Author Topic: Obama Backed Iran Over Saudi Arabia in Yemen Strikes  (Read 408 times)

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Obama Backed Iran Over Saudi Arabia in Yemen Strikes
« on: April 23, 2015, 09:11:09 am »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

Obama Backed Iran Over Saudi Arabia in Yemen Strikes

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On April 23, 2015 @ 12:22 am In The Point | No Comments

When the Saudis first began their air strikes against Iran’s Houthi Jihadis in Yemen, whose motto is Death to America, they reportedly did not notify the US because they suspected the information would leak to Iran. Publicly the administration claimed it was supporting the strikes. The Iraqi PM claimed otherwise and the administration denied it. Now a spun version of the truth leaks out via the New York Times.

The decision to calm matters now rests with them,” Mr. Jubeir told reporters at the Saudi Embassy here. He asserted that Saudi Arabia was curtailing its nearly monthlong strategic air campaign because it had ostensibly destroyed Houthi missiles, heavy weapons and aircraft that posed a threat to Saudi Arabia and the region.

The ambassador did not mention the intensifying international pressure, including from the Obama administration, to stop airstrikes that medical and relief organizations said were killing hundreds of civilians, and to lift an embargo on food, fuel, water and medicines that was contributing to a growing humanitarian catastrophe. But American officials and Middle Eastern diplomats privately acknowledged that was clearly a factor in the Saudi calculation.

Obama picked a side between Iran and the Saudis. He predictably picked Iran.

During the Arab Spring, the Saudis were allowed to get away with invading Bahrain to shut down an Iranian-backed Shiite uprising. But now Obama is much closer to Iran. Iran comes first.

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