Author Topic: ‘A bunch of crap’: Carson quote sums up hostile interview from obnoxious ‘View’ hosts  (Read 1074 times)

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‘A bunch of crap’: Carson quote sums up hostile interview from obnoxious ‘View’ hosts
October 7, 2015 | Alicia Powe | 95 Comments | Print Article

Liberal co-hosts Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg ripped famed neurosurgeon and 2016 presidential contender, Dr. Ben Carson, for his anti-abortion views during his Tuesday appearance on ABC’s The View.

The interview became contentious when Goldberg asked Carson if he actually believed that there is not an actual war on women.

“There’s not actually a war on women, but there may be a war on what’s inside of women. Is that accurate?” Goldberg asked Carson.

“We’re killing babies all over the place,” Carson said, referring to abortion. He explained that the decades he spent operating on babies, even babies in the womb, shaped his anti-abortion stance.

“I get to meet those people when they’re adults. And productive adults,” he said. “There is no way you’re going to convince me that they’re not important, that they are just a mass of cells and that you can do anything to them.”

In response to Golberg’s question on whether Carson had ever met a woman who had undergone an abortion, Carson said he is “very empathetic.”

“What we need to do is make sure that we provide adequate day care centers for these mothers, so that they can get their GED, their associate’s degree, their bachelor’s degree, their master’s degree,” he said.

“You’re assuming that these are mothers who aren’t educated,” Goldberg countered. The audience gasped when Carson said that most of the mothers fit that description.

“A lot of those young girls who are having babies out of wedlock — when they have that first baby, they stop their education and that child is four times as likely to grow up in poverty,” Carson said. “We, as a society, have an obligation to do what’s necessary to stop that cycle.”

Joy Behar ignored Carson’s assertion about the importance of education and the nuclear family,  and changed the subject to Planned Parenthood, defending the abortion giant against recent Republican attacks.

“So, how important is birth control then to the Republican Party?” she asked. “They should be out there applauding Planned Parenthood for supplying birth control, mammograms and everything else.”

Carson explained that he was not against birth control, but Behar continued to rail against his pro-life views.

“I guess you believe in day care centers, and maternity leave, and food stamps, and all of the things that go along with raising a kid if you don’t have the money,” Behar said.

“Here’s what I believe in” Carson said. “I get sick and tired of people, particularly Progressives saying Carson grew up poor, he must have benefited from government programs. And now he wants to withdraw programs from poor people…It’s a bunch of crap. And what I really actually want to do is provide people with a mechanism for coming out of a state of dependency and climbing the ladder and becoming part of the fabric of America.”

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This proves Bahar and Whoopster are sexist pigs and  liberal racists for the way they treated a world renowned black surgeon but they can get away with it because the liberal media gives them passes.  If he had been treated like that on FOX it would have been in the media for weeks.

Offline Millee

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I watched the clip yesterday and Beher could barely contain her contempt.  Nasty bitches all of them. 

Online Fishrrman

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Millee wrote above:
[[ I watched the clip yesterday and Beher could barely contain her contempt.  Nasty bitches all of them. ]]

If you're a conservative woman, why watch them?

At all?

Offline sinkspur

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Carson and Trump are the two biggest whiners in the race.  "Everybody picks on me." 

In addition, I think Carson's getting a little overexposed, which means more opportunity for him to eat shoe leather. He's the GOP's version of Biden:  a walking gaffe machine.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline Paladin

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Carson and Trump are the two biggest whiners in the race.  "Everybody picks on me." 

In addition, I think Carson's getting a little overexposed, which means more opportunity for him to eat shoe leather. He's the GOP's version of Biden:  a walking gaffe machine.

I am not persuaded you have that right. I am not even sure you actually watched the video.

Nowhere does it say Dr Carson "whined" about his appearance of The View. The thread title states he called it "a bunch of crap". How is that whiny?

As to his being "overexposed", that, of course, is simply an excellent example of your ceaseless negativism and downright snarkiness.
Members of the anti-Trump cabal: Now that Mr Trump has sewn up the nomination, I want you to know I feel your pain.

Offline famousdayandyear

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Carson and Trump are the two biggest whiners in the race.  "Everybody picks on me." 

In addition, I think Carson's getting a little overexposed, which means more opportunity for him to eat shoe leather. He's the GOP's version of Biden:  a walking gaffe machine.

A bunch of crap

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Members of the anti-Trump cabal: Now that Mr Trump has sewn up the nomination, I want you to know I feel your pain.

Offline famousdayandyear

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FDaY whines.

It's overexposure to blame.  But there's a wonderful shoe leather recipe with Bernaise I've been dying to try.

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  • Ah, the air is so much fresher here...
Carson and Trump are the two biggest whiners in the race.  "Everybody picks on me." 

In addition, I think Carson's getting a little overexposed, which means more opportunity for him to eat shoe leather. He's the GOP's version of Biden:  a walking gaffe machine.

Splinky, buddy, you're trying way too hard here. It's just way to tinny to sell.

And Jeb isn't going to win the nomination.
The Republic is lost.

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I see Ben Carson emerging as a Donald Trump without the snark. He's starting to get his footing now and showing that he can box.

Online andy58-in-nh

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I saw Carson interviewed with George Snarkalopoulos this morning on ABC. He was calm, rational, unflappable and extremely articulate.

Under hostile questioning (about gun control) from the liberal activist posing as newscaster, Carson basically ate his lunch and handed him back the plate.
"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. -Alexander Solzhenitsyn

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I mentioned the other day that the interview Carson had with Dennis Prager convinced me he's got what it takes to be president. Smart, tough, capable, but something even more important than that.

A life story to make impressionable black teens stand up and take notice about the nation's second black president. A chance to see real accomplishment in a brother, not that community organizing bs of Obama's.

The comparison would be priceless for the black community to see how the fruits of conservatism can yield success in one's life, instead of the dead-end black gangsta culture democrats produce.

Offline Millee

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Millee wrote above:
[[ I watched the clip yesterday and Beher could barely contain her contempt.  Nasty bitches all of them. ]]

If you're a conservative woman, why watch them?

At all?

I watched the clip when it was linked from a Ben Carson story.

Offline Paladin

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"take notice about the nation's second black president"

Dr Carson would be second?

I thought Obama was actually our second black President and Bubba was our first, as so anointed by Toni Morrison. In fact I agree with Morgan Freeman who states Obama is not our first black President (or second according to Morrison), but is actually our first mixed race President.
Members of the anti-Trump cabal: Now that Mr Trump has sewn up the nomination, I want you to know I feel your pain.