Author Topic: Obama Empowers Iran; Hezbollah’s S. American Jihadi Cells & Argentina’s Murdered Prosecutor  (Read 462 times)

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Obama Empowers Iran; Hezbollah’s S. American Jihadi Cells & Argentina’s Murdered Prosecutor

 Adina Kutnicki   Adina Kutnicki — January 28, 2015

IT is impossible to quantify the amount of danger facing America and Israel – the west in toto and as to the Argentinian Prosecutor’s very suspicious death – the following linkages are more than germane. Explosive.

By Adina Kutnicki

GEO-POLITICS operates at warp speed, but its moving parts are rarely understood for what they are. Rather, too many (until recently) have relied upon their leaders (political and media-based) to “set the strategic record straight.”

GRAVE error.

IN this regard, there is little more pressing than stopping Iran from gaining nuclear weapons, irrespective of any obstacle. And for those who believe that the threat is “only” to Israel, think again. Agreed, wiping Israel off the map is their absolute plan, but destroying America is on their target bank too.

BUT to ensure that this existential point is duly cemented, please refer to what Israel just uncovered: satellite images reveal new long-range Iranian missile and launcher! In other words, said missiles are NOT required to strike Israel, but they are target-worthy for America. Bull’s eye.

NEVERTHELESS, first and foremost, Israel’s leaders are duly sworn to eliminate threats, whether near or far. In this regard, PM Netanyahu has a spotty record of accomplishments. Said details were delineated (at a global interview), immediately after this summer’s war with Hamas “ceased”. No sense re-working that wheel.

NOT only that, but PM Netanyahu’s spineless tethering to Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s “rebels” has catapulted ISIS into Israel proper! Don’t believe it? Well,here is the poop and scoop.

ACUTELY, in regard to the existential threat from Iran, PM Netanyahu failed miserably, despite ordering proxy strikes here and there. His inability to abide by his own “red lines”, those which have come and gone, is beyond the pale. As such, let’s place our cards on the table: in the main, he caved. He opted to leave the gravest threat to Israel in the hands of an Islamist POTUS, but now he is attempting to walk back his spinelessness by pleading before Congress!


TRUTH dare be told, back in Dec. 2012 (5 months into this site’s inception), it was painfully obvious that PM Netanyahu’s much ballyhooed U.N.”red line” graph was nothing but a cartoon-like drawing. Meaningless.


MORE pointedly, in Feb. 2013, PM Netanyahu’s worthless “red line” exposed thesymmetry between Washington’s gambit to halt N. Korea’s nuclear program – a game of cat and mouse – with Iran’s. Parallels.


EVEN so, it doesn’t take a strategic master to figure certain moves out: Obama is Israel’s enemy and an avowed Islamist. Incontrovertibly, he is committed to Israel’s destruction, thus, exposing PM Netanyahu’s fatal flaw – relying on him to “take care of business.”

OMINOUSLY, as a shadow war plays out on Israel’s northern border – between Israel, Iran, Hezbollah and Syrian/ISIS agents – it is astonishingly obvious that PM Netanyahu has NOT learned his (tunnel digging) lessons.

AS a matter of record, just as Hamas dug a labyrinth of explosive tunnels right under the IDF’s nose in Gaza – PM Netanyahu ordered them to play deaf, dumb and blind – so too Iran’s proxy pawn, Hezbollah, is tunneling its way underneath northern Israel!

Israeli settlements along the border with Lebanon have almost given up. They even made recordings of the digging sounds right under their homes, but even this did not convince anyone in the IDF that Hezbollah is digging tunnels.

So let me tell you. The Hezbollah is digging tunnels. Very rapidly. Just like the IDF did not know how many assault tunnels there were in the Gaza Strip, they also do not have a clue as to what’s going on right under its nose along Israel’s northern border. Ego issues? Lack of means? No, just being stubborn. It would take an incident before they would actually believe those living right on the border with Lebanon.

An army which pulls its own soldiers out of settlements along the border with Gaza, won’t believe their digging tunnels right under the border with Lebanon either.

CAN you believe it? Do.