Author Topic: Rush: There's Nothing in the Constitution About Anchor Babies: Donald Trump's Latest Fight Against the Drive-By Media  (Read 196 times)

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There's Nothing in the Constitution About Anchor Babies: Donald Trump's Latest Fight Against the Drive-By Media
August 20, 2015


RUSH: I never want to sound like one of those off-putting, arrogant, condescending know-it-alls, but I don't know how I can avoid it here.  This argument over the 14th Amendment and anchor babies is one of the greatest illustrations how even some of the brightest people in this country do not understand the Constitution.  There's nothing in the 14th Amendment about anchor babies.  (interruption)  You think there is?  You do or don't?  (interruption)  There's nothing in the 14th Amendment that says if you are born to a mother who is a citizen that you're automatically a citizen.  It isn't there.  Even some of our presidential candidates think that it is.

The Constitution is very clear:  Congress has sole discretion over defining who is and who isn't a citizen and how you become one.  It's not the 14th Amendment.  There's a Breitbart story: "Trump, Reporter Spar Over Term 'Anchor Baby.'" And then there's a Los Angeles Times story: "Jeb Bush Says 'Anchor Babies,' Hillary Clinton Responds on Social Media."  Everybody's upset over the term, as though it's some sort of PC, political correctness violation or something, "anchor babies."

I don't know, folks, it's irrelevant.  The Constitution says nothing about anchor babies.  The 14th Amendment says nothing about birthright citizenship.  And look at all the people who think that it does.  The Constitution says Congress has complete control over who is and who is not a US citizen.  And, by the way, here's a little shocker for you.  Even the Supreme Court, back when it used to makes sense, the Supreme Court has never ruled that a baby born to illegal aliens in the US is automatically a citizen.  Did you know that?  And look at how many people just automatically accept that as the case.

I mean, this came up last night on Hannity.  Brother Levin, Mark Levin, who is a constitutional expert, you want to talk about exasperation, here's somebody who thinks it's simple to understand the Constitution.  Just read it.  It's written in plain English, and it's not hard to understand it whatsoever.  The14th Amendment does not require birthright citizenship.  It doesn't mention it.  Trump is right about it, and the media is arguing with him.  That's why the Breitbart story:  "Trump, Reporter Spar Over Term 'Anchor Baby.'"

Let's grab those bites real quickly.  Number 16 we'll start.  CNN special report, Donald Trump interview, Chris Cuomo.  He's a guy who thinks he knows a lot more than he does, and those kind of people are dangerous.  They're talking about immigration.  Cuomo says, "People in the GOP are worried that you're gonna alienate, excuse the pun, the Hispanic population, when you have 28 million voters, pulling the birthright exception that maybe constitutionally dubious, you shouldn't be taking such an extreme position.  What do you say about that?"

TRUMP:  At some point we have to be honest with ourselves.  It's called -- now they like to use the word "undocumented" because it's more political.  I don't use that word.  They're illegal immigrants.  They came over illegally.  Some are wonderful people and they've been here for a while.  They gotta go out. (sic)

CUOMO:  But how do you do it in a practical way?  You really think you can round up 11 million people?

TRUMP:  You know what? At some point we're gonna try getting back the good ones. You have a lot of good ones.

CUOMO:  You send a mixed message though, Mr. Trump, because you're gonna get rid of whole families, but then you say you want them back.

TRUMP:  You gotta go. They're illegal. We have a country, we have to have a border.

RUSH:  Don't forget the story we found yesterday. I shared with you from 2008 an AP story about how Mexican legislators, the equivalent of our state senators, sent a delegation to Arizona demanding that we stop sending illegal immigrants back.  They didn't want them. They came here to threaten us. They didn't want the people back in Mexico that are, quote, unquote, immigrating here illegally.  Again, it's not immigration, folks.  This is another one of these things, we're going to have to change terms if it takes redundancy, sorry, to change terms. But we're not talking about immigration, we really are not.

We're up now to 11 million or 15 or 20 million people, whatever it is over whatever length of time, this is not immigration.  By definition it isn't because they're illegal. They are not immigrants. They have not immigrated. They have invaded.  It's that simple.  We're never gonna get to the bottom of this really if we don't define the terms.  But that's a side light issue.  Trump and his effort here to explain why we need to deport.  "We'll get the good ones back. But they gotta go."  They can come back here legally.  And Cuomo said, "So the citizenship for those babies, you would revoke it now, retroactively?"

TRUMP:  Number one, the 14th Amendment is very questionable as to whether or not somebody can come over, have a baby and immediately that baby is a citizen.

CUOMO:  I know the court has pretty much said that it reads in immigrants here.  This is a minority legal opinion you're talking about.

TRUMP:  There are many people that totally feel that --

CUOMO:  (crosstalk) -- want it that way.

TRUMP:  Amending is too big a deal.  It would be two terms. I'd be in my second term on my eighth year by the time assuming everything went smoothly because to ammend the Constitution --

CUOMO:  It takes a long time, especially on a very divisive issue.

TRUMP:  I believe you can win it legally, okay?

RUSH:  Again, it's a shame.  It really is a shame that the truth is perceived as an extreme position.  Listen here to Chris Cuomo, "I know the courts pretty much said and agreed that it reads in immigrants here. It's a minority legal opinion you're talking about, minority legal opinion."  The 14th Amendment says nothing about birthright citizenship.  It just doesn't.  As I say, Brother Levin made the point exquisitely last night.  They want the Constitution to say that.  They want people to believe the Constitution says that if you are born to on a illegal alien mother, that you are automatically an American citizen.  They want to insist that that's what the Constitution says, but it doesn't. And again a reminder, the Supreme Court has never ruled that the children of illegal aliens are American citizens.

The Supreme Court has only granted citizenship to the children born to legal immigrants, not illegal.  Who in their right mind ever thought that the birth of a child to an illegal immigrant converted to citizenship?  A lot of people believe it.  It's not in the 14th Amendment.  You know where it is?  It's in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4.

Here's what it says:  "The Congress shall have power to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization."  You know what that means.  That means Congress decides who becomes a citizen and how.  To automatically say the 14th Amendment grants birthright citizenship, no, we can't change that. Amending the Constitution, not possible, takes too long. We gotta find another way of dealing with this.  No, we don't, because it's not there.  You don't have to amend the Constitution.

Now, the 14 Amendment excludes Indians, i.e., Native Americans as US citizens because it was felt they had allegiance to their own national tribes and so forth, but there's nothing in it, and yet it's a matter of debate?  The interesting thing is how it got started and how long ago and how deeply believed and embedded in our society it is.  I mean, I can imagine that many of you hearing me say this think I have to be wrong. Maybe, you know, I'm well-intentioned and you know I'm not lying to you, but maybe I'm wrong because everybody knows that if you're born in America, you are a citizen.  No, you're not.

Now, clearly the invaders think so.  It's one of the reasons they're coming. They come pregnant, they give birth, they think automatically there is citizenship involved.  So that's one thing to straighten out.  And as I say, the truth here happens to be perceived by a lot of people as the extreme position when all it is is a literal interpretation of the Constitution, which to a lot of people, the Second Amendment is an extreme position.

In light of that, try this.  This is from the Washington Free Beacon.  "The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been releasing illegal immigrants with violent criminal records back into local US communities, where they have often gone on to commit violent crimes against American citizens, according to new disclosures by a leading lawmaker and local law enforcement agencies. Rep. Matt Salmon (R., Ariz.) and law enforcement officials petitioned the Obama administration on Wednesday to end a policy that enables illegal immigrants with criminal records to be released back into the United States."

This is all happening from the Regime, this is Obama doing this, and if I didn't know better I would say it's almost as if Obama is working for the Trump campaign, just handing him this immigration issue each and every day and in the process undermining Hillary.

"Arizona law enforcement officials announced on Tuesday that three illegal aliens with violent criminal records had been released by DHS and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) back onto the streets, where they went on to commit crimes including kidnapping and murdering an infant. The ongoing release of criminals from countries such as Iraq, Sudan, and Russia prompted Salmon to petition DHS 'to stop freeing violent criminals who are in our country illegally.'"

And here's a pull quote from the story.  "Despite the repeated attacks on American citizens by illegal aliens released from our jails, DHS refuses to stop freeing violent criminals who are in our country illegally." That is a quote from Matt Salmon in his letter to the Department of Homeland Security.  Why would you do this?  Prison overcrowding?  Is that the excuse?  You know, we're releasing hardened criminals from jails all over California.  They don't have the money.  They don't have the room anymore.  The jails are overflowing so we gotta get rid of somebody.  This is an excuse being used all over the country, particularly in the Southwest and the far western states.

Why would you do this?  Under what rubric of common sense would you release violent criminals who are illegal back onto the streets in America?  Why would you not deport them?  I mean, you have them.  It's not like you have to go to the shadows and find these people.  They are in your jail cell.  They're in your prison cell.  Why would you release them into the general population? (interruption) Obama doesn't want to be called the deporter-in-chief.  No, no, no.  That doesn't answer the question.

Maybe the question needs to asked, why would you want to release hardened criminal illegals back into the streets of American cities?  Why would you do that?  Maybe the question, not why wouldn't you deport them.  Why would you do that?  Why would you release them, number one.  Number two, why release them back onto the streets of America when they are not here legally?  The answer to those questions is not pleasant.  What could the answers be?  You must want that circumstance.  Don't tell me that there aren't any other options.  "Well, we can't deport them, Rush, Obama doesn't want to be called a deporter-in-chief."

That's not a reason.  It's going on for some reason.  Somebody has reason.  Is it to curry favor with Hispanics?  So this is how you do it?  In order to get the Hispanic vote, you let their violent criminals out of jail?  That's how you get their vote?  Is that what's going on?  I don't know.  Somebody has to tell me.


RUSH:  You see how Hillary Clinton tried to jump on Jeb Bush for talking about "anchor babies"?  Hillary tweeted, "They aren't called 'anchor babies.' They're called 'babies,'" which is a bit ironic given that Hillary's a big supporter of Planned Parenthood where "babies" are called "tissue mass" and, what, "unviable cells"? Whatever it is.  Are you kidding me?  All of a sudden now they're "babies" to Hillary Clinton of Planned Parenthood fame?  They're not anchor babies?

Now, the Drive-By Media, they're trying to outlaw the phrase "anchor babies" because it's effective.  By the way, who created this? It's not as though this term is a derogatory one created by us.  This term has been widely used by everybody out there.  Some reporter tried to shame Donald Trump for using it, and Trump said, "Well, what am I supposed to call 'em?"  I've been thinking about it, folks.

If we can't call 'em "anchor babies," what do we call them?  Anchor Democrats?  'Cause that's how the Democrats are looking at them all.  Or if you're a member of the Republican elite, Chamber of Commerce, "anchor cheap labor"?  If they're not anchor babies, I don't know what to call them.  This is just... It's amazing to see all of this explode the way it is.  And it's creating all this talk about immigration, illegal immigration.  For the first time it's out there, folks.  It's out there on our terms.

It's being discussed in ways the Republican Party never would.  It's being discussed in ways the Democrat Party never would. Because in the case of immigration, there has never been a majority for any of the proposals put forth by either party -- executive amnesty or whatever other plan there is -- to essentially legalize them and make them voters. There is not the majority support for any plan that either party has put forward.  It is a gigantic issue.

It's a gigantic issue for a lot of people in this country because the issue itself, the whole subject contains elements of what many people think is going wrong in this country, not just immigration, but all of the resulting impacts.  Like I said yesterday, imagine this country without the 20 million illegals that are here.  Imagine the state of California. And this is not... It's nothing more than an exercise. It's nothing more than a little game to play with yourself.  Because it's instructive.

And you can readily conclude the vast difference -- economic, cultural, you name it.  The state of California would not be lost to the Republicans; it would still be in play.  The state of California would not have become the state that it is.  You know, California is many things, and it is a harbinger of what this country will become if this kind of thing isn't stopped.  You're gonna have a very rich, very powerful minority of elites -- very, very tiny -- and they're gonna live in a very few, small, gated enclaves.

Everybody else is gonna have no upward mobility whatsoever, because the opportunities are gonna have been choked off. 


RUSH: You know, we sit here, the world's lone superpower, the greatest nation in the history of nations, the most phenomenal country ever on the face of the earth, the greatest standard of living, a structured government and population based on freedom and liberty of the individual that exists nowhere else and never has.  And, as such, we have borders.

Now, obviously since we are special and unique, and if you want to use the word "exceptional," feel free, it's quite understandable, human nature, a lot of people not born here would like to come on here.  But why is it written, where does it say that we must allow anyone who wants to come to this country to come in and become a citizen.  I mean, this is a very, very tough thing to discuss.  I have told you a couple of times I witnessed a knock-down, drag-out argument over this issue between a friend of mine and a very, very well known media figure whose name I've never mentioned because it's not really the point who it is.  He's just a well-known daytime TV media figure, and you can assume correctly from that that he's a bleeding heart.

At every stage of the argument, my friend led with statistics, provided evidence of what is happening, the negative impact of all of this.  And the famous daytime TV personality could not answer any of it, could not refute any of it, and didn't care. He finally got so frustrated, he said, "Look, I don't care about any of that.  If somebody, if some poor person wants to come to my country because they want to improve themselves and better themselves, then I don't have the right to tell them they can't come, and neither do you."

And there you have it.  We don't have the right to tell less fortunate disadvantaged people that they can't come here and get what we have.  You see, that's all predicated on the fact that what we have is simply luck and it isn't fair that the rest of the world doesn't have it.  The rest of the world could have it.  Human civilization has been around however many number of years you want to add up.

We've been around less than 250 years, and in less than 250 years we have created what is the greatest country on earth.  There are reasons for it.  And any other country on earth could do the same thing.  They could structure it the same way, and if they don't have natural resources they could economically structure a way to barter, share, buy, trade, you name it. They could do the same thing.

Instead, most of the nations around the world are led by tyrants and dictators and thugs who are leading their countries for one reason.  Well, two.  They have this megalomaniacal desire to control people, and the second reason, it may even be the first reason, is to get rich, is to basically steal as much money circulating in the country as they can.  They assemble powerful armies to keep themselves in power and to make sure that anybody who doesn't like it is dealt with.

We've never had that here.  Quite the opposite.  And yet there are people who think that it's not fair.  Phil Donahue.  Remember this story?  I watched Phil Donahue on his own show one day practically start crying over what he called the accident of his birth.  Yeah, he said if I'd have just been born 50 miles south, I would be a Third World citizen mired in a mud hut in poverty.  And he couldn't get past the guilt of that, that there was nothing special about him.  He just happened to be where he was born, that isn't fair to anybody else, so who are we to tell people they can't come here?

And of course it's the wrong answer.  The wrong answer is the rest of the world needs to be fixed, improved, straightened out, 'cause it can happen.  All they have to do is overcome liberalism around the world.  All they have to do is overcome socialism.  I mean, it's tough, it'd be challenging to do, but the answer is very simple.  Our way of life, our government defines the way this country is.  I mean, it's not luck.  We're not the winners of life's lottery here, because within our own borders are people living lives of misery, particularly those names that have been released from the Ashley Madison hack.

Not everybody here is rich. Not everybody here is independently wealthy. Not everybody here is free from any kind of economic concern.  We run the gamut here, too.  It's the opportunity to escape that that exists here, for very specific reasons.  But it's not because the US is where it is.  It's not because our DNA is different than anybody else's.  It's because of the way we have structured our affairs, our government.

I'm getting off the beaten path a bit here, but the point is that there are so many like this famous TV personality who just can't deal with the fact that there are other people that do not either have what we have or don't have the opportunity to get it.  "How can we sit here and have access to all this? It's not fair.  If they want to come, they've gotta come. I couldn't tell 'em no.  I couldn't live with myself if I told 'em 'no.'"  And that's, unfortunately, the attitude of many ordinary Americans.  They make themselves feel better by saying what the famous daytime TV idiot says.  But it leads to absolute calamity and disaster, as we are seeing. 


RUSH:  Ben Carson, Dr. Ben Carson, number two now in many presidential polls on the Republican side, is visiting the US-Mexico border, and he continued yesterday. He was in Cochise County, Arizona, and he looked at the fence. He said (summarized), "You know what? This isn't gonna do it.  The fence that we have here is not cutting it. This is small impediment."  Dr. Carson said, "That fence is not gonna keep anybody out."  He said that he favors armed drones patrolling the border.  Right on, Dude! Dan you imagine armed drones patrolling the border? We are moving this conversation, folks.  This conversation is taking a trip to places it hasn't been in a while. 


RUSH: Jeff in Orlando.  I'm glad you called, sir.  Welcome to the program and you're up first today. It's great to have you here.  Hi.

CALLER:  Hi, Rush.  Conservative mega, mega dittos from those of us who feel you are the only real intelligent voice out there.

RUSH:  Well, that's --

CALLER:  So I had a question, and thank you for talking about the 14th Amendment because it's very important.  I turned on Fox News because I don't watch the other cable networks 'cause we know what their slant is, but I expected Fox to get it right, but on I believe it was Tuesday, Judge Napolitano was on talking to one of the evening shows, and he basically said what they're all saying, that when you're born on the soil, it's equal citizenship.

RUSH:  No -- it is.  They're saying it's in the 14th Amendment.  It's not.

CALLER:  Right.  And, like you, I read the 14th Amendment, and it says no.  And one of the things I think nobody's talking about or I haven't heard them talk about is that the 14th Amendment was written also for diplomats.  When they come here and they're on their own country's business but they're on our soil, and they have a baby, they're not automatic citizens.  They're citizens of their own country.  So why wouldn't this apply to here?  I just don't like, you know -- and O'Reilly was talking last night about the Supreme Court decision in 1985 that, you know, that makes it law.  Well, I guess he doesn't understand the Supreme Court doesn't write the laws.

RUSH:  Well, they do now.  John Roberts wrote Obamacare twice.

CALLER:  Yeah, right.  I mean, they set a precedence, but then they're all arguing we have to change the law.  The law hasn't been changed, it's just they're not following it.  This is a real hard issue.  I understand that.  I'm an American citizen, it's a hard issue.  We're not heartless.  We just want to uphold the constitution and follow the laws written for us, American citizens.  That's what the founders had in mind, right?

RUSH:  Well, no, wait.  There's something else going on here, and I think we gotta face it squarely and we need to hit it between the eyes.  We are not obligated to open our borders and let this country be dissolved to nothing simply because it's the greatest on earth and that's unfair.  Everybody is laden with guilt.  "We've gotta open the borders, Rush, these people are suffering all over the world.  We're an outpost of freedom, Rush.  We gotta let them in."

We are not obligated to do that.  Our obligation is to ourselves and obligating to ourselves the job of defending and protecting this country is how we serve other people around the world, not by letting this country go to hell.  We are under no such obligation.  But this daytime TV star whose name everybody would know, he's just obsessed with so much guilt.  "My country is so great, if they want to come here, who I am to say they can't come?"  Well, you damn well better because it isn't gonna be great if you have that attitude.  We are not obligated to watch this country dissolve.  We don't have to do that.


RUSH:  Bucky in Bridgeport, Connecticut.  You're next.  It's great to have you here.  Hello.

CALLER:  Good day, Rush.  It's been too long since my last broadcast on The Big Voice on the Right.

RUSH:  Well, here you are back at it again.

CALLER:  Well, it's hard to stay away from it Rush when, as you say, people think we're to stand by and watch this nation dissolve.  We are not, okay?

RUSH:  Really, that's a big point.  I don't mean that to sound as a flippant throwaway.  It is a crucial, crucial point.  We are not obligated to share.  We're not obligated to watch ourselves be dissolved away simply because it's not fair that we're so big and powerful.  And a lot of people think that it is.  And it's not.  It's not an obligation.  You wouldn't let your own home be treated this way.  You wouldn't let your own neighborhood be treated this way.  And you don't have to let your own country, either.  But yet too many people fall for the guilt.  Anyway, I didn't mean to interrupt you, but I do think it's a big deal psychologically.

CALLER:  Well, I would sing this if I had a good voice, but since I don't I'll say it.  Wouldn't it be wise if the champion in this whole menagerie were to do again what he did at the state fair in Iowa when he was the only Republican candidate to stay away from the soapbox presentations, and why doesn't he recognize that you don't get a shot at the champ until you prequalify?  And for him to withdraw from this next debate would put him permanently over the top.  Our polls, the poll I work for has him at 68% of all expected voters.  Notice I didn't say registered voters.  I'm talking about the voters who vote who are unregistered, the voters who are no longer living, the voters who are lower animals such as dogs and cats.  And Limberbutt McCubbins I think must be a female, from your discussion of Deez Nuts.

RUSH:  Well, you would think given the name, yes.

CALLER:  But wouldn't Trump be wise to say, "Listen, you guys grovel over the crumbs."  He should not enter a forum led by the mainstream media, and that includes Fox News Channel, MSNBC --

RUSH:  Well, see, what is your theory here?  Are you saying that Trump should act so big that even a debate with these lessers is beneath him?  Is that your point?  Or is your point that he has nothing to gain by going anywhere moderated by a bunch of commie bastards in the media?

CALLER:  This is not an either/or world, Rush.  The answer is both, the former and the latter.

RUSH:  Well, if it's the former, I disagree with you, because I think that the nature of Trump is that he is the one guy in this field that has the ability to go over them, to make them unnecessary to the proceedings.  He is able to get his message out. He doesn't have to wait for them to come along in order to him to get his message out.  I don't know.  I think if he skipped out on a debate, for whatever reason he gave, I don't think it would help him at all.

CALLER:  I don't consider it skipping out at all.  He's just simply telling the American people and he's riveting his support, when he says to them, "I'm finished with these mainstream media babes who bleed from their eyes and other places, and I'm going direct to you, the American people," the support would be resounding.  In other words, he needs to have workers.  He doesn't need voters.  The problem is he needs workers to correct this election rigging that we have, which is a combination of election fraud and election rigging.  That's why the poll I work for has polled all who will vote --

RUSH:  Well, I don't get your joke here when your polling unit polls dogs and cats.  I don't know where we're going with that.  But look, let's stick with your point here.  Even if you're joking about it in ways that we haven't yet caught, your theory that Trump should just avoid these debates like he did this soapbox thing in Iowa and stand out that way by refusing to lower himself with all these other candidates at another forum that is moderated and driven by the media, people who are not his friends.

You think that his popularity would soar by telling them, "Sorry.  I have better things to do.  I have nothing to gain by showing up and answering your stupid questions.  I have nothing to gain by putting up with all these other yammering nimrods who are gonna do nothing but waste my time.  I'm gonna go out and I'm gonna continue to talk to the American people when they can listen to only me, because I'm the only one they need to be hearing from anyway.  Why do I need to go someplace and be there for two hours and have a maximum 10 minutes' time to speak?  Where is it for me that that's a good move?"

Is that your theory?  If that's your theory, it would be interesting to see the reaction.  And it might play out the way you say.  But I think, on the other hand, one of the things that drives Trump's popularity is that he sticks it to these people in the media.  And people love seeing that.  They love hearing Trump tell a media person, "You're stupid, what kind of question is that? You have no idea what you're talking about, let me tell you what --" They love that.  Nobody ever talks back to 'em. Nobody ever gets on their case.

And if Trump did pull the move that I just described you know damn well that there would be catcalls, "What's gone wrong, is Trump becoming a coward all of a sudden? What's he afraid of, has he figured out he's got nothing to do but lose by showing up at these things?  Is he worried, is Jeb Bush coming on, does Trump have internal polling that's showing he's losing?"  All of those questions would be asked.  Well, he'd answer 'em. (laughing)  I tell you what, he is going someplace.  In Alabama, some 50,000-seat stadium for an appearance because the original -- here it is.

It's in "GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump is again moving his Friday evening rally in Mobile, Ala., to a venue with more seating amid overwhelming demand, according to a Thursday news report. Trump is now conducting a Friday night pep rally and town-hall event at the Ladd Peebles Stadium, home to the University of South Alabama’s football team. Trump had already moved from the Mobile Civic Center Theater to the center’s main arena, which has a capacity of 14,000. Tickets for Trump’s stop were selling so quickly, however, another venue move was needed. 'It's going to end up at 30 to 40 thousand people in Alabama,' Trump said this week.

So I don't need any stinking debate, 300 people in the audience and a couple of Drive-Bys trying to ruin me.  What do I need that for?  That be an intriguing sight to see.  Bucky, thanks for the call out there.  I got lost on the polling unit of dogs and cats.  I'm sure there was a joke in there, but I missed it. 


RUSH: Here's Elizabeth in St. Louis.  Welcome to the program, Elizabeth.  Thank you for calling.

CALLER:  So happy to speak with you.  You are killing it today.

RUSH:  Well. (laughing)

CALLER:  I am loving it.

RUSH:  Thank you very much.

CALLER:  Not only do we have a right to control our borders, we have a duty to control our borders, and it's namely because we have a border that is dissolving, not just to Mexico, but to South America, to Guatemala, Ecuador.  You know, this is our home.

RUSH:  Don't forget El Salvador.

CALLER:  That's right.  You know, and this is our home.  If every time somebody knocked on your door and you had to let 'em in and give 'em dinner and a place to sleep and you had to educate 'em and give 'em health care.

RUSH:  Wait, wait.  That's exactly the argument that I was telling you I witnessed between my buddy and this well-known daytime TV guy --

CALLER:  Right.

RUSH:  -- when he kept talking about, "If somebody wants to better their life and move to my country, I'm not gonna stop them."  My friend, "What if he knocks on your back door and wants to date your daughter, what are you gonna do?"  "Well, I'm still not gonna --"  "Yeah, he's not gonna knock on your back door, he's gonna knock on somebody else's, but what if he knocked on your back door?" and the argument stopped.

CALLER:  Yeah.  Yeah.  There was a time in our nation's history where we had unprecedented immigration in the late 1800s, early 1900s, and there weren't any anchor babies then because you had to get on a boat and it took you however many weeks to get here.  And yet it was an orderly, managed immigration process and assimilation into this country, and we have a right now to not only control the number of people that are coming in, but the actual, you know, qualities and educational level and all of that --

RUSH:  By the way, folks, this is exactly what we do on the legal side.  We do all of this.  This is how we determine who legally gets in the country.  My point, Elizabeth, we're not even really talking about immigration in terms of what's happening.  It's a convenient way for the political class to make it an issue, but this isn't immigration that's happening.  There's no process being followed here whatsoever.  Everything, in fact, is being ignored and bypassed.  And I think that it's out of the control.  Do you realize that there was no immigration in this country from the early 1900s until 1964?

CALLER:  Yeah.  That's amazing.

RUSH:  We shut it down.  Do you know why we shut it down?  After the immigration you're talking about, the Ellis Island immigration --

CALLER:  Right.

RUSH:  -- we shut it down so that all those immigrants, those millions who wanted to come here and become Americans could assimilate.  We went 60 years or more with no immigration, folks.  It can be done.  The only reason that it started up again, Ted Kennedy started bellyaching about it in the mid-sixties, and then that led to Simpson-Mazzoli 20 years later, 1986, amnesty for about 3.9 million, and we were told that would be it, never again, and of course now we're where we are.

CALLER:  Right.  And if we don't control it, it changes everything.  It changes our language.  It changes our political system, our educational system.

RUSH:  Okay, but let me play devil's advocate with you.  Okay, well, who says we're the best?  Who says our language doesn't deserve to be changed?  Who says our economy doesn't deserve to be watered down?  It's not fair that we should have so much and so many should have less?

CALLER:  Because we have worked hard to achieve the standard of living that we have, you know, our kids go to --

RUSH:  No, we haven't.  It's just accidental.  It's just we the winners of life's lottery.  We haven't done anything special.  We're no better than anybody else.  And that's why we have no right to keep people out.  Look at what we did to the Indians. Look at what we did with slavery.  We have such a big debt to pay we need to let anybody come in who wants to come in.  I'm playing devil's advocate with you.

CALLER:  Yeah, I hear you.  And, you know, I just reject it. I just flat-out reject it because I know how hard I've worked.  I know how hard my grandparents worked.  I see what it takes and it's something that I'm not willing to just throw away.

RUSH:  I'll tell you what I see.  I go all the way back to the Founding Fathers.  I see the miracle of the founding of this country.  It is so special, it's so unique.  What needs to be emulated around the world is the United States.  The problem with this world is the unequal distribution of capitalism.  The problem with this world is that there isn't enough liberty and freedom.  The problem with the world is that not enough nations are trying to emulate what we've done.

Instead, the effort is to tear this nation apart.  And the problem is, we have people living here who are assisting in that effort for whatever misguided reasons.  But I go all the way back, your parents and great-grandparents, obviously what they did, the sacrifices they made, they had real hardship, I understand that. But man, the older I get I am more and more in awe of people in the military, and I am just indescribably in awe of the founding of this country and the miracle for everything that happened just to take place at the right time when it did.  I think it is a miracle and I think we're blessed.

CALLER:  Right.  And you know what it took?  It took courage.  And that's what we need now.  We need courage to stand up to this and not let it be destroyed.

RUSH:  Agreed.  And a lot of people need an infusion of confidence.  And a lot of people need to learn that there's nothing here to be ashamed of.  And even if you want to conjure up some things, they are not reason enough to rip this country apart, particularly under the guise of fairness or whatever.  It's destructive.  Thank you very much, Elizabeth. 


RUSH:  To Lincoln, Nebraska, we return to the phones.  This Lynn.  Great to have you here.  Hi.

CALLER:  Hi, Mr. Limbaugh.  I need your ideas on this.  I'd really like to hear what you think.  The gentleman who called earlier said that he doesn't think Trump should be in these debates, and I got to thinking about it, and I thought, you know, Trump comes across in interviews with Hannity and those guys really, really well in Trump Towers, but they made him look like an ass, Fox News did.  Megyn Kelly, I'm never watching her again after that.

originalRUSH:  Now, wait, wait, wait.  Hold it a minute, now.  I'm not being facetious here.

CALLER:  Okay.

RUSH:  Did Trump look like an ass or did they make him look like an ass?  It's an important --

CALLER:  They asked him terrible questions.  I wanted to hear his intellect.  He's a very smart man.  And they asked him stupid things like, you've been known to -- I don't know, about women or something.  But what I really want to know is, is what if he just puts on his own conferences after they do the debates and answers every single debate question and then maybe even starts inviting Ben Carson on with him?

RUSH:  Okay.  This is interesting.  If I understand what you're saying, they have the debate, Trump doesn't go, or he does, either one, let's say he goes, he goes to the debate, and the questions are the questions. And after the debate Trump does his own post-debate follow-up in which he brings Ben Carson, whoever else he wants on, with no moderators, or maybe somebody to police the thing, and then he takes the time to answer the questions that were asked without any time limits and without any interruptions. He pays for the time, they would cover it, and that way he gets his message across without having it shaded, shaped, flaked, formed, whatever, corrupted by other participants or media opinion or what have you.

I think if he did something like that -- I'll tell you this.  This debate coming up at the Reagan library September, it's gonna have an even bigger audience than the Fox debate had because of the Fox debate. There's so much talk about what happened in that debate and because they're happening rarely, you get two debates in 30 days, this next debate, the buildup to it's gonna be such that it'll probably have a bigger audience.

Now, I thought Trump would actually not play ball in the first debate.  I thought he would do his own rules.  But he decided to conform.  We saw what happened.  So you're the second caller here with an idea that Trump ought to do something to continue what he's doing as an outsider to differentiate himself.  If he goes to the debate then do a debate follow-up where he and maybe another candidate correct every mistake made. I can see that just going through the roof, frankly.

That's not a bad idea you've got out there, Lynn.  He can either do that participating in the debate or not.  He says, "I'm not gonna go this debate. I'm not gonna do. I'm not gonna lower myself. These people are pretenders. These people are idiots, why should I be there?  But I'll show up after the debate and I'll answer every question these guys asked. I won't miss anything, but I'm gonna do it on my terms, in my time frame."  (laughing)  (laughing) The network that fought to televise that, or maybe Trump would do himself.

Anyway, I wish I had more time right now to explore that, but I don't.  But that, Lynn, is conceptually intriguing.  And who knows where all this is going.  I mean, that's one of the great unknowns.  The one thing we do know is that it's going in a direction a lot of us have wanted it to go for years but it hasn't.  Now it is.  It's an opportunity, I think.

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