Author Topic: Obama And EPA Defy Congress, Ignore Hearings, Head To United Nations Without $3 Billion Slush Fund  (Read 356 times)

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Obama And EPA Defy Congress, Ignore Hearings, Head To United Nations Without $3 Billion Slush Fund
Rick Wells 11/20/2015

In his opening statement of hearings conducted by the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, the committee with jurisdiction over the EPA, including their budget and, at least in theory, the extent of their draconian impact on our nation, Chairman Jim Inhofe (R-OK) offers some insight to those in attendance.

He says, “Despite ‘president’ Obama’s constant rhetoric about transparency we are a week and a half away from the start of the United Nation’s 21st session of the conference of parties, this is the 21st year that we’ve had this and several of us on his panel up here have had different ideas about what is to be accomplished there. My idea is nothing.”

Senator Inhofe reveals, “I just sent a letter in July seeking information related to the ‘president’s’ intended nationally determined contribution.” He pauses to explain, “That’s where he’s supposed to be able to document what he wants and he did send information in that he’s going to be reaching between a 26 and 28 percent reduction in emissions but failed to say how he’s going to do this.”

“So we tried to have a conference, we tried to have a meeting with this committee and asked the EPA to attend and they refused to attend. Now this is the first time in my experience, in the years that I’ve been here, eight years in the House and 20 years in the Senate,” notes Inhofe, “that the committee of jurisdiction, making a request that they, someone would appear and they don’t appear. So that’s, I think there’s a reason, because they don’t have, know how the calculation of 26 to 28 percent was working.”
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Inhofe continues, “Today we’re especially here to discuss the potential legal form of the COP21 agreement. I think that goes without saying but there’s been a lot of things published about is it legal, is it binding, until yesterday when we had, in the Financial Times, Secretary Kerry announced that there would be no binding agreement from COP21, no binding agreement from COP21.”

He adds, “That incurred the wrath of President Hollande of France along with several other people, so but anyway that was an honest statement because there won’t be any. So when it comes to the financing, I know that a lot of people over there at the 192 countries are going to assume that Americans are going to line up and joyfully pay $3 billion dollars to this fund, but that’s not going to happen either.

The 26 to 28 percentage figures were discovered in that treasure trove of documentation that the regime relies upon heavily for all of its climate change related data. They were pulled out of thin air. That was also the source of their “97 percent of all scientists agree” with the hoax claims as well as the “last fourteen of fifteen years” being the warmest on record. They’re total fabrications by the most deceptive regime in American history.

While Senator Inhofe might like to attach a trace of honor and decency to Secretary of State John Kerry in his declaration that no binding agreement will be forthcoming from the COP21,  it’s worth noting that a binding agreement would require ratification by the US Senate as a treaty, making its passage a non-starter. Kerry and Obama will surely ply their skills at circumventing both the Constitution and Congress in the dictatorial, unilateral manner favored by this government of one, under Obama, unto himself.
Our $3 billion isn’t necessarily safe from side agreements and bribes packaged as “foreign aid” either.

The climate pirates have put a lot of effort into shearing the American sheep at this ConJob21 confab. They’re not going to simply shrug and walk away because Congress told then “no.”

I’m Rick Wells – a conservative writer who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. I’m not PC; I call it like I see it. – Please “Like” me on Facebook, “Follow” me on Twitter or visit &