Author Topic: New York Times: Cuban Refugees Fleeing Castro Have “Cuban Privilege”  (Read 419 times)

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New York Times: Cuban Refugees Fleeing Castro Have “Cuban Privilege”

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On January 30, 2015 @ 11:56 am In The Point | 9 Comments

It’s that Cuban Privilege that’s the problem

Yes the people fleeing a murderous dictatorship with the clothes on their back are very privileged.

Read all about it from Ann Louise Bardach, a Hunter College grad with a degree in English who experienced great suffering once when she broke a nail.

According to Bardach, “Cubans have been the most privileged immigrants in the United States.”

“One answer is that the 2.1 million Cuban-Americans have been, until quite recently, a rock-solid Republican constituency. There is also a race and class issue. Unlike most of Central and Latin America, Cuba does not have a distinct indigenous population (the Spanish slaughtered almost all of the native Indians of the island). Hence those fleeing the Castro regime in the 1960s and ’70s were almost entirely white, educated and middle or upper class.”

Exactly the kind of people we don’t want. They work for a living. They put back in more than they take out. They don’t buy the New York Times.

Mind you, Bardach is protecting a regime that repressed non-white minorities, but consistency isn’t a lefty thing. Besides racism is okay if you’re a lefty dictator. That’s Lefty Privilege.

“Word, and worry, has spread that the two pieces of legislation that make up the Cuban Privilege might not be around much longer.”

Thank goodness. Now we can get more illiterate criminals who go on disability as soon as they arrive.

Then Bardach goes on to claim that Rubio and Cruz are too white and need to end Cuban privilege if they want to be president. Or you know, we could put Bardach on a raft and send her to Cuba to stay. I’m sure she would find work.

Cuba would get fresh leftist talent and the air in America would smell just a little less tankie.

This demented rant about the privilege of being a poor refugee comes to you from a newspaper owned by a wealthy family that uses it to promote its own agenda.

Can we start discussing Times Privilege? What About Social Justice Warrior Privilege? How About good old Media Privilege?

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