Author Topic: Cruz Criticizes Democrats for ‘Glaring at the Pope’ When He Defended Human Life  (Read 316 times)

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Cruz Criticizes Democrats for ‘Glaring at the Pope’ When He Defended Human Life

( – Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) commended Pope Francis for defending the sanctity of life, at every stage of development, during his remarks before Congress, but added that it struck him when the Pope made those remarks that most of the Democrats sat “stone-faced” and glared at the pontiff.

At the U.S. Capitol on Thursday, the senator told, "It was striking when Pope Francis urged us to defend human life at every stage of development, and virtually every Democrat sat stone-faced with their arms crossed glaring at the Pope."

"Pope Francis has been a powerful voice for life, a powerful voice for marriage, and a powerful voice for religious liberty," said Cruz.

The senator then chided the media for putting what he sees as a partisan spin on the Pope's message.

"I have been amused watching some of the mainstream media trying to transform the Pope into effectively a Democratic Party spokesman," Cruz said.

He also criticized the Obama administration for suing the Little Sisters of the Poor [1].

"It is striking also that on this trip Pope Francis visited the Little Sisters of the Poor, a Catholic charity, a convent of nuns, who have taken vows of poverty,” said Sen. Cruz.  “They devote their lives to caring for the poor and the elderly.”

“And right now the Obama administration is litigating against the Little Sisters of the Poor, trying to impose millions of dollars of fines on them under Obamacare, in order to force the nuns to pay for abortion-inducing drugs," said the senator.

Although it is a serious case, Cruz said he sees humor in the lawsuit.

"As I have often joked, a really good rule of thumb is, if you're litigating against nuns, you've probably done something wrong," he smiled.

Cruz concluded, "It must have been awfully awkward for President Obama to greet the Pope, and for Vice President Joe Biden to sit behind the Pope as he spoke at the same moment that the Obama administration is persecuting the Little Sisters of the Poor, going after Catholic nuns for following their faith."
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