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Life for Jews in Muslim-Occupied France
« on: July 12, 2015, 01:41:46 pm »
Life for Jews in Muslim-Occupied France

Anti-Colonialism is the Colonialism of Islam.

July 11, 2015
Daniel Greenfield
 Vanity Fair's piece on Jewish life in France under the shadow of Muslim terror and violence is flawed, but often compelling. Interestingly enough I believe that VF was one the first major US magazines to report on the situation back around 2002 or so. These days the media embargo has been mostly broken, but the story is still full of raw elements that won't be found in conventional media coverage.

It was Bastille Day weekend, and, on Sunday, July 13, he tracked the hundreds of protesters who rushed into the Marais, Paris’s historic Jewish quarter, stopping briefly at an empty synagogue on the Rue des Tournelles, near the Place des Vosges, and then racing, reportedly with iron bars, axes, and flags, toward the Rue de la Roquette, a boutique-and-café-lined street a few blocks from the apartment of Prime Minister Manuel Valls. Their destination was the Don Isaac Abravanel synagogue. Inside, the 200 worshippers—including the chief rabbi of Paris—heard the howls from the crowd, estimated to number about 300: “Hitler was right!” “Jews, get out of France!”

Only six police officers were assigned to be on demonstration duty that day. “We are waiting for the assault police to arrive,” one told a reporter at the scene. After an hour, a counterterrorism force rescued the chief rabbi, but everyone else was left inside, behind doors barricaded from the inside with chairs and tables.

Outside, members of a special security patrol and a dozen members of the self-trained Ligue de Défense Juive began chasing off the demonstrators with chairs and tables from nearby cafés, working with a small unit from the security force. Together, it took them three hours to disperse the crowd and safely evacuate the synagogue.

 We saw bits and pieces of this in video clips posted on social media, but this is a much more disturbing and comprehensive picture of what life is like for Jews. Particularly those Middle Eastern Jews who fled Muslim violence in North Africa only to reexperience it in France.

The analogy to Nazism is eerily accurate because a big chunk of German anti-Semitism derived from the civil rights that German Jews received through Napoleon. Middle Eastern Jews likewise only received legal equality with Muslims under French rule.

Now like their Nazi allies, Muslims are lashing out at Middle Eastern Jews for being an uppity minority group whose civil rights aligned with French conquest. And all of this is happening in France.

“Welcome to the most endangered synagogue in France,” Malka said as we entered a small driveway in Garges-lès-Gonesse, a suburb next to Sarcelles. “Look at that,” he said, pointing out through the windshield. “All day, they throw things—melons, garbage, rocks, and bottles.” Parked in front was a large silver van from France’s counterterrorism force, Vigipirate.

In Garges last July, a week after the violence on the Rue de la Roquette, a highly visible billboard advertising lollipops was modified with a large scrawl: PALESTINE WILL LIVE, PALESTINE WILL OVERCOME. COME WITH: MORTAR, FIRE EXTINGUISHER, BATON. DEMONSTRATION AT THE GARGES-SARCELLES TRAIN STATION. COME OUT IN NUMBERS! FOLLOW TO THE JEWISH QUARTER.

French authorities took action, and the pro-Palestinian demonstrations planned for the weekend, which clearly promised another wave of anti-Semitic violence, were forbidden. Yet nothing was done to stop them. On Saturday, July 19, thousands appeared in and around Paris, burning cars, attacking buses. By two P.M. the next day, a mob of hundreds crowded the narrow street by the Garges synagogue, and the first rocks had shattered the Star of David window. Hammers were taken to the lock at the gate; the marks were still visible when I visited in March. The police refused to move in. Ghozlan was alerted immediately but could hardly hear over what had become the standard rallying cry: “MORT AUX JUIFS!” Their next destination: the shopping center in Sarcelles and its large synagogue, two blocks away, another stop on Malka’s grim tour.

Ghozlan sent out a blast via text message: “Big emergency in Sarcelles. Stores are being attacked. Synagogue is being held by demonstrators. Police are not going in Sarcelles.” Within the hour, a pharmacy was in flames. Then hundreds raced through the central plaza toward a Jewish market and that too went up in flames. Then on to the synagogue. Ghozlan was furiously texting for every member of the Ligue de Défense Juive in the area to get to the synagogue and protect it, while advising the general public to “stay out of Sarcelles.”

News footage showed French police standing inert for almost two hours until reinforcements arrived with tear gas. (The previous day, the police had used tear gas and made 38 arrests.) With the help of the Ligue, they were able to push back the mob. Later, they would say they were waiting for authorization: France’s police are under strict instructions not to intervene without actual threats of violence. When the young people of the synagogue came outside, they began to sing “La Marseillaise” to thank the police for their rescue. Standing in the crowd, Malka saw several French police officers crying. “This should not be happening ever again in France,” one of them told Malka. Earlier that afternoon, Prime Minister Valls had laid a wreath during a commemoration of the 72nd anniversary of the roundup that sent more than 13,000 Jews from Paris to the Nazi death camps.

When I asked Ghozlan about this day, his eyes moistened. “I relived my childhood. In Algeria, the French said they would protect us. Then the mobs came and torched Jewish businesses and we had to flee.”
It is history repeating itself. Muslim anti-Colonialism is really racist violence in defense of religious and racial supremacy. That's all it was, whether in Algeria, Israel or France. Anti-Colonialism is the Colonialism of Islam.

The article also contains an interview with one of the hostages in the Kosher deli attack. Or as Obama dismissed it, "random folks in a deli."

The Muslim terrorist had stated, "I am here because the Prophet has given me an order." and "We understand the Koran. We understand the good and the right way.’ ”

He was also killed because he chose the wrong time to pray to Allah.

"Coulibaly had gone to a corner of the store to pray. When the counterterrorism squad sprayed bullets into the store, Coulibaly was killed instantly."
« Last Edit: July 12, 2015, 01:42:36 pm by rangerrebew »

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Re: Life for Jews in Muslim-Occupied France
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2015, 12:30:10 am »
[[ Life for Jews in Muslim-Occupied France...]]

There isn't going to be any...