Author Topic: MSNBC Invites Illiterate Hamas Apologist to Denounce Republicans  (Read 357 times)

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MSNBC Invites Illiterate Hamas Apologist to Denounce Republicans

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On March 22, 2015 @ 11:09 am In The Point | 26 Comments

Welcome to MSNBC, the news network for sociology professors who go on screaming rants about the CIA giving Castro cancer.

This week MSNBC decided to invite on Yousef Munayyer of the Jerusalem Fund. Munayyer got into some trouble on Hannity when he refused to answer whether Hamas is a terrorist group. But MSNBC has been good to him allowing him to claim that the accusation that Hamas uses human shields is racist.

So MSNBC brought him back to denounce Boehner’s trip to Israel.

Executive director of the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation Youssef Munayyer said on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” that the Republican Party supports Israel because its base is “xenophobic, nativist, and at many times racist.”

If the Republicans were ‘xenophobic’, they wouldn’t support Israel. I’ll skip over the ‘racist’ line because it’s not even worth parsing from a guy who claims that human shields are racist.

But Yousef may be on to something here…

Definition of NATIVISM

1:  a policy of favoring native inhabitants as opposed to immigrants
 2:  the revival or perpetuation of an indigenous culture especially in opposition to acculturation

So Yousef Munayyer is claiming that Republicans support the indigenous Jewish population in Israel over the Muslim migrants and the revival of the Jewish indigenous culture.

He may have a point.

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