Author Topic: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters  (Read 2896 times)

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Offline NavyCanDo

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I suppose it’s no use getting angry at Donald Trump for his repugnant and ridiculous antics. He’s an impetuous phony with no integrity, and he’s just doing what impetuous phonies with no integrity do. It just so happens that he was lucky enough to be born wealthy so he can afford to seek attention by running for president, whereas the typical childish brat is relegated to sitting in the back of the classroom flicking boogers at the girl in front of him. That’s all Trump is really doing — political booger flicking —  the only difference is that he’s old, rich, and famous, with millions of admirers who proudly insist that a political booger flicker is just what this country needs right now.
To be clear, they are the ones I blame: Trump’s fans. I hold them responsible for this. And when Hillary Clinton is elected president because Republican voters decided to squander the best GOP field in decades by flocking to a cut-rate impostor in an expensive suit, I will blame them for that too. I’m frankly pretty tired of hearing even the harshest Trump critic make excuses for this shameless group of disciples. The apologists say Trump’s followers are just “frustrated” and “angry” and lashing out against the establishment. They say we shouldn’t be too critical of these folks, they’re just fed up and sad about things, the poor dears.

Yeah, I don’t buy it.

There isn’t any coherent connection between being mad and supporting a flagrant scam artist. It’s ludicrous to try and cure your anger by making everything worse; electing someone who personifies every single negative aspect of the modern American power structure. It’s perhaps common for people to get angry about one thing and react by embracing the extreme opposite of that thing. But in this case, Trump fans are allegedly angry about corrupt politicians so they’ve decided to support a corrupt businessman. They haven’t gone to the opposite extreme, they’ve gone from version No. 1 to version No. 1A. They’ve gone from worse to worst. They’ve gone from bad to a guy who is explicitly promising to run this country like an inept, tyrannical goon.
Sorry, that’s not an understandable reaction. It is not understandable to rip out your common sense and drown it in the bathtub because you’re frustrated. And when I endeavor to understand it, I see quite clearly that Trump devotees aren’t really angry at all, or at least that isn’t what primarily drives them. The real problem with the Trump Squad is that they don’t take the fate of this nation seriously. They are angry, yes, but in a bored, uninformed, disinterested way, like a spoiled prince who decapitates his servant for serving him cold tea. Beneath the frivolous rage is a gross immaturity. A lack of sincerity. A reckless disregard for their fellow countrymen.

You want angry? I’m freaking angry. I’m angry that my children will be raised in a nation overrun by people who treat the political process like a game show. I’m angry at the cheap, bogus populism that always tells us to lay the blame at the feet of politicians and shadowy corporate interests, but never at the doorstep of the ordinary folks who choose to put these mongrels in power.
I’m done playing along. I think it’s about time we consider the possibility that our country is run by bad people because we keep electing bad people. We. Us. Individual Americans. Individual Americans make horrible, stupid, shallow decisions on voting day, and thus our civilization continues its totally voluntary march over the proverbial cliff. Put aside the various hijinks and voter fraud that surely goes on, the fact remains that 65 million adults voted for Barack Obama on purpose this last election. He didn’t take the throne by force. We gave it to him, for God’s sake. And now we’re threatening to give it to Donald Trump.
Donald Trump. We are teetering here on the brink of national disintegration and in this hour of immense and profound consequence, millions of Americans hoist a showboating charlatan on their shoulders and appoint him savior. I’m far beyond annoyed. I’m disgusted. Let everyone else criticize Trump. I’m criticizing his supporters, and I make no apologies for it.

These people like “tough talk,” don’t they? In fact they love tough talk so much that they’ve made a Republican hero out a lifelong liberal Democrat all because he supposedly engages in it. These folks are allegedly so hungry for a “straight shooter” that they’ll settle for a trifling tyrant who dodges direct questions like he dodged the draft, flip flops on every issue, shies away from giving specifics on anything, hasn’t taken a substantive stand on hardly any topic, is too afraid to even list his positions on his campaign website, and generally offers the depth and insight one would expect from a stoned high school sophomore feverishly typing a lengthy comment under a YouTube video about the moon landing conspiracy. Trump fans are feeling such a desperate thirst for someone who “tells it like it is” that they’ve fallen in love with a carnival barker who tells it like it isn’t.

If that’s true, the Trump Club ought to appreciate everything I say about them. Yes, it’s highly critical, but blunt criticism is what they say they’re after. If they’re genuine then I expect, by the end of this piece, they’ll want to elect me president.

So let’s back up for a moment. Trump has now stooped to the level of making menstruation jokes, and his supporters have stooped to the level of defending it. Now, I don’t want to give off the impression of being repulsed by Donald Trump just because he said one repulsive thing. The truth, of course, is that he says repulsive things every day, but for logistical reasons I can only really be repulsed by one of them at a time. Beyond that, the bigger problem is that he says stupid things. And the bigger problem still is that he says dishonest things. And the still bigger problem is what he’s actually done and what he claims he’d actually do if elected.

No matter if he flies off the handle tomorrow and calls for the immediate execution of Charles Krauthammer, or finally just comes out and admits he’s scared of women, his mere statements will remain the less urgent matters. We should really be talking about how his policies on most issues are non-existent, and the ones that do exist are shallow, incomplete, and constantly changing, while the more detailed ones are neocon fantasies that would guarantee trade wars with Mexico and China, and oil wars in the Middle East.
Even if you go for that sort of thing — perpetual global conflict and all that — you ought to nevertheless take issue with Trump being a ratfink fraudster  and crony capitalist with deep ties to the mob, who drove four companies into bankruptcy, and who boasts about bribing politicians. And no Republican voter should be able to dismiss that this man self-identified as a Democrat, donated massive sums to far left liberals over the course of many years, and helped Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid ascend to power. Meanwhile, he’s been an overly litigious vulture who ties up the court systems suing for sport, and an anti-gun, partial-birth abortion advocate, who as recently as last Thursday endorsed socialized medicine as something that “works incredibly well.” His “signature issue” is immigration, but all he’s done in his life is make the problem worse by financing fanatical open borders politicians.

These are much more profound concerns than any piggish, idiotic remark he’s made. As is the fact that he’s a good friend of the Clintons and gave enormously to the Clinton Foundation, which would, if he were nominated, make for an unprecedented dynamic where the Republican nominee is tasked with criticizing a Democrat he just spent two decades lavishing with large cash donations and wedding invitations. He wouldn’t be able to raise a single question about Hillary’s judgment without raising a bigger one about his own.

Extraordinarily relevant matters, and any one of them would be, or should be, enough to disqualify him. But what he says is also relevant, if to a lesser degree. And it becomes all the more relevant when you consider his penchant for calling women dogs and slobs, and the fact that all Clinton would have to do in the general election is play that on a loop for three months and she’d win in a landslide (although she’d beat him even without it).

Trump surely added to that arsenal when he attacked Fox anchor Megyn Kelly over the weekend for committing the sin of asking him tough questions. Trump said that Kelly had “blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out her whatever,” an obvious suggestion that she was on her period. Sometime later, the Trump campaign put out a statement claiming he’d said “Megyn Kelly had blood coming out of her eyes and whatever,” and that the “whatever” meant “nose.” This is a blatant, bald faced lie wrapped in another blatant, bald faced lie. We know what he said. It wasn’t “eyes and whatever,” it was “blood coming out of her whatever.” We know he said this because it’s on tape and 50 million people have heard it.

Trump has spent days now lashing out at a news anchor all because she asked him a question he didn’t like, and it culminated with a comment beneath the dignity and intelligence of a shirtless frat boy, never mind an elderly billionaire who wants to be president of the United States. Some have given him credit for “sticking to his guns,” but for one thing, it’s not courageous to stick to your guns when you’re a 1,000 percent in the wrong. That’s called moral cowardice. And for another, like always, he isn’t sticking to his guns. He backed down by lying about what he said and what he meant. He stuck to his guns in the sense that he dropped the gun and hid in the bushes.

This is typical of Trump and his supporters. They hail him for being no-nonsense, tough, and unapologetic, even though such qualities aren’t admirable when they’re employed by a dishonorable megalomaniac, and in any case, he isn’t actually no-nonsense, tough, or unapologetic. He’s precisely the opposite of these things. He’s a sniffling, sobbing little weakling who locks himself in the bathroom and cries for two days straight whenever someone shoves him back. Even Trump’s own staff accuse him of being a thin-skinned narcissist who surrounds himself with suck ups because he can’t handle bad news.

When Trump fans ignore all of this, they are acting like groupies, not grown ups. They’re being about as principled as the middle school girls who complained of slander and conspiracy when Justin Bieber was criticized for peeing in a mop bucket at a restaurant. Incidentally, I’m convinced Trump could pull down his pants and urinate on the stage at the next debate, and his fans would stand and applaud with tears in their eyes. “Oh, that Donald Trump! What a brave man! Can’t no establishment keep him down! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!”
A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it. :Jonathan Cahn


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Re: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2015, 10:00:14 pm »
Wish I would have said that.

Offline aligncare

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Re: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2015, 10:30:55 pm »
I am reminded here of the proverbial saying, "politics makes strange bed fellows." In the beginning, I would never have anticipated Donald Trump entering the race and blowing the doors off of all the other candidates. Weird.

Offline NavyCanDo

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Re: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2015, 10:35:21 pm »
Wish I would have said that.

You did - just not in as many words. And I did, and most of the active members did. The minority that have not, are starting to come around, I can tell.  Except for one newbie with less than 400 post, who's arrogance is strangely similar to a guy that went by pissant on TOS.  Old timers will know exactly who I'm talking about.
A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it. :Jonathan Cahn

Offline aligncare

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Re: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2015, 10:48:30 pm »
I think you're being a bit over optimistic, Navy. I, for one, have not ruled out Donald Trump, yet.

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Re: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2015, 11:02:58 pm »
I think you're being a bit over optimistic, Navy. I, for one, have not ruled out Donald Trump, yet.

Donald Trump, with the help of the media,  has successfully shifted the conversation away from his dismal debate performance to the moderators. I don't blame him for doing that! I would do the same after a performance like that if I could.

He is also trying to insulate himself from ANYONE daring to ask him a tough question going forward. I pray that he isn't successful at that as well!  We'll see how it plays out.

I'm personally TIRED of TRUMP 24/7 so I'm going to bow out right here and now and let everyone else Trump themselves to death if they wish!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien


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Re: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2015, 11:18:17 pm »
Donald Trump, with the help of the media,  has successfully shifted the conversation away from his dismal debate performance to the moderators. I don't blame him for doing that! I would do the same after a performance like that if I could.

He is also trying to insulate himself from ANYONE daring to ask him a tough question going forward. I pray that he isn't successful at that as well!  We'll see how it plays out.

I'm personally TIRED of TRUMP 24/7 so I'm going to bow out right here and now and let everyone else Trump themselves to death if they wish!

It's a damn shame he got involved.  A knock down drag out between Jeb and all the rest would have been better.

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Re: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2015, 12:18:57 am »
You did - just not in as many words. And I did, and most of the active members did. The minority that have not, are starting to come around, I can tell.  Except for one newbie with less than 400 post, who's arrogance is strangely similar to a guy that went by pissant on TOS.  Old timers will know exactly who I'm talking about.

Wow .. Haven't thought about him for quite a while now.

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Re: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2015, 01:49:46 am »
You did - just not in as many words. And I did, and most of the active members did. The minority that have not, are starting to come around, I can tell.  Except for one newbie with less than 400 post, who's arrogance is strangely similar to a guy that went by pissant on TOS.  Old timers will know exactly who I'm talking about.
You're talking about a guy who supported Duncan Hunter in 2008. Somehow I don't see pissant as a Trump supporter.
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Re: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2015, 01:53:24 am »
You're talking about a guy who supported Duncan Hunter in 2008. Somehow I don't see pissant as a Trump supporter.


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Re: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2015, 02:08:53 am »
I think you're being a bit over optimistic, Navy. I, for one, have not ruled out Donald Trump, yet.

The article above is directed at you, aligncare.  And I say that with all due respect.

Donald Trump is a charlatan, an interloper, an imposter. He's a horrible human being, a misogynist, a man who can't resist trashing people who disagree with him.

I agree with others on this thread. We've got some great candidates but they can't get any traction because of the white trash who support Donald Trump.  They don't care what he believes or thinks or says. He's pissed, and that's their entire motivation in supporting him.

Lie down with dogs, get fleas, bud. You scratchin' yet?
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Re: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2015, 12:04:27 pm »
Extraordinary rant.  I loved it.

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Re: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2015, 12:38:50 pm »
Nice article. Complete mischaracterization of the facts, but, still a fun read.

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Re: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters
« Reply #13 on: August 11, 2015, 12:45:40 pm »
It's funny how moderates are now praising and loving The Blaze. Politics certainly make strange bedfellows.

Offline MBB1984

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Re: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters
« Reply #14 on: August 11, 2015, 01:08:31 pm »
Funny article.  It would appear written by a man with the menses.

The Republican party deserves Donald Trump.  During the midterms, there were countless speeches and promises to stop Obama and rescind Executive Action on Immigration and take all measures necessary to accomplish their objectives.  Immediately after the election, Obama stood firm and the white surrender flags were immediately raised by GOP.  Illegal immigration continued unabated.  Sanctuary cities flourished with no fear.  Soon thereafter, the GOP leadership carried Obama's sewage water on Trade, water that even democrats refused to hold.  Boehner even tried to punish Republicans that did not support Obama's position and power.  A radical left wing attorney general once again was approved with Republican approval.  Instead of challenging Obama, much of the GOP leadership in Congress has teamed and embraced Obama.  How many vetoes has Obama made recently?  These are the reasons Donald Trump is so popular. 

The GOP Rinos created Donald Trump.   Suddenly, they are in a mad rush to kill the monster they created.  Many Conservatives, armed with torches and pitchforks have decided to support the monster even against Fox News.  Donald Trump is not the right candidate for the GOP.  But, he has exposed the GOP weaknesses and true issues in this campaign, despite his distracting sideshows.  He has infuriated the media.  For all of those reasons, I applaud him.  Ultimately, I believe a more articulate candidate such as Cruz will take Trump's voters and press on the crucial and vital issues that Trump originally raised.

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Re: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2015, 01:13:17 pm »
It's funny how moderates are now praising and loving The Blaze. Politics certainly make strange bedfellows.

The Blaze is a website.

The writer (Matt Walsh) is a conservative blogger.
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Re: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2015, 01:29:32 pm »
Funny article.  It would appear written by a man with the menses.

The Republican party deserves Donald Trump.  During the midterms, there were countless speeches and promises to stop Obama and rescind Executive Action on Immigration and take all measures necessary to accomplish their objectives.  Immediately after the election, Obama stood firm and the white surrender flags were immediately raised by GOP.  Illegal immigration continued unabated.  Sanctuary cities flourished with no fear.  Soon thereafter, the GOP leadership carried Obama's sewage water on Trade, water that even democrats refused to hold.  Boehner even tried to punish Republicans that did not support Obama's position and power.  A radical left wing attorney general once again was approved with Republican approval.  Instead of challenging Obama, much of the GOP leadership in Congress has teamed and embraced Obama.  How many vetoes has Obama made recently?  These are the reasons Donald Trump is so popular. 

The GOP Rinos created Donald Trump.   Suddenly, they are in a mad rush to kill the monster they created.  Many Conservatives, armed with torches and pitchforks have decided to support the monster even against Fox News.  Donald Trump is not the right candidate for the GOP.  But, he has exposed the GOP weaknesses and true issues in this campaign, despite his distracting sideshows.  He has infuriated the media.  For all of those reasons, I applaud him.  Ultimately, I believe a more articulate candidate such as Cruz will take Trump's voters and press on the crucial and vital issues that Trump originally raised.

Yeah, you're right.

The GOP sucks.

They're horrible, worthless, spineless and the worst possible group of people ever assembled to govern the nation, with the exception of the Democrats.

Thanks to Trump and his cheerleaders you'll probably have four (or eight) more years of endless opportunities to blaze way at how the GOP sucks at stopping the government that the people of the U.S. elected because you and Trump helped convince them that the worst possible choice in government, is the government we deserve.

America will be a better place for your efforts.

Good job.
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Re: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters
« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2015, 01:34:56 pm »
Yeah, you're right.

The GOP sucks.

They're horrible, worthless, spineless and the worst possible group of people ever assembled to govern the nation, with the exception of the Democrats.

Thanks to Trump and his cheerleaders you'll probably have four (or eight) more years of endless opportunities to blaze way at how the GOP sucks at stopping the government that the people of the U.S. elected because you and Trump helped convince them that the worst possible choice in government, is the government we deserve.

America will be a better place for your efforts.

Good job.

The truth is that Donald Trump is 100% the creation of the GOPe that panders and lies to get elected and  as soon as the election is over it's business as usual again!

I hope they get a gut full of him!

And that is from someone who can see what Trump is and has no intention of voting for him! The truth is the truth!

"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

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Re: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters
« Reply #18 on: August 11, 2015, 02:15:11 pm »
The Blaze is a website.

The writer (Matt Walsh) is a conservative blogger.

A prolific one at that.  I have found in my internet travels, I am encountering him more and more.  I agree with much of what he has to say but more importantly, I find myself respecting his viewpoint enough to stop and read what he has to say.
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Re: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters
« Reply #19 on: August 11, 2015, 02:26:52 pm »
The truth is that Donald Trump is 100% the creation of the GOPe that panders and lies to get elected and  as soon as the election is over it's business as usual again!

I hope they get a gut full of him!

And that is from someone who can see what Trump is and has no intention of voting for him! The truth is the truth!


Another shill for Hillary.

"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx

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Re: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2015, 02:30:06 pm »

Another shill for Hillary.

Not shilling for anyone! Just stating the facts whether you like it or not!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

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Re: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters
« Reply #21 on: August 11, 2015, 02:31:49 pm »
Not shilling for anyone! Just stating the facts whether you like it or not!

Here are your options:

1. A REAL GOP candidate
2. Hillary

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Re: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters
« Reply #22 on: August 11, 2015, 02:32:44 pm »
The truth is that Donald Trump is 100% the creation of the GOPe that panders and lies to get elected and  as soon as the election is over it's business as usual again!

I hope they get a gut full of him!

And that is from someone who can see what Trump is and has no intention of voting for him! The truth is the truth!

It's difficult because Trump is such a con artist yet such a useful tool all at the same time, that you want him off the stage, but yet you don't.
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Re: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters
« Reply #23 on: August 11, 2015, 02:34:37 pm »
It's difficult because Trump is such a con artist yet such a useful tool all at the same time, that you want him off the stage, but yet you don't.

Yeah... but who's tool is he?
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx

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Re: I’m Not Angry At Donald Trump, I’m Angry At His Supporters
« Reply #24 on: August 11, 2015, 02:35:35 pm »
You did - just not in as many words. And I did, and most of the active members did. The minority that have not, are starting to come around, I can tell.  Except for one newbie with less than 400 post, who's arrogance is strangely similar to a guy that went by pissant on TOS.  Old timers will know exactly who I'm talking about.

pissant wasn't ESL, though.........   :smokin:
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