Author Topic: Serial Muslim Sex Offender in New York is Just Looking for a Wife  (Read 423 times)

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Serial Muslim Sex Offender in New York is Just Looking for a Wife

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On June 1, 2015 @ 9:01 am In The Point | 11 Comments

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Maybe he should try looking in Pakistan. That might pass for a ‘Meet Cute’ over there. If we had a working immigration system, Bassam Syed would be trying his techniques [2] for meeting women over in Pakistan. (via Religion of Peace [3])

Registered sex offender Basam Syed, busted Tuesday for pressing against a straphanger’s backside on an East Side subway, was somehow free despite 28 prior arrests — including four while on probation for a 2014 sex crime.

But his mom insisted Friday that her oft-arrested offspring is only looking for the right woman. “It’s not easy to find a wife and have kids,” she declared outside their Queens home. “She has to be a Pakistani. She has to be a Muslim girl.”

Syed, 35, was arrested after the grinding incident on a northbound No. 4 train. One year ago, he was found guilty of rubbing his genitals against the buttocks of another woman riding the No. 6 train.

His other arrests run the gamut from drug charges to burglary to tongue-kissing a 4-year-old boy.

“How is this guy on the street?” asked a police source. “Something’s wrong here.”

Here’s a better question, how is this guy in America.

The serial suspect’s mother insisted her son’s rap sheet didn’t give a true picture of Syed.

“He doesn’t need help,” she said. “Nothing is wrong with him.”

We’re the ones who need help. With our Bassam Syed problem.


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