Author Topic: EXCLUSIVE: New PAC Forms to Bring Rick Perry Back Into Presidential Race  (Read 229 times)

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A new PAC has officially formed with the purpose of bringing former Texas Governor Rick Perry back into the Presidential race.

The Bring Leadership Back PAC plans to launch Friday.

Governor Perry suspended his campaign for the Presidency on September 11 of this year after a criminal indictment – which was widely considered a partisan hit job – greatly hindered his ability to raise money and gain momentum. He was also hurt by low poll numbers, which kept him relegated to the undercard debates.

But now, several former backers believe they see an opening for him to re-enter the race. Many Republican primary voters have expressed a desire for proven and tested leadership that can only come from a governor. With other governors like Scott Walker and Bobby Jindal also out of the race, and lackluster performances from Bush, Kasich, and Huckabee, the founders of Bring Leadership Back think that Rick Perry still has a chance.

A post on the group’s Facebook page says: “We are a group dedicated to bringing leadership back to the race for President. If you find yourself dissatisfied with so many options, it’s because candidates with the most experience are missing from the conversation.”

At this time, the group is headed by Nathan Walder, who ran Americans for Perry PAC;  Ed Willing, a former volunteer and grassroots organizer for the Perry campaign; and Ginger Howard, the former Georgia state chair for Perry’s 2016 campaign.

While there is certainly a well-coordinated effort, several big questions still remain. Several key filing deadlines have passed, and it will be hard to get Perry’s name on the ballot in most of the early states. Additionally, Perry’s indictment is still looming large, although many legal experts believe it will be dismissed within the next few weeks.

However, Bring Back Leadership is mainly banking on the 2016 race going to a brokered convention – something that even Karl Rove considers a strong possibility. They believe that if Perry can be prepared for a fight on the floor of the convention, his tested leadership can rally the delegates and bring them together. Perry is also seen as someone who appeals to both moderates and conservatives, so many people believe he would be a natural choice to bridge the divide between warring GOP factions.

Whether they will accomplish their goals or not remains to be seen. However, Bring Back Leadership has been raising money online for the past several days, and they are attempting to recruit many of Perry’s former staffers and operatives.

If you would like to learn more about their efforts, you can visit their Facebook page.