Author Topic: Muslim Who Honor Killed 3 Daughters Forcing Non-Muslims into Prison Prayer  (Read 521 times)

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Muslim Who Honor Killed 3 Daughters Forcing Non-Muslims into Prison Prayer

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On May 13, 2015 @ 12:03 pm In The Point | 32 Comments

hi-shafia-dec5 [1]

It’s hard to make a more obvious case for the death penalty than Mohammad Shafia.

Mohammad Shafia was a wealthy Afghan settler living in Canada who arranged to have his second wife and her son murder his first wife and three daughters (all of whom were married to him at the time, because Islam).

It was an ugly and brutal honor killing, motivated by his wife’s desire to leave and his daughter dating without his permission. And it predictably did not end even once a jury, despite the media apologetics for him, found Mo guilty.

Mohammed, a cheap bastard who refused to pay his legal bills [2] and haggled over a motel bill shortly after the murders, went on running things from [3] prison. Now he’s running the prison too [4].

After his first-degree murder conviction in 2012, Shafia took on a religious leadership role at the Kingston Penitentiary — the onetime maximum-security prison — organizing Friday prayers when the sole Imam permitted to minister to inmates in Canada was not available, according to Groves.

Groves said he was surprised to find Shafia leading the religious gathering Friday given that he had shown little remorse for the 2009 killings.

Why would he, his actions would have been let off with a slap of the wrist under the Islamic codes of many Muslim countries where honor killing is barely a crime.

Groves said he believes Shafia was “self-appointed” in his role in the prison, and said about 25 men gathered for prayers.

“They were not [all] Muslims but believed that they dare not refuse to attend Friday prayers,” he told the hearing.

“This form of intimidation is what one finds routinely with zealot extremists.”

Mo is not exactly the biggest thug on the block. Is he intimidating inmates through sheer force of personality or did he buy himself some muscle?

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[2] refused to pay his legal bills:

[3] running things from:

[4] he’s running the prison too: