned down 14 people, the majority his former co-workers, on Wednesday.

Their comments came hours after it emerged that Farook had recently gotten into a heated argument with colleague Nicholas Thalasinos, a Messianic Jew, who was named as one of his victims.

Mr Thalasinos – worked alongside Farook as a county restaurant inspector and the pair are said to have regularly discussed politics and religion.

Colleague Kuuleme Stephen said she had called Thalasinos while he was at work when he was having a heated discussion with Farook.

Mr Thalasinos had identified Farook by name and told her the 28-year-old believed Islam was a peaceful religion. She added that Farook said that Americans do not understand Islam.

Mr Thalasinos was known to be passionate about pro-Israel causes and regularly ranted about Islam on Facebook.

On September 11th, 2013, alongside a photo of a shirtless victim plummeting to his death from the burning World Trade Center, Mr Thalasinos posted: 'On behalf of this guy… You can stick your Million Muslim March up your asses'.
In one of his final status updates on Tuesday, Mr Thalasinos responded to an anti-Semitic tirade allegedly penned by an apparent Muslim living in Ukraine, who railed against Jews and Israel.

‘Anyway my new hobby appears to be BLOCKING PAGAN ANTISEMITIC TROGLODYTES so I'm just passing this along to warn others,’ was Thalasinos' reply.

He was back online early on Wednesday morning sharing articles about Russian President Vladimir Putin and posting a negative comment about President Obama.

Again, it is unclear if the dispute played a part in the massacre.

David Chesley, an attorney acting for Farook's family, today questioned accounts of the shootings and whether information released by the police and FBI was accurate.

To illustrate his point, he made a bizarre reference to the Sandy Hook massacre, suggesting it didn't take place as described in the official narrative.

'There have been suggestions that it may be something that was related to their work, that somehow he was a disgruntled employee,' he said.

'But it doesn't seem plausible to us that this petite woman would be involved in this sort of hyper-caricatured, Bonnie and Clyde crazy scenario.

'There was a lot of questions drawn with Sandy Hook and whether or not that was a real incident or not.

'But I mean obviously these things were found there, how they got there we don't know.'

Asked if he doubted if the Dec 2012 Sandy Hook massacre, which claimed 26 lives, took place, Mr Chesley added: 'There has been a lot speculation about it is all I would say.

'There's a lot of people that said it happened but hasn't happened in the way that it was purported to have taken place.
'There's no question that incidents have taken place and evidence was found but we just question some of that.'

The family’s lawyers also revealed for the first time that Farook's mother Rafia, 62, was held for questioning in the wake of the mass shooting after cops pulled her over in one of her other son's SUVs.

She was released without charge the next day but the vehicle is still in the hands of law enforcement officials, they said. The Farook family, including his father Syed, 66, older brother Syed Raheel, and sisters Eba, 24, Saira, 32, and her husband Farhan Khan, 41, spent several hours talking to FBI agents on Thursday.

Speaking outside Mr Khan's house late last night, attorney Chesley insisted that Farook's relatives had no idea he was plotting a massacre or stockpiling weapons with his wife Tashfeen Malik, 27.

FBI agents discovered a huge arsenal – including nearly 5,000 rounds of ammunition, a dozen pipe bombs and hundreds of tools for making IEDs at the couple’s home.

It also emerged that Farook was in touch by phone and through social media with more than one international terrorism subject. Meanwhile, Farook's older brother, Syed Raheel Farook, was revealed a decorated Navy veteran honored for his role in the war on terror

But Mr Chesley said there was 'no smoking gun' to suggest a motive but added: 'Both the sisters and the brothers as they went through the information today, there was one silly thing that came up - that some of his co-workers at some point made remarks about his beard.

'But it so slight and no-one has ever stated that he has ever acted in a hostile or a violent way towards anyone. They were a very polite, conservative married couple.' His colleague and fellow attorney, Mohammad Abuershaid, added: 'There is no indication that he was involved with anybody physically.


'There's no indication he had a short temper. It was people just teasing him about his facial hair and how he looked. He had a long beard and a very short trimmed haircut.

'It was just basic comments but he used to brush them off pretty easily. The family is in shock just as we are. They had no idea something like this would happen.'

Both lawyers refused to comment on the dead couple's child other to say she was safe and being cared for. They said the family last saw Farook on Sunday for a family meal.

The coupled lived in a rented apartment in Redlands, a 15-minute drive from San Bernardino, with their mother Rafia, who was held by police after a 3pm traffic stop on the day of the shootings. She was released in the early hours and the family lawyers refuted suggestions that Rafia was facing pending charges.

‘She was picked up in a traffic stop, I believe, and taken into custody,’ said Mr Chesley. ‘She was driving at the time Raheel’s truck. That truck is still in custody .

‘They brought her in for questioning and basically held her into the night and said we are not going to let her go unless the rest of the family comes in for questioning.’


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You can begin to see the outlines of the "workplace violence"/went postal lies the White House and the MSM are going to start constructing as the "narrative" for what happened.

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« Reply #734 on: December 04, 2015, 02:59:05 pm »
You can begin to see the outlines of the "workplace violence"/went postal lies the White House and the MSM are going to start constructing as the "narrative" for what happened.

I actually thought of this before I heard it on Rush Limbaugh. The other angle is that the muslim was somehow "offended". We all know that in America there are few things worse than offending someone. So, the muslim was offended, the details unavailable about the nature of the offense, but it surely had something to do with the Christmas party! Good gosh, he was pushed over the edge by a workplace Christmas party.

Time to ban all workplace Christmas / Holiday parties.

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« Reply #735 on: December 04, 2015, 08:15:52 pm »
Wondering just why not one of the wounded...or their respective family hasn't been heard from.

Why aren't the networks/media tripping over themselves to interview them?

Did they pay-off the wounded in exchange for their promised silence on what transpired?
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

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"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

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« Reply #736 on: December 04, 2015, 08:32:33 pm »
Wondering just why not one of the wounded...or their respective family hasn't been heard from.

Why aren't the networks/media tripping over themselves to interview them?

Did they pay-off the wounded in exchange for their promised silence on what transpired?
I noticed they haven't interviewed many bystanders? Or have they? 

Offline GourmetDan

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« Reply #737 on: December 04, 2015, 08:45:48 pm »
I noticed they haven't interviewed many bystanders? Or have they?
Look at the 2 pictures on the left from Sandy Hook.  One shows the line of kids being 'evacuated' from the school... we all know that one.  It's a media fave.  Now look at the one next to it from behind a line of parents...  Can you say staged?

You really have no idea what the truth is these days... absolutely everything on the msm is managed...


« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 08:46:09 pm by GourmetDan »
"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." - Ecclesiastes 10:2

"The sole purpose of the Republican Party is to serve as an ineffective alternative to the Democrat Party." - GourmetDan

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« Reply #738 on: December 04, 2015, 08:55:26 pm »
Look at the 2 pictures on the left from Sandy Hook.  One shows the line of kids being 'evacuated' from the school... we all know that one.  It's a media fave.  Now look at the one next to it from behind a line of parents...  Can you say staged?

You really have no idea what the truth is these days... absolutely everything on the msm is managed...

Where are the alleged dead kids now and their families? 

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« Reply #739 on: December 04, 2015, 08:56:40 pm »
Where are the alleged dead kids now and their families?

I guess you'll have to download the book and read it.  It's free...

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." - Ecclesiastes 10:2

"The sole purpose of the Republican Party is to serve as an ineffective alternative to the Democrat Party." - GourmetDan

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« Reply #740 on: December 04, 2015, 09:03:51 pm »
I guess you'll have to download the book and read it.  It's free...

Offline GourmetDan

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« Reply #741 on: December 04, 2015, 09:10:52 pm »

Nobody Died at Sandy Hook is linked at Rense.  It takes a while to download since it is > 400 pages plus the first 2 pages in the pdf are blank so you have to go down to pg 3.

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." - Ecclesiastes 10:2

"The sole purpose of the Republican Party is to serve as an ineffective alternative to the Democrat Party." - GourmetDan

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« Reply #742 on: December 04, 2015, 09:13:22 pm »
Nobody Died at Sandy Hook is linked at Rense.  It takes a while to download since it is > 400 pages plus the first 2 pages in the pdf are blank so you have to go down to pg 3.
I won' t be downloading any time soon my computer old and not much bandwidth.

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« Reply #743 on: December 04, 2015, 09:15:01 pm »
Facebook removed suspect profile after California shooting

(Reuters) - A Facebook profile established under an alias by Tashfeen Malik, one of the suspects in the California shooting, was removed by the company for violating its community standards, which prohibit praise or promotion of “acts of terror,” a spokesman said Friday.

Content celebrating leaders of the Islamic State would be removed under the company’s standards, said a Facebook Inc spokesman, who asked not to be named.

He did not directly say the Islamic State comments were what triggered the removal on Thursday. He added that Facebook is cooperating with law enforcement on the matter.

Law enforcement sources have said that material on the Facebook page included praise of the Islamic State.

It was unclear how Facebook discovered the account and how the company linked it to Malik.

See they have her photo. Just heard on Cnn some almost trying to blame this on her.


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« Reply #744 on: December 04, 2015, 09:18:23 pm »
That further makes it sound ISIS related.

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« Reply #745 on: December 04, 2015, 09:33:41 pm »
That further makes it sound ISIS related.
No....not on Cnn. just one instance of terror. They had nothing to do with Isis or AQ as a group.  :thud:

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« Reply #746 on: December 04, 2015, 09:54:52 pm »
No....not on Cnn. just one instance of terror. They had nothing to do with Isis or AQ as a group.  :thud:

Erin Burnett on CNN said it may be due to postpartum depression (not kidding). Obviously if the republicans didn't go after Planned Parenthood, she could have had an abortion and not carried it to term so she wouldn't be depressed and they would still be a happy, well adjusted Southern California family. Therefore, Republican's war on PP and women caused it.

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« Reply #747 on: December 04, 2015, 10:19:06 pm »
Erin Burnett on CNN said it may be due to postpartum depression (not kidding). Obviously if the republicans didn't go after Planned Parenthood, she could have had an abortion and not carried it to term so she wouldn't be depressed and they would still be a happy, well adjusted Southern California family. Therefore, Republican's war on PP and women caused it.

I was listening to a panel discussion on NPR this morning and all four panelists were struggling like hell to come up with some explanation as to why this seemingly normal couple with a small baby would do such a thing.  I literally laughed out loud in my car because that seemed like a better solution than putting my foot through the dashboard.

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« Reply #748 on: December 04, 2015, 10:22:55 pm »
Farook family lawyers giving a presser now....
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« Reply #749 on: December 04, 2015, 10:24:38 pm »
Family knew nothing...Syaed was a good boy and not violent...
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