Author Topic: Iraqi Prime Minister Says Obama is on Iran’s Side in Yemen  (Read 477 times)

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Iraqi Prime Minister Says Obama is on Iran’s Side in Yemen
« on: April 16, 2015, 09:57:46 am »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

Iraqi Prime Minister Says Obama is on Iran’s Side in Yemen

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On April 15, 2015 @ 9:56 pm In The Point | No Comments

An interesting, but unsurprising tidbit. Obama’s Arab Spring wrecked Yemen. The US is now closely aligned with an Iranian-backed regime in Baghdad. When the Saudis began bombing Iran’s Houthi Jihadist proxies in Yemen, they didn’t tell the US.

Supposedly the US is backing the mission, but the Iraqi Prime Minister is telling another story [1].

Mr. Abadi, who is in Washington seeking American military help in the fight against the Islamic State as well as billions of dollars to shore up his sagging economy, then suggested that the Obama administration agreed with him in his concerns about the Saudi campaign.

“They want to stop this conflict as soon as possible,” Mr. Abadi said. “What I understand from the administration, the Saudis are not helpful on this. They don’t want a cease-fire now.”

Obama Inc. is of course claiming that never happened.

The administration swiftly denied that President Obama had expressed concern about the Saudi air campaign during a meeting with Mr. Abadi on Tuesday at the White House.

“The president did not criticize Saudi or G.C.C. actions in Yemen,” said Alistair Baskey, a spokesman for the National Security Council, using the acronym for the Gulf Cooperation Council. At the same time, Mr. Baskey said, Mr. Obama had conveyed his view to the Iraqi prime minister “that this not escalate into a broader conflict and that ultimately Yemen’s conflict can only be settled through a political negotiation.”

That’s what Obama kept saying about Iraq until ISIS was marching on Baghdad. The Houthis already have Yemen’s capital.

So whom do you believe, if anyone?

Either Iraq’s PM told a lie to the press that he knew the administration would take back… or he was passing along what he was told. The latter is more plausible than the former since Obama’s Iranian alignment is something Iraq and Saudi Arabia appears to agree on.

It’s not just Israel that Obama is screwing over to aid Iran. It’s happening across the region. Obama has allied with Iran and alienated the rest of the region.

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