Author Topic: Obama Allies with Iran Against Senate Republicans  (Read 438 times)

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Obama Allies with Iran Against Senate Republicans
« on: March 10, 2015, 09:21:05 am »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

Obama Allies with Iran Against Senate Republicans

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On March 9, 2015 @ 9:25 pm In The Point | 20 Comments

So we’ve heard about Obama teaming up with Iran against ISIS, but now he got Iran to join forces against a common enemy. Republicans.

Senate Republicans wrote a letter to Iran’s crazy leadership explaining that we’re a democracy, we have checks and balances (not consisting solely of Valerie Jarrett and an 8-ball) and that we don’t get all of our decisions made by a hateful old man in a funny hat.

In other words, any deal Obama makes with Iran will have to be approved of and supported by Congress.

Obama and Iran reacted to this about as well as could be expected from a power mad lunatic. Also Iran wasn’t happy.

“This letter has no legal value and is indeed just a propaganda ploy,” Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said.

Clearly the man has been getting his Media Matters talking points. Also Old Javad thinks that in the US, like in Iran, the only legal value comes from what the Supreme Leader says.

Obama tried to accuse Republicans of being bed in Iran… which is an awkward thing to do for a guy actually in bed with Iran.

The Supreme Leader of the Left whined that Republicans were allying with hardliners in Iran. Those would be guys more hardline than its Ayatollah-in-Chief who keeps shrieking, “Death to America”.

Those must be the guys who instead yell, “Death to America, but First Let’s Steal Their Orange Juice”.

But now that Obama has allied with Iran against ISIS and Republicans, all that’s left is to ally with Iran against Israel.

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