Author Topic: 'Iran Supporting More than 100 Shiite Terror Groups'  (Read 352 times)

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'Iran Supporting More than 100 Shiite Terror Groups'
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:32:08 pm »
'Iran Supporting More than 100 Shiite Terror Groups'

A recent report in Al Hayat, one of the largest and most-respected pan-Arab dailies, charges that Iran is supporting more than 100 Shiite extremist organizations and militias in Syria and Iraq.

The newspaper, which is published in London and funded by Saudi Arabia, says the crimes of these groups are no less horrific than those of the Islamic State.

In Iraq, the Iranian-funded armed militias comprised of Persians have capabilities far beyond those of the Iraqi security forces. The paper quotes academics who commented that the purpose of these militias is to target the Arabs in Iraq, both Sunni and Shiite.

In the Arab world, there is anger that the international media is ignoring the atrocities being committed by these militias. Hussein Al Muayid, an Iraqi religious scholar and advisor to the general secretary of the Muslim World League, pointedly questioned why the media as well as political figures focus only on the activities of the terror activities of Sunni organizations.

Muayid claims such selective reporting serves to makes an implicit statement that the Sunni world is responsible for all the terror in the world.

In addition, while governments, experts and clerics issuing fatwas are refusing to give any aid to these Sunni terror organizations, Muayid says Shiite militias, which perpetrate the most horrific acts, enjoy the support of the Iranian ayatollahs, the highest religious authorities in Iran, and the financial and military support of the Islamic republic.

Western researchers and Arab analysts believe that Iran is supporting more than 50 militias in Iraq and another 50 in Syria whose atrocities are not less than those of the Islamic State.

The following is a list of most of the Shiite militias that are loyal to Iran and are active in Iraq:

1.       Gangs of the People of the Truth

2.       Companies of the Churasani Pioneer

3.       Battalions of the Lord of the Martyrs

4.       Noble Movement of Hezbollah

5.       Hezbollah Battalions

6.       Companies of Peace

7.       Corps of the Loyal Promise

8.       Bader Organization – Military Wing

9.       Brigade of Omar ibn Yasser

10.   Brigade of Assad Allah el Raleb

11.   Brigade of the Promised Day

12.   Battalions of the Supporters of Elhaja

13.   Battalions of the Sacred Defense

14.   Brigade of Elkariya

15.   Companies of Alzahra

16.   Brigade of Zu Elfakar

17.   Brigade of the Guarantors of Zainab

18.   Companies of the Supporters of the Belief

19.   Brigade  Al Muntazir

20.   Badar Special Groups

21.   Brigade of Abu Elfader Elabbas

22.   Movement of Al Jihad and al Bina

23.   Companies of the Public Defense

24.   Battalions of the Shiite Brigade

25.   Hezbollah the Rebels

26.   Battalions of the Anger

27.   Brigade of the Youths With Missions

28.   Hezbollah Battalions of the Missing Imam

29.   Battalions With the Direction of the Message

30.   Ashura Companies

31.   Battalions of Malek Elashtar

32.   Elabdar Movement

33.   Battalions of the Imam Ali

34.   Army of the Muktar

35.   Public Draft

36.   Elhamad Brigade

37.   Brigade of the Existing Imam

38.   Eladiat Brigade – Special Guard

39.   Movement of the Loyal Supporters of Allah

40.   Brigade of the 5th Special Guard

41.   Army of Elkarar

42.   Combat Division of Abba 

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