Author Topic: Gun Grabber Dems Push To Disarm Americans In The Name Of Security – Terrorists “Domestic Lone Wolf” Could Be Any American  (Read 375 times)

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Gun Grabber Dems Push To Disarm Americans In The Name Of Security – Terrorists “Domestic Lone Wolf” Could Be Any American
Rick Wells 11/23/2015


Senator Dianne Feinstein is notorious for her gun-grabbing penchant, which she readily pursues at every given opportunity. It was only a matter of time before she and her fellow anti-American Democrats seized upon the Paris shootings to once again attempt to vilify guns, in spite of the fact that Paris is a gun-free zone, a city-sized killing field.

Her simplistic comments hinted at the dunder-headed Senator’s own intellectual prowess as she stated, “I think this is a no-brainer. If you’re too dangerous to board a plane, you’re too dangerous to buy a gun.” Of course, there is no amendment to the Constitution specifically guaranteeing one a right to board an airplane. There is one guaranteeing the right to own a firearm. Feinstein knows that but her liberal rationalizations find her frequently trying to explain away rights she doesn’t personally agree with.

Feinstein’s bill would allow the US Attorney General to compile a list of persons, US citizens, who would have their constitutionally protected right bear to arms suspended indefinitely based, not upon a criminal act for which they have been convicted, but upon a perceived threat or potential to commit such an act, the Orwellian concept of pre-crime.

At the time her bill was introduced in February, the Attorney General was the notorious gun-grabber Eric Holder, who has stated in the past that “We need to brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.”

Those on the list would be deemed to be either a known or suspected terrorist and upon such a declaration, would lose their right to keep and bear arms. Federally licensed gun dealers would at that point be barred from selling firearms to them while private sales could still take place.

The standard for consideration as a “potential terrorist” is entirely subjective and is in no way justification for the cancelling of a constitutional right, falling largely to the vague reliance upon a belief by a government official that a purchased weapon “might” be used for terrorism.
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Private gun sales would not be affected nor would the illegal gun trade. To believe that terrorist access to weapons would be impacted by this type of chicanery is childlike in its naiveté. But responding to terrorism is not the objective; the goal is to grab our guns.

Terrorism is not viewed by most of the Democrat leadership and operatives as a sufficient reason to cancel the importation of foreigners of the type who will shoot those they view as infidels in cold blood. It’s more than enough of a threat for Democrats to infringe on our rights to bear arms, converting that right into a privilege and then denying it.

In the ten year period between 2004 and 2014, the Government Accountability Office determined that 2,043 people who were under surveillance legally purchased firearms in the United States. Being under surveillance is not a conviction, and gun ownership is not illegal. According to an article in the Daily Mail, roughly 420,000 people are on the list administered by the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Center, though only about 2 percent, or 8,400 of those are U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents legally able to buy guns. That means that over a ten year period roughly one fourth of those able to purchase guns actually did so. That one half of one percent is a supposed basis for Feinstein’s attack on the Constitution.

But Feinstein and her fellow Congressional Democrats aren’t the only ones taking advantage of the opportunity the Islamic terrorists have provided. Homeland “Security” Secretary Jihadi Jeh Johnson and New York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton are also echoing the call.
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Johnson has single-handedly orchestrated the destruction of America’s border security and immigration enforcement and has more personal responsibility for the illegal alien invasion, illegal alien crime, drug cartel access to the United States and terrorist trans-border crossings than any other individual in the country. He has absolutely zero credibility when speaking in terms of national security as he clearly is opposed to the concept.

As for Bratton, he’s not looking at it from the perspective of the American citizen who sees the risk of a slide down the slippery slope of unaccountable bureaucrats making decisions they have no place making about thing which are not within the realm of their authority.

Bratton, a New Yorker and most probably a Democrat, with Johnson by his side, calls for Congress to act to pass something to address those on the Terrorist Watch List, saying he’s much more worried about them than he is about the “refugees.”

The flood of supposed refugees hasn’t started yet and many of those who are presently on the watch list came to the United States through the same type of short-sighted immigration policies he’s now advocating no concern for. The fact that 98% of those on the Terrorist Watch List are not Americans speaks to the massive failures of our so-called vetting process for immigrants and refugees alike. They are the threat, not the American people and a dangerous precedent should not be set.

Bratton would be well-advised to open his eyes to the threat from the guy standing next to him and others in this criminal regime and not belittle those who do. He might also want to be a bit more selective about the kind of character he’s seen with, especially in public, on national TV.
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DHS and others are already targeting “white supremacists” and the DOJ has set up a special section to pursue what would have in years past, prior to our government being hijacked, have been described as patriotic Americans. Now they’re potential terrorists.

Given this power, which is ripe for exploitative abuse, they simply need to declare an individual citizen whose ideology they disagree with to be on the watch list and their right to defend themselves from all threats, including that of a tyrannical government disappears into thin air. That’s how tyrants always disarm their victim populations. They begin with a small minority and then broaden the pool until it encompasses everyone who could stand in opposition.

Rather than target Americans, the criminals in charge of our immigration and refugee policies should simply opt to disapprove the entry of terrorist age males from terrorist-risk nations. If they were sincere, which for the most part, they are not, that is one way in which they would approach the issue.

Marxist Democrats are pursuing an agenda of population enslavement and a domestic terror threat is critical to their ability to justify the actions which will provide the means for our eventual disarmament. Johnson invariably mentions the “lone wolf” as a threat in his many interviews. Those are arctic wolves, the white ones.



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This definition EXCLUDES muslim and Mexican non--citizens, as I see it.