Author Topic: Liberals Threaten To Sue Rec Center For Showing Fox News  (Read 319 times)

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Liberals Threaten To Sue Rec Center For Showing Fox News
« on: January 17, 2015, 12:18:10 pm »
Liberals Threaten To Sue Rec Center For Showing Fox News

By Brian Anderson, January 16, 2015.

This story just doesn’t make any sense. Liberals are so accepting of other people’s point of view and tolerant of different beliefs. Okay, maybe not. In any case, a Michigan couple is threatening to sue an Ann Arbor recreation center because Fox News is shown on some of the TVs. has the scoop:

Ypsilanti Township residents Dave and Sue Weber argue a county-run facility is no place to be showing what they consider offensive, right-wing political propaganda.

They said they started going to the county’s recreation center on Washtenaw Avenue last fall and were dismayed to see Fox News show up on four of the 12 television screens in the cardio area during election season.

Holy crap! 4 out of 12 TV had Fox News on? This is an outrage!

They also have been offended by attacks against President Barack Obama and Democrats, and they say there’s no programming offering a counter viewpoint.

As it turns out, the volume is off on all of the TVs and other programming is available like HGTV, The Weather Channel, and ESPN. The channels the TV’s are tuned to is based on rec center patron requests.

The couple complained to facility director Jon Keith, but they said asking him to change the channel only resulted in a lecture on how the liberals at CNN are trying to take away his gun rights. They said Keith also has denied their requests to switch one of the TV screens to a more left-leaning news channel such as MSNBC.

I think I just detected a liberal lie. The couple requested to have the channel changed to MSNBC and the evil conservative director gave them a lecture about CNN? I’m calling BS. Get your story straight libs.

Bob Tetens, Washtenaw County’s parks and recreation director, said Fox News is on the channel lineup upon request by users of the center. He said he would have no objections to putting MSNBC on one of the screens, though, and he said he finds it hard to believe Keith reacted the way the Webers say he did.

See, I’m not the only one that thinks they’re full of crap.

“They have blown this way out of proportion,” Tetens said of the Webers, who have aired their grievances publicly before the county board and parks commission, claiming the situation constitutes “viewpoint discrimination.”

“They have threatened to take legal action against us. They have threatened to go to the ACLU,” Tetens said.

Viewpoint discrimination is pretty funny, but get ready for the ultimate in liberal hypocrisy:

The Webers have drafted a petition they’re ready to circulate if the county doesn’t cease all Fox News broadcasts inside the center.

“As taxpayers and paying members of the Meri Lou Murray Recreation Center, we request the removal of Fox News, and any other partisan political news programming from our public facility,” the petitions states.

Okay, so they are threatening legal action if the partisan political news programming of Fox News isn’t removed, but they want super-liberal MSNBC shown on the TVs at the rec center. In other words, they don’t like Fox so nobody should be allowed to watch it and on the other hand, everyone should be forced to watch MSNBC because they like it. If that doesn’t sum up the liberal mindset, I don’t know what does.

The sad thing is, the ACLU would absolutely get involved in a case like this. They won’t defend a gun owner against unconstitutional infringements, you know actual civil rights violations, but they sure as sh*t will force a rec center to stop showing Fox News.