Author Topic: CNN’s Brooke Baldwin Blames Military Veterans For Baltimore Riots [VIDEO]  (Read 267 times)

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CNN’s Brooke Baldwin Blames Military Veterans For Baltimore Riots [VIDEO]

Posted By Alex Griswold On 4:46 PM 04/28/2015 In | No Comments
While conducting an interview with Democratic Maryland Representative Elijiah Cummings, CNN host Brooke Baldwin questioned whether the violence in Baltimore had something to do with the amount of military veterans in the police department.

“Another thing that has to be done here, is we’ve really got to look at our police department,” Cummings began.

“But in what sense?” Baldwin asked. “We talk about training, we talk about having officers — I was talking to the city councilman here last week. He said, ‘Brooke, these people have to live in the communities… or there’s a lack of emotional investment.’”

“And a lot of these young people — I’ve been talking about this so much. A lot of young people — and I love our nation’s veterans, but some of them are coming back from war, they don’t know the communities, and they are ready to do battle.”

“Yeah they definitely need training,better training, and they need better recruitment,” Cummings agreed.

(h/t Breitbart)

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