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ISIS Denounces 9/11 Conspiracies
« on: May 25, 2015, 10:40:39 am »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

ISIS Denounces 9/11 Conspiracies

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On May 24, 2015 @ 8:40 am In The Point | 24 Comments

ISIS-leader [1]

Even Al Qaeda supporters had a somewhat confused position on 9/11 conspiracy, taking credit for the attacks while occasionally claiming that they were a CIA conspiracy. This wasn’t really a contradiction in the irrational mindset of the Muslim world where it’s easily possible to hold two contradictory ideas at the same time. Even Bin Laden stocked some 9/11 conspiracy books to better manipulate the American public in his messages.

But now ISIS has come out on 9/11 conspiracies and declared them to be Shirk or Idolatry. That like everything else gets you beheaded.

ISIS’ problem with 9/11 conspiracies is that some Muslims believe that they’re a CIA conspiracy and don’t want to join them. So ISIS takes the direct approach, as usual, by deeming it idolatry to credit the West, instead of Al Qaeda for the attack. Alongside glossy photos of the attack, which ISIS praises as a “beautiful raid”, there are denunciations of conspiracy theories.

If jihād operations – like those of September 11th – were carried out against the kuffār, they would claim these operations were conspiracies by the kuffār to justify their aggression against Muslims

If the mujāhidīn liberated territory occupied by the kuffār, they would say that the kuffār allowed them to do so because kāfir interests necessitated a prolonged war. If the mujāhidīn announced an Islamic state, they would say that the kuffār facilitated such so as to justify their continued interference in Muslim affairs. And so, according to these theorists, almost all the events of the world were somehow linked back to the kuffār, their intelligence agencies, research, technology, and coconspirators!

Then ISIS has to go and explain that they’re really not agents of Iran either. At one point ISIS sounds downright rational.

The attack was against America itself, and according to the conspiracy theorists, it was executed by the Americans! How many
 American officials would have felt themselves to be committing “treason” by knowing of the “conspiracy” and remaining silent? The reality can only be the obvious one – the definite truth – and that is that the mujāhidīn under the leadership of Shaykh Usāmah (rahimahullāh) carried out the blessed attack and thereby humiliated America in a manner it never experienced before.

The ISIS position against conspiracy theories of any kind is interesting insofar as Islamists in particular are defined by obsessive conspiracy theorizing. ISIS also tosses away the Freemason and Illuminati stuff that Muslim Brotherhood and its descended terrorists groups like Hamas are obsessed with. Even Osama was into it.

It’s a major break with conventional post-colonial Muslim lore. But those groups tend to operate as secret societies. ISIS no longer does. It’s a guerrilla army. And it’s calling for a conceptual shift among Muslims. And that’s not likely to happen because they need a fallback explanation for why ISIS will eventually fail. And the answer will involve conspiracy theories, rather than inferiority and corruption.

Conspiracy theories act as excuses for failure. The Muslim Brotherhood list in Egypt because it was conspired against. When ISIS loses, that too will be a conspiracy.

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