Author Topic: Two back to back stories on the issue of immigration  (Read 587 times)

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Two back to back stories on the issue of immigration
« on: November 14, 2015, 05:49:16 am »
"Schlafly: Immigration is biggest fight for America"

"Immigration is the biggest issue for the nation at the moment, contends Phyllis Schlafly, an icon of the conservative movement who has been active for half a century.

In a wide-ranging interview with WND she also urged Republicans in Congress to fight harder for conservative policies and discussed the possibility of a Trump presidency.

Schlafly said the Republican candidates need to be explaining to the American public their views on immigration.

“I think that’s the top grass-roots issue at the present time,” she told WND. “We want to vet the people who have gotten in here. … Our method of making people citizens is they have to agree to follow our laws, and they have to agree to never be a public charge.

“These coming in right now are going right on welfare,” she said. “That should not be allowed.”


Schlafly said the resettlement of refugees and newcomers to the nation is getting out of control.

“Look what happened to Germany,” she said. “Germany isn’t going to be Germany any more. It’s going to be Muslim. We shouldn’t allow that to happen.”

Story #2:

"Report: First load of 10,000 Syrian “Refugees” Has Arrived in New Orleans…."

"New Orleans – […] The first transport of refugees arrived in New Orleans recently and will be resettled in Louisiana and 180 other American communities.

[…] The 10,000 Syrian refugees are first flown to the United States, according to the French news wire Agence France-Presse, with the State Department paying the International Organization for Migration (IOM) for the airfare.

Then, once the refugees arrive in the country, they could be dispersed across the 180 cities listed above, where they are to aided within the first 30 to 90 days in settling and finding employment in the area.

After approximately 90 days, refugees are no longer eligible for the State Department-funded support that they were receiving through migrant and refugee services. However, they are able to join support programs through the Department of Health and Human Services.

Additionally, it is unclear how much the screening process for the 10,000 Syrian refugees will cost American taxpayers."

Sleep well.

Members of the anti-Trump cabal: Now that Mr Trump has sewn up the nomination, I want you to know I feel your pain.