Author Topic: Matt Drudge Tweets Theory About DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz: ‘Why She Delayed Debates?’  (Read 368 times)

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Offline Paladin

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Up until now the most prevalent reason has been that DWS wanted to shield Hillary from any serious questioning. Matt, however, thinks it's for a different purpose.

"Matt Drudge on Monday offered a theory on why there are no Democratic presidential debates scheduled until October, asking whether DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz intentionally delayed them because she is hoping Vice President Joe Biden throws his hat in the race.

“Debbie Wasserman Schultz secretly rooting for Biden? Why she delayed debates?” the Drudge Report founder and publisher asked.


The DNC has come under fire from members of its own party for limiting the amount of debates and choosing to hold the first event in October. Former Gov. Martin O’Malley has heavily skewered the move, suggesting it was done by Washington insiders who hope to aide Clinton in winning the nomination with little fight."
Members of the anti-Trump cabal: Now that Mr Trump has sewn up the nomination, I want you to know I feel your pain.

Offline EdinVA

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Drudge may be right but my theory is that the democratic field is the weakest it has been in 20 years and they are terrified to have to go against Trump.
The dems are waiting to see if Trump falls by the wayside so they can go against the "normal" candidates.