Author Topic: The Emmys' Transparent Transgender Pandering  (Read 561 times)

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The Emmys' Transparent Transgender Pandering
« on: September 21, 2015, 11:30:28 am »

The Emmys' Transparent Transgender Pandering
By Alexa Mouteveli... | September 21, 2015 | 3:36 AM EDT

Maybe they should have called it "The Transgemmys." The 67th Primetime Emmy Awards was a veritable smorgasbord of transgender celebration and advocacy. Hollywood was tripping over itself to prove how progressive and welcoming it is to the hot new trend in gender and sexuality.

Jill Soloway won Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series for the show "Transparent" (it's about a transgender parent, get it?) You knew she was nutty when she started off her acceptance speech saying, "Let's see, I made a promise. Thank you, goddess. Thank you, goddess. I promised the goddess I would thank her."

She's also come up with the word "moppa" - a combination of the words mama and poppa, as explained in the show - to refer to her own dad-turned-mom, who she used to advocate for "transequality." (I guess because "marriage equality" was a winning campaign slogan, they're just coopting all the gay marriage tactics.)

Watch her politicking:

    My other family, my sister, Faith, my mom, Elaine and my moppa, Carrie. Thank you for coming out and coming to L.A. And coming here tonight. And something interesting about my moppa, Carrie, she said, tomorrow, go and try to find an apartment and in 32 states, it would be legal for the landlord to look her in the eye and say we don't rent to trans people. We don't have a trans tipping point yet. We have a trans civil rights problem, so go to and vote to pass the transequality bill. Thank you.

Shortly after, Jeffrey Tambor won Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series for his role as a trans woman in "Transparent." Apparently he fancies himself a savior because he began his speech saying, "I had a teacher who used to say when you act, you have to act as if your life depends on it, and now I have been given the opportunity to act because people's lives depend on it." He finished with the following:

    I'm going to wrap up by saying, not to repeat myself, but to specifically repeat myself. I'd like to dedicate my performance and this award to the transgender community. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for your courage. Thank you for your stories. Thank you for your inspiration. Thank you for letting us be part of the change. God bless you.

Finally, OF COURSE one of the two winners of the College Emmys was about a transgender teen!

    We are especially proud of our College Emmys, where student submissions are judged by academy members. I am honored to be joined tonight by two of this year's winners, Melissa Hoppe and Eddie Roqueta. Melissa, who recently graduated from AFI, wrote and produced the terrific narrative program, "Stealth," about a transgender teen, her path, and the community who shares her journey. And, Eddie, who recently graduated from Montana State University, was recognized for his inspiring documentary advocating for animal and human rights. Melissa and Eddie's provocative work is a reminder of television's power to make a difference and shed light on critical and often controversial issues. As evidenced by Melissa and Eddie, our foundation will remain acutely focused on inspiring and supporting fresh and diverse voices.

How entirely predictable! Funny how when Hollywood is trying to be "fresh" and edgy they end up just turning into a flat liberal cliche. We see right through you, Hollywood. You are truly transparent.
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Re: The Emmys' Transparent Transgender Pandering
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2015, 11:33:30 am »

67th Annual Emmy Awards Predictably Uses GOP Candidates for their Comedy Material
By Dylan Gwinn | September 20, 2015 | 11:53 PM EDT

Tonight’s 67th Annual Emmy Awards did not disappoint when it came to insults thrown at GOP Presidential Candidates.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus made Donald Trump the focus of her acceptance award for Lead Actress in Comedy for her show “VEEP.”

    “Thank you very much to, of course, the academy. I think it would be appropriate at this moment to -- to quote our political satire, "Veep." "What a great honor it must be for you to honor me tonight."
    [ Laughter ] Oh, wait, oh, god, oh, no, no, I'm so sorry. Donald Trump said that. I'm sorry.”

Then, presenters for the Reality-Competition Award could not resist a jab at the GOP Presidential Debates:

    “>> There is one category of television that allows us as a society to sit back and enjoy the simple spectacle of "Reality."
    >> A strange reality where people can't seem to say two words without throwing each other "Under the bus."
    >> A reality where a panel of millionaires fight like sharks to be chosen by average middle-class Americans.
    >> And a reality where nobody is there "For the right reasons."

    >> But enough about the Republican National Debate.

Well, I guess when you’re popular, they are going to ride your coattails…

I will leave you with Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ face, which changes from gleeful and happy at the win for Writing for a Comedy Series on her show “VEEP,” to confused and incredulous when one of her winning writers says this:

    “America has been so welcoming to a lot of Brits on this show, British writers and directors, editors, musicians. Thank you so much.”

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Re: The Emmys' Transparent Transgender Pandering
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2015, 12:10:10 pm »
A little whiny since Trump is a reality TV star.

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Re: The Emmys' Transparent Transgender Pandering
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2015, 12:13:30 pm »

Tonight’s 67th Annual Emmy Awards did not disappoint when it came to insults thrown at GOP Presidential Candidates.

Sixty-four years of proudly ignoring left-wing jesters' ignorant taunts. OK, that first year I was gestating, but I still ignored them.



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Re: The Emmys' Transparent Transgender Pandering
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2015, 03:50:23 pm »

White actress criticizes Emmy winner’s ‘racism’ rant; forced to beg for forgiveness
September 21, 2015 | Carmine Sabia | 14 Comments | Print Article

An outspoken soap opera actress found herself forced to grovel Sunday night after daring to complain that the highly paid black woman who won an Emmy for best actress had no cause to complain.

“How to Get Away with Murder’s” Viola Davis caused a TV stir and warmed the hearts of liberals everywhere with her acceptance speech, griping about the entertainment industry’s failure to provide opportunities for minorities.

“The only thing that separates women of color from anyone else is opportunity,” Davis said.

“General Hospital’s” Nancy Lee Grahn had the temerity to disagree — and was swiftly slapped into her place.

First, she was predictably skewered for her tweets.

Then, like the good, obedient liberal she is, she promptly began abasing herself before the progressive altar saying, among other things, that she needed to check her own white privilege.

What makes this even more pathetic is Grahn’s history as a liberal activist. She organized “Daytime for Gore/Lieberman” in 2000, “Daytime for Choice” in 1988 to advocate for abortion rights and has participated in the NoH8 campaign to support the campaign for legalizing gay marriage. None of that was able to save her from being pilloried by her own outraged liberal base.

She’ll probably never know how right she is about that.

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