Author Topic: Ted Cruz, angered by Obamacare ruling, tells ‘rogue justices’ to resign and run for Congress  (Read 335 times)

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Ted Cruz, angered by Obamacare ruling, tells ‘rogue justices’ to resign and run for Congress

  By Seth McLaughlin - The Washington Times - Thursday, June 25, 2015

Sen. Ted Cruz delivered a full-throated critique Thursday of the Supreme Court, saying that it is clear that the “rogue justices” that ruled in favor of Obamacare subsidies are “lawless” political foot soldiers that have joined forces with the Obama administration.

Speaking on the Senate floor, the Texas Republican and 2016 GOP presidential candidate said that if the “justices want to become legislators, I invite them to resign and run for office.”

The remarks came shortly after the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that the Obama administration is lawfully doling out Obamacare’s subsidies in dozens of states despite contested language in the law that sparked a legal battle with major political and economic ramifications.

“The Supreme Court willfully ignored the words that Congress wrote, and instead read into the law their preferred policy outcome,” Mr. Cruz said. “These judges have joined with President Obama in harming millions of Americans.”

He continued, “Those justices are not behaving as umpires calling balls and strikes. They have joined a team, and it is a team that is hurting Americans across this country.”

Mr. Cruz said the 2016 election will be a referendum on Obamacare, which he said is hurting millions of Americans.

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I couldn't agree more with Cruz, but unfortunately the polls show him at the bottom.  He can talk about the 2016 election being a referendum on Obamacare, but unless he or other conservative GOP candidates can come up with a clear cut alternate health care plan that they can sell to voters on the campaign trail; I fear we are going to lose.  The GOPe has FAILED to rollback Obamacare as they had promised.  In the past 2 days the SCOTUS has ruled in favor of liberalism.  Voters see it as we have the majority in the House AND Senate and not a damn thing has been done and in fact, things are worse now than they were before we held the majority.  What difference did it make? 

We have more than a year to go under this president.  We are seeing just the very beginning. 
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