Author Topic: Al Sharpton Demands Investigation Into His Leaked Viagra Prescription Found At Accused Rapist’s Home  (Read 546 times)

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Al Sharpton Demands Investigation Into His Leaked Viagra Prescription Found At Accused Rapist’s Home

Happy birthday, Reverend Al – hey, you forgot your Viagra prescription!

At the center of an investigation into the sexual assault of a top official at Sharpton’s National Action Network, is a prescription for little blue pills police found at the scene of the alleged crime. The pills were Viagra and the prescription was for the Reverend Al Sharpton.

A prescription for Viagra, not a bottle, issued to Rev. Al Sharpton was found in Rubenstein's apartment, a police source said.Reverend Al isn’t accused of doing anything wrong, but Sandy Rubenstein, a 70-year-old lawyer who was just cleared of rape charges, was accused of preying on an unconscious 42-year-old woman, a top official in Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, in his Upper East Side apartment in October.

During an investigation into Rubenstein’s home, officials found a prescription for Viagra issued in Sharpton’s name, a police source told the Daily News.

From the NY Daily News:

A shocked Sharpton initially said he was unaware of a doc’s note for the little blue pill that treats erectile dysfunction.

“I don’t know anything about that, no, I don’t know anything about that,” Sharpton said, after a speechless second.

But he roared back a moment later, accusing the source who leaked the detail of trying to embarrass him with a smear campaign and saying he would demand an investigation.

“I am not saying what I do or don’t do, I’m not going to invade my privacy for some cop,” said Sharpton. “I have no knowledge of what was in (Rubenstein’s) apartment. But it’s not uncommon for men of all ages to use certain things…

In the meantime, Sanford Rubenstein was accused of raping a woman at his Manhattan home following the Rev. Al Sharpton’s star-studded 60th birthday party at the Four Seasons restaurant in Manhattan. Attendees included Mayor de Blasio, Gov. Cuomo, director Spike Lee Aretha Franklin and Rubenstein – Sharpton’s friend and personal lawyer.

The woman has filed a civil suit now, claiming she was the subject of a “violent, perverted and cruel attack by Sanford Rubenstein” while she was “unconscious and thus unable to give consent.”

The NYPD investigated the case as a third-degree rape, meaning the victim was “incapable of consent.”

Sources said that indicated the 42-year-old woman who made the accusation was unconscious when the rape occurred — and the woman said she woke up after a boozy night to find Rubenstein having sex with her.

Attorney Keith White leaves the Manhattan DA’s office while covering Sandy Rubenstein’s accuser’s face.

The accuser had bruises on both arms and vaginal bleeding after spending the night in Rubenstein’s $7 million apartment, said the woman’s lawyer, Kenneth Montgomery.

The attorney later said that Rubenstein might have fed his client marijuana-laced cookies that left her feeling “foggy,” a claim that was strongly denied by Rubenstein’s legal team.

After an investigation that saw interviews with 48 people, including Rubenstein and the accuser, prosecutors said Monday afternoon they concluded there was no case. Rubenstein — who won multimillion-dollar settlements against the NYPD in the 1997 police assault on Abner Louima and the fatal 2006 shooting of Sean Bell — denied any wrongdoing from the start.

Rubenstein has been front and center in many of the city’s most shocking police brutality cases, including the Louima case – settled in July 2001 for $7.1 million – the largest police brutality payout in city history at the time. The Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association paid Louima an additional $1.6 million as part of the settlement.

With Sharpton’s backing, Rubenstein also represented the family of Sean Bell, a 23-year-old man who died in a hail of police bullets outside a Queens club on the morning of the day he was to be married in 2006.

That case, settled in 2010, resulted in a $7.15 million payout to Bell’s estate and two other victims.

It came as no surprise when Rubenstein was tapped to represent the family of Eric Garner, the 43-year-old Staten Island man who died in July after a police officer put him into an apparent chokehold while he was being arrested for selling loose cigarettes.

Rubenstein is a regular presence at National Action Network’s Harlem headquarters.

Al Sharpton has referred to the legal ace as “Brother Rubenstein” and even though they’ve been friends for over 20 years, the Reverend was quick to throw him under the bus before the attorney was cleared of the charges:

Sharpton also bid goodbye to “Brother Sanford,” a friend and associate of almost two decades. Sharpton described Rubenstein’s behavior, whether criminal or not, as “disrespectful to our movement.”


Asked for comment Monday, a rep for Sharpton’s national Action Network said, “The accuser is and remains a member in good standing of our National Board of Directors. We will refer the District Attorney’s decision to the general board before we have any further response or comment.”

Brafman says Sharpton owes his client an apology.

“Sandy Rubenstein was a very, very successful lawyer before Al Sharpton and he will be after Al Sharpton. You’ve heard the expression ‘no justice no peace,’ well, give credit to Al Sharpton for the peace, but Sandy went into the courts and got the justice,” he said.

“If it’s time to Sharpton to choose sides and he should choose Sandy Rubensteins’ side … Sharpton owes Sandy Rubenstein an apology.”

What a tangled web we weave. What’s more repulsive, this story – or the fact that all those high-powered, important people are showing up to a birthday party for Al Sharpton?