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Why does Obama support Islamic Jim Crow?
« on: November 03, 2015, 06:34:21 pm »
Why does Obama support Islamic Jim Crow?

by Doni Kandel - Nov 3, 2015

President Obama continues to show his racism, expressing more bigotry toward Israel and the Jewish State

GIVAT SHMUEL, Israel, Nov. 1, 2015 — Supreme Court Justice Henry Brown was definitely a racist. His opinion in Plessy v. Ferguson, while historically important, was unsurprising from a white man in the late 19th century.

Mahmoud Abbas is undoubtedly a racist. His doctoral dissertation on “the myth of the Holocaust” is just a fraction of the endless anti-Semitic bile that he spews into the world every day.

President Barack Obama is the first black president in U.S. history. He was elected after whipping the American people into a “hope and change” fervor. He took office promising to unite a sorely fractured country. He would usher America into a post-racial era with kumbaya policies and a United-Nations-centric worldview.

Books have been written on Obama’s failure to unite America, and he may be the most divisive commander-in-chief in American history. It is not enough for his administration to race-bait (and gender-bait and class-bait.) domestically. Their racist dogmas have extended to their foreign policy as well.

Legislation is powerless to eradicate racial instincts or to abolish distinctions based upon physical differences, and the attempt to do so can only result in accentuating the difficulties of the present situation. If the civil and political rights of both races be equal, one cannot be inferior to the other civilly or politically. If one race be inferior to the other socially, the Constitution of the United States cannot put them upon the same plane.

—Supreme Court Justice Henry Brown in his majority opinion on the landmark case Plessy vs. Ferguson, upholding the “separate but equal” doctrine (1896).

The most recent of their bigoted stances is the Obama administration’s incessant calls for Israel to “maintain the status quo on the Temple Mount,” amid a wave of Palestinian and Arab-Israeli terrorism washing over the Jewish state.

Never mind that Israel never had any intention of challenging the “status quo.” Forget that every time Palestinian leaders call for their people to kill Jews, they point to “violations of the status quo on the Temple Mount” as the casus belli for the violence, as when Yasser Arafat ignited the Second Intifada in 2000.

Regardless of any lines the Palestinians try to draw between the slaughter of innocent Israelis and the goings-on on the Temple Mount, the Obama administration, one would hope, would be opposed to the current status quo.

In politics, buzz words are a tool to disguise support for reprehensible practices. In the case of the Temple Mount, “the status quo” is such an Obama administration buzz word.

Let’s look at this “status quo.” In 1967, the Jewish state was pulled into war yet again by its Arab neighbors. After a spectacular military display, the vastly outnumbered Israeli defense Fforce not only repelled their attackers but actually re-took land historically belonging to the Jews, including the Temple Mount, where the First (957 BCE) and Second (515 BCE) Temples sat as the heart and soul of Jewish life in the Holy Land.

    The fact is that Barack Obama is a bigot.

For reasons that remain hotly debated, Israeli officials decided to transfer the authority of the Temple Mount to the Islamic religious trust known as the Waqf. Whatever the reason, the Palestinians should have viewed this as a sign of goodwill. In fact, Israel has always pursued respectful and fair policies regarding holy places shared by Jews, Christians and Muslims within its borders. Had the world wanted to insist that holy places in the Holy Land be free of discrimination, they should have insisted that they always remain in Israeli hands.

The Al-Aqsa [Mosque] is ours… and they have no right to defile it with their filthy feet. We will not allow them to, and we will do everything in our power to protect Jerusalem.

Instead, the centuries-old supremacist monster that is Islam reared its ugly head yet again. As Frontpage Mag’s Daniel Greenfield wrote on Oct. 27, “The Temple Mount ‘Status Quo’ worriedly talked about by Kerry and the media as the answer to the recent Muslim stabbing spree is no different from the Muslim ban on Jews entering the Cave of the Patriarchs, where Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are buried, past the seventh step. It rewards Muslim violence by upholding Muslim segregationist racism.”

The fact that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has endorsed this call to maintain the status quo speaks to Bibi’s failure in this arena, not the righteousness of the policy.

The banning of Jewish prayer is not the only racist policy the Palestinians and the Waqf have carried out on the Temple Mount. As Caroline Glick documents in her book, “The Israel Solution,” “Since 1967, the waqf has repeatedly carried out unauthorized construction activities beneath the Temple Mount … According to Dr. Mordechi Kedar, an Arab studies expert from Bar Ilan University, ‘These actions [by the waqf] are being carried out in the context of a practice known in Arabic as Tams a-ma’alem, an expression that means, ‘erasing the signs’ in the sense of destroying the relics of all cultures that preceded Islam.’”

The Palestinians are not only trying to eradicate any current-day Jewish presence on the Temple Mount, they have been engaged in a longtime project to erase any proof of Jewish history there as well. This eradication of a people and culture is pure racism.

Obama should be shouting from the White House rooftop that the Palestinians must end their racist policies immediately. After all, he has often spoken of the discrimination he had to overcome in his journey to Pennsylvania Avenue.

Instead, Obama, the self-proclaimed champion of race-relations, has pushed all of his chips into the center of the table with the Palestinians and their prejudiced policies. Referring to the feet of all Jews as “filthy,” as Abbas did, is racist. Saying that Jews moving their lips on a certain spot is forbidden, as is the Waqf’s policy on the Temple Mount, is racist. Systematically removing any historical proof that Jewish society ever existed on the Temple Mount is racist.

Israel will continue to enforce its longstanding policy on religious worship at the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif, including the fundamental fact that it is Muslims who pray on the Temple Mount/ Haram al-Sharif and non-Muslims who visit.

Obama has endorsed all of this by calling to “uphold the status quo” and championing Mahmoud Abbas.

Imagine if he were a leader of the African-American community during the ’50s and ’60s. “No, no, Dr. King, let us maintain the status quo in the United States. Cancel your absurd march on Washington, please.”

The fact is that Obama is a bigot. While he has spent the majority of his presidency accusing his opponents of being racists and haters, it is his actions, words and policies that represent the true essence of discrimination.

That’s Right I Said It!