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CPS Kidnaps 11 Children from Texas Homeschool Family
« on: August 05, 2015, 09:12:12 pm »

 - Medical Kidnap -

CPS Kidnaps 11 Children from Texas Homeschool Family
 Posted By Admin On    August 4, 2015 @ 8:34 am   In Headline,News |     7 Comments    

Rembis family in pjs
Rembis kids on Christmas Eve in new PJs – handmade by Mom. Source: Rembis family

by Health Impact News/ Staff

Claire Rembis was sick, and had to spend 3 days in the hospital. Her attack of pancreatitis paled in comparison to what happened next. The mom from Plano, Texas, came home to a nightmare that no parent should ever have to face. CPS came and took her children, all 11 of them, because a “well-meaning” couple, members of her oldest son’s former youth group, didn’t think that the 16 and 14 year olds could handle babysitting their siblings while their dad took the baby to the hospital to visit Claire.

Has it really gotten to the point where a mother cannot get sick without risking losing her children to the State?

The children were returned after a few days, because the removal on July 7, 2015, was reportedly illegal. However, the family is terrified because the CPS involvement opened the door to a long list of “services” ordered by the court – services which threaten to rip the family apart.

Family and friends consider these services to be invasive, unnecessary, and excessive.

However, if they fail to comply with these services, they risk their children being removed from their home again and placed into foster care. They are walking on eggshells as they desperately try to comply with the demands of the state – demands that some of their friends say “strip them of their parental rights.”

According to Claire, “they are trying to come after our homeschooling as they cannot find any reason for removal.”

Not only is their homeschooling under fire, but the social workers allegedly want her to discontinue breastfeeding their 3 month old baby.

They also have to find a house to move to, and move, by August 8, because a police officer who accompanied the social worker decided to phone the Rembis’ landlord and allegedly accused them of violating their lease. They received the eviction notice the day after the children were seized. When no lease violations were found, the landlord reportedly decided not to renew their lease. They still have to move.

Not OK With CPS for Teens to Babysit Siblings

During the course of Claire’s 3 day hospital stay, William Rembis, Sr., reports that there were two occasions during which he was at the hospital with his wife, and the baby was with him both times. He had no concerns about the ability of his older children to care for the younger children.

However, Marshall and Patty Parker, members of the church where the oldest of the children, Will, 16, formerly attended, did not believe that a non-adult could handle caring for that many children, as they testified in their affidavits submitted to the court. After allegedly coming by the house to bring food, they called CPS on the family.

Patty Parker: “The children are left at home alone and although the eldest is 16, being in charge of children as young as 2 and as many as 9 children is well beyond his capabilities.”

Will spoke with Medical Kidnap about the allegations. He believes that the accusations could be retaliation against him because he stopped attending that church, where he previously held a leadership position.

“Because I know how to do something that they can’t, apparently it makes it wrong for me to do it. I’m equipped to do this. I’ve grown up in a big family, and I know how this works. I know my siblings. I know how to work with them. I was able to take care of them just fine. It’s not that hard – if they’re hungry, get them some food. We’re able to manage it.”

Will Rembis with babies
Claire: “Will is especially good with the little ones. They just LOVE their Will :-) ! Source: Rembis family

Children who grow up in large families and/or with younger siblings typically know how to take care of the little ones. Even WebMD states that kids as young as 12 or 13 are often mature enough to babysit. (Source [1]) In the Rembis family, 3 of the children fit that bill, at ages 16, 14, and 12.

It certainly isn’t against any law for teens to be left at home with younger siblings. Yet, Child Protective Services charged Claire and William Rembis with physical neglect and neglectful supervision for leaving the older kids in charge during an emergency situation.

Allegations of Messy House

The other allegation by the Parkers, which social worker Jennifer Matthews took to the judge to get the order for removal, was that the house was messy. According to blog Cahnman’s Musings [2]:

CPS came to the house yesterday and looked in the windows. They were only able to see in to her twin girls’ room, which (as I can attest with only one girl) was messy. (Seriously, can you imagine someone judging the condition of your home based on the cleanliness of your 8 year old’s room?)

The Rembis family submitted photos to Medical Kidnap, which were taken the day that CPS took their children. The photos are shocking, after reading the allegations in Marshall Parker’s affidavit that the home looked like a “landfill.”

Rembis playroom and kitchen
Rembis family’s “messy” home, shortly before CPS arrived. Left: playroom. Right: kitchen. Source: Rembis family.

The order for the removal of the children was signed by visiting Judge Curt Henderson, while the sitting judge was on vacation. The sitting judge had reportedly previously denied the removal. According to protocols, the visiting judge reportedly should not have signed the emergency removal order without notifying the parents’ attorneys first. The apparent violation is believed to be the reason that the children were returned home.

Claire and William say that the allegations against them have no basis in truth, and there is no evidence to support the allegations. William says that social worker Jennifer Matthews got the emergency removal order because she lied to the judge, saying that the parents had both been gone for three days.

“The thing is – anybody can make an allegation. Their mission [of CPS] is to substantiate the allegation. They don’t even try to disprove them. Some of the allegations were really far-fetched.”

In the Rembis family’s video recording of CPS taking their children away.

Claire asks incredulously,

“They said we left them [the kids] for 3 days?”

William: “Yeah, that’s what they said.”

Claire: “Wow.”

Dramatic Escape From CPS by Oldest Teen

The Rembis family received word shortly before the arrival of CPS that they were coming to remove the children. They were terrified, but also devoutly Christian. The parents gathered their children to pray together and tell them how much they love them.

Will, the 16 year old son, tells Health Impact News that he has heard stories about the horrors of foster care, and he thought to himself:

“I am not about to be taken away by social services.”

He went to his room to get his shoes, but CPS arrived while he was still in his room. He grabbed his longboard and tried to get out the back gate, but it was locked. So he walked nonchalantly out the front door, where 3 or 4 police officers and some social workers were standing as the children were being herded out of the house.

He says that he tipped his head to some of the authorities in greeting, and then skated off right under their noses. Allegedly, the social workers later testified that they didn’t see him leave, but Will says that isn’t true. He said he took one look back toward the house, and some of the social workers looked right at him as he skated away.

He spent the next couple of hours hiding and darting between and behind buildings and bushes, escaping social workers who were trying to chase him down.

Once, he tried to go back to his home, and noticed a red Mercedes driving down the street. When the driver saw him, he made a U-turn and came after Will, but, again, he was able to elude the person whom he said was obviously a social worker.

The 16 year old stayed gone for a week, only returning after the other children were allowed to come home. He says that his parents didn’t know where he was, but he got word to them that he was safe.

(It would seem almost ironic that this resourceful teen is the same one that CPS and the Parkers accused of being incapable of caring for his younger siblings when his mother was sick?)

Kids Returned, But With Many Strings Attached


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Offline Charlespg

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Re: CPS Kidnaps 11 Children from Texas Homeschool Family
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2015, 01:21:15 am »
and  how much of this crap would continue
if some of these social workers ,suffered a permanent disability all of a sudden  :whistle:
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Re: CPS Kidnaps 11 Children from Texas Homeschool Family
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2015, 03:36:44 am »
16 and 14 year olds can't babysit?  What sort of looney-toon nonsense is that?

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Re: CPS Kidnaps 11 Children from Texas Homeschool Family
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2015, 03:55:18 am »
16 and 14 year olds can't babysit?  What sort of looney-toon nonsense is that?

I started babysitting when I was eleven years old - from babies to eight year old children.  I could change diapers, change them for bed, and even washed dishes and did a load of laundry on occasion.  Made a dollar an hour!

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Re: CPS Kidnaps 11 Children from Texas Homeschool Family
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2015, 12:05:25 pm »
16 and 14 year olds can't babysit?  What sort of looney-toon nonsense is that?
Exactly. As Alice said, girls (and some boys) younger than that have been doing it just fine for decades.
the social workers allegedly want her to discontinue breastfeeding their 3 month old baby
I don't even know what to say about this.  :thud:
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