Author Topic: Muslims at UK University Host “Dear White People” Screening w/No White People Allowed  (Read 279 times)

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Muslims at UK University Host “Dear White People” Screening w/No White People Allowed

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On February 21, 2015 @ 8:07 am In The Point | 12 Comments

We’re making so much progress so fast that I think we’re actually going backward in time. This story comes to us from the UK.

Last week, one faction of the union hosted a screening of the film Dear White People and advertised it as being ‘for BME students’. For those not au fait with this lingo, BME stands for ‘black and minority ethnic’ – and the poster specifies that this screening is for students of ‘African, Caribbean, Arab, Asian and South American ethnic origin’. The union’s welfare and diversity officer and education officer both reiterated this message on Facebook and Twitter, then stated that before the screening, there was a BME ONLY social happening at Cafe Natura.

Both of the BMEs, Bahar Mustafa and Sarah El-alfy, are Muslim. One even wears a Hijab.

So this is yet another case of Muslim settlers in Europe exploiting black issues in the US to promote their own brand of colonialism. The whole thing is doubly ironic considering that Muslims were the original slave traders in black people and that slavery still continues in parts of the world under Muslim rule.

We have the original racists using racism against white people to assert their own privilege while hijacking someone else’s history. But that’s the history of Islam in a nutshell.


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