Author Topic: Young Russian immigrant starts a one-woman crusade to WAKE UP America  (Read 419 times)

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Young Russian immigrant starts a one-woman crusade to WAKE UP America

March 19, 2015 by Nicole Haas 111 Comments


A young immigrant whose family had lived a subjugated life under communism is taking action and urging fellow Americans to wake up.

Rita Makrusina and her parents immigrated to the U.S. when Rita was 11-years-old.

“We did it 100 percent legally,” she told The College Fix.

Rita’s family had little money, and the spare earnings her parents did muster while living in Russia were spent on English lessons for their daughter. Her family knew a much better life awaited them within the wide wings of freedom that existed in America.
Rita and her dad
Facebook photo of Rita and her dad.
When the opportunity to come to the U.S. finally arrived they needed to borrow money from a friend to pay for the citizenship process.

“To us at the time, $2,000 was like $2 million. We did not have it all. We borrowed from a friend,” Rita said.

The small family moved into a hotel and her parents got busy starting their own businesses. As for Rita, she worked diligently at school and eventually earned a full scholarship to the University of Southern California.

“I am very grateful to this country to get a higher education,” Rita said. “I believe I am the perfect example of the American Dream.”

No doubt, it will likely be a lonely road for this young Californian who lives in a sea of liberalism – but every noble cause must begin somewhere.

Rita said she’s seeing the American Dream fleeting fast under the Obama administration. She believes that America is starting to resemble the communist country that is all too uncomfortably familiar to her family.

“He is implementing programs that scream ‘big government, big government, let me help the masses, everybody should have this, everybody should do this, everybody needs to be this,’” Rita said.

“Excuse me. This is not a dictatorship, this is a democracy.”

Rita has decided to take her fight to the steps of the White House on March 31, where she’d like to host a peaceful demonstration.

She is trying to garner attention with a petition that not only urges her peers to vote in the next presidential election, but to wake them up to the fact that their freedoms are being eroded away every day.

Citizens of the United States,

In December of 2014, our National Debt passed the $18 trillion dollar mark. Class Warfare has been ignited between American citizens across the country. ISIS is slaughtering men, women and children without loosing any sleep over it. There is poverty and addiction on the streets. The President has not taken initiative to create positive policy.

America once worked, and it will work again. I believe if we come together and remind Barack Obama that family, safety, faith, health, and service are very important to the people of the United States of America, we will succeed…

Rita posted her petition to her Facebook page and admitted she has a ways to go in terms of support for her “wake up” event. Although according to The College Fix, she remains steadfast and unfazed.

Rita mentioned the family friend who had given them the money to come to America, has since passed away.

But not before Rita’s family fulfilled his one-and-only request in exchange for his generous contribution – he joined them for a barbeque in the family’s American backyard, with the “white picket fence” and everything.

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