Author Topic: Obama Appoints Man He Fired for Hamas Contacts as Middle East Coordinator  (Read 356 times)

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Obama Appoints Man He Fired for Hamas Contacts as Middle East Coordinator

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On March 6, 2015 @ 4:44 pm In The Point | 12 Comments

The mask is really coming off now.

Let’s go back to 2008 when candidate Obama was trying to convince people that he wasn’t anti-American and anti-Israel. The problem was that he was surrounded by people who were both. So a few had to go under the bus. Like Robert Malley.

The Times of London reports that Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., has fired one of his foreign policy advisers — Robert Malley of the International Crisis Group — for meeting with the Palestinian group Hamas, which the U.S. State Department classifies as a terrorist organization.

“He was one of literally hundreds of informal, outside advisors,” Obama spokesman Bill Burton told ABC News, confirming the Times account.

Hundreds. Informal. Outside.

Then Robert Malley, who was meeting with Hamas on behalf of George Soros’ International Crisis Group, became one of the few formal inside advisers.

In February of last year, he became a senior director of the National Security Council. Now the sky is the limit.

Today, National Security Adviser Susan E. Rice announced that Philip Gordon, Special Assistant to the President and White House Coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf Region will be stepping down, and will be succeeded by Robert Malley, currently NSC Senior Director for Iran, Iraq, Syria and the Gulf States.

“There could be no better successor to Phil than Rob Malley, who is already one of my most trusted advisers and ideally placed to provide a seamless transition.  One of our country’s most respected experts on the Middle East, since February 2014 Rob has played a critical role in forming our policy on Iran, Iraq, Syria, and the Gulf.  I look forward to working with him in his new role.”

Maybe he can be the National Security Adviser next.

In 2008, Robert Malley had to be fired because his Hamas contacts disqualified him as an adviser. But now he’s qualified to be the Middle East Coordinator for the White House.

The Obamanites claimed that he was a minor informal figure with no real input. Now… it doesn’t matter anymore. As Obama has said, he’s not running for office anymore.

His pet Hamas guy is in the driver’s seat. And the apologists have nothing to say because the critics were right all along.

And here are some of the views of Obama’s new Security Coordinator for the Middle East.

“Making the Best of Hamas’s Victory”: In this March 2006 piece, Malley recommends that nations worldwide should establish relationships with, and send financial aid to, the Palestinians’ newly elected, Hamas-led government.

Writes Malley: “The Islamists (Hamas) ran on a campaign of effective government and promised to improve Palestinians’ lives; they cannot do that if the international community turns its back.”

“Avoiding Failure with Hamas”: This April 2006 article not only advocates international aid to the Hamas-led Palestinian government, but also suggests that a failure to extend such aid could trigger an environmental or public health crisis for Palestinians.

“Forget Pelosi: What About Syria?”: In this April 2007 piece, Malley advocates U.S. and Israeli outreach to Syria

“Containing a Shiite Symbol of Hope”: This October 2006 article advocates U.S. engagement with the fiercely anti-American Muqtada al-Sadr, the radical Shiite leader of the Mahdi Army in Iraq.

Don’t believe those crazy email rumors. Obama doesn’t hate Israel. He doesn’t support terrorists. Didn’t he fire that adviser of his when he found out about his Hamas contacts… before appointing him Middle East Coordinator?

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