Author Topic: Mitch McConnell: Planned Parenthood Should Be Funded  (Read 1195 times)

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Mitch McConnell: Planned Parenthood Should Be Funded
« on: August 07, 2015, 05:03:52 am »
Grrrrrr! Spineless wimp.

Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-K) moved swiftly Thursday to shut down any possible conservative attempt to block funding for Planned Parenthood, the federally-funded abortion provider weathering a political scandal.

“There’s no education in the second kick of the mule,” McConnell said, referring to an attempt by conservatives to block government funding for ObamaCare. “We’ve been down this path before,” McConnell added.


Congress will have to authorize a new spending authorization for the federal government after it returns from the August recess. Conservatives have discussed defunding Planned Parenthood as a condition for keeping the federal government open.

McConnell is trying to head off that effort and reiterate his commitment to keep government funding open. “Yeah, we’ll fund the government. I can’t tell you what will finally end up in or out of any government funding resolution; I can tell you without fear of contradiction there will be no government shutdown.”

In other words, McConnell would rather a possibly criminal organization like Planned Parenthood continue to receive money from the federal Treasury than risk a bad news cycle.

McConnell explained that a vote last week seeking to defund Planned Parenthood allowed Senators to be “on record” against the organization.

That comment goes to the heart of the problem with McConnell’s leadership. He has picked up the mantle from Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
and runs the Senate through the prism of the next election cycle. For leaders like Reid and McConnell, having the opportunity, or pitfall, of being “on the record” with votes, which can of course be turned into campaign ads, is the standard by which Senate action is measured.

McConnell is basically saying that Senators have had a vote on Planned Parenthood, so there is no reason to risk a government shutdown to actually defund the organization. For McConnell, a vote against Planned Parenthood is the same thing as legislative action to hold the organization accountable.
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Offline aligncare

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Re: Mitch McConnell: Planned Parenthood Should Be Funded
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2015, 05:09:40 am »
What the heck is wrong with Kentuckians who voted for this schmuck to come back to the senate and torture us? We had a chance to get rid of that cadaver and they vote him back in!

Offline alicewonders

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Re: Mitch McConnell: Planned Parenthood Should Be Funded
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2015, 05:24:20 am »
What the heck is wrong with Kentuckians who voted for this schmuck to come back to the senate and torture us? We had a chance to get rid of that cadaver and they vote him back in!

I didn't vote for him ac.  I prayed about it and decided I could never vote for him again.  He's not good for the state, and he's not good for the country. 

But how do we get rid of him?  He's got a big money machine and he lies when he runs for re-election.  I think he'll be like Robert Byrd, they'll have to wheel him in and out of the Senate - long after he is already dead.


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Offline PzLdr

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Re: Mitch McConnell: Planned Parenthood Should Be Funded
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2015, 05:46:06 am »
And then putzes like the Big Mac and Boo Hoo wonder why Trump gets all the support he does.
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