Obama wanted ISIS and the 'levant' (as he calls it, which includes Israel). Obama wanted the caliphate and believes in all that 12th Imam horseshit.
The Arab Spring was supposed to be ISIS, only with Obama's BFFs in the Muslim Brotherhood running the show. Obama wanted Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Jordan, and eventually Turkey all under the domination of his crew the Muslim Brotherhood. The Arab Spring had nothing to do with freedom, as the toadies in the American media reported, it was the exact opposite of freedom as the people of Egypt quickly figured out.
It was about Obama taking over the M.E. by proxy with his Muslim Brotherhood. Fortunately, like everything Obama does, it failed.
I agree with most of this. I add this. I am inclined to think that ISIS was initially aided and abetted by our own covert forces, and every time any investigation gets close to disclosing that truth, it gets shut down. This suggests to me that Republican as well as Democrat hands are culpable.
I also think that we have a tendency to draw distinctions between Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban and the Muslim Brotherhood when they all represent factions of the same movement, which is Wahhabism. There are three key political movements: secular Sunni, Wahhabi and Shiite. The secular Sunnis until now have been the great enablers of Wahhabism. Jordan deciding to attack them could signal an end to that, but I don't think so.
The goal of Wahhabi terrorism is to draw us in. We should not take the bait without having strategic goals that are in our interest and achievable. There are two cancers: Wahhabi and Shiite. Why not let the two cancers fight each other while we sit on the sidelines, making sure they do not invade our space?
When Hitler was fighting the Russians it was a win/win for us. So long as ISIS fights Assad and the ayatollahs that is a win/win for us as well.